Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2357: It's easy to enter the temple!

Ling Tian turned around and looked at Liu Zhao and others who were walking towards him.

Before, Liu Xian, who was beaten up by himself on the mountain road, was among them.

"Okay, the scar is forgotten to hurt!? I waste myself, do you want to find someone to vent your anger?"

Ling Tian hugged his shoulders and looked at Liu Xian.

"Who find someone to vent their anger!?"

Then Liu Xian was immediately embarrassed and not easy, "You are worthy of my brother!?"

"He is the Holy Land Immortal Monarch now, what are you!?"

Ling Tian shrugged, "Oh roar, Holy Land Fairy, it sounds so powerful, why, want to trouble me!?"

He looked at Liu Zhao.

The latter raised his eyebrows, but did not get angry because of Ling Tian's verbal collision.

It's because of the gap.

Liu Zhao is the king of the county, although he had already entered the Holy Land three years ago, so he is not considered to be the arrogant of this generation.

However, at that time, Liu Zhao's status was not known how much higher than Liu Xian's.

He is of high authority, even the three princes and Liu Zhaoer must give face.

Nowadays, it is even the holy land fairy king of the Ministry of Finance.

The natural **** body, among the fairy light, the five immortal swords are suspended, born as a kendo, and the talent of martial arts is among the top in the holy land.

He is a holy land fairy king, how can he be angry because of Ling Tian! ?

For Ling Tian, ​​he was simply disdainful.

Even if it was, Ling Tian had already created a lot of miracles, and he was really strong.

But so what! ?

He Liu Zhao didn't even care about Feng Jixing, let alone Ling Tian.

"Hehe, I don't want to trouble you. If you want me to do something to you, you must first become the Holy Land Immortal Lord, but this is even more impossible. You have no chance to become the Holy Land Immortal Lord of the Criminal Ministry."

Liu Zhao led people forward and looked at the magnificent temple in front of him.

"This is the most sacred place in Jixia Holy Land. You are not qualified to enter."

But Ling Tian didn't speak, and the others said, "The county king, there was a new disciple yesterday, and he has already entered."

"What!? Who!?"

Liu Zhao was immediately taken aback.

Not only him, even Ling Tian's trio frowned slightly.

Under what circumstances, a newcomer entered yesterday. Could it be that there is also a temple order in hand? "

Could it be said that the temple order that the old Xing guy gave him this day is not a rare thing?

"Yes, Zijin and Qu Shenyou."

"Ling Tian entered through the side door and defeated the temple puppet."

The voice fell, and everyone raised their eyes, and they saw that on the door of the side door of the temple, there were two names shimmering with dim light.

It is Zijin and Qu Shenyou.

Among the newcomers, some have already entered the temple, and there is more than one.

"Hehe, it turns out that I entered from the side door, what shall I say?"

After hearing this, Liu Zhao's face improved a lot.

The temple is divided into the partial hall and the main hall.

There are many side halls, and the speed and resources of cultivation within them cannot be compared with the main hall.

Although it is also difficult for newcomers to enter the Piandian, after all, you must first defeat the temple puppet guarding the fifth-order Immortal King's battle power in front of the Piandian.

This is nothing to the Holy Land Immortal Lord, but Zijin and Qu Shenyou are just newcomers, and they already have this level of combat power, which is a bit surprising.

The younger generations of this year's newcomers are really tyrannical, no wonder they have to compare with the holy land Xianjun and others.

However, unable to enter the main hall of the temple, it is as difficult for a newcomer to catch up with the **** of the holy land.

Liu Zhao sneered and looked at Ling Tian and others, "Oh yes, you can also try to enter the partial hall, where you are still qualified to enter, ha ha..."

Having said that, Liu Zhao glanced at the crowd and stepped into the main entrance of the temple.

"Xianjun Jinbu Holy Land, he should have half a year of temple time left, just to use it to prepare for the Saint Ratio in half a year."

"Yes, half a year from the outside world, within the main hall of the temple, is equivalent to twenty years, and the gap with other Tianjiao will get bigger and bigger."

"It is also possible for the Partial Hall to enter the main hall, but it has to pass many tests."

Others talked.

At this time, after Liu Zhao entered the temple, Liu Zhaoer, Shen Yin and others also arrived.

As the holy land newcomers, they are not holy land immortal monarchs, and they don't have a temple order in their hands, and they can only try to enter from the partial hall.

Fortunately, even in the side hall, the time flow can still be controlled at about 30 times, and the resources are much better than the outside world. For the remaining half a year, practicing in the temple is undoubtedly the most economical and the fastest. Quick choice.

"Minmin, Luo Yan, you can try Piandian, the fifth-order immortal king, if all the combat power erupts, it may not be impossible."

Ling Tiandao.

Zijin had the ability to enter the Partial Palace, Ling Tian believed it, but that Qu Shenyou could also enter it one step earlier, but it was beyond Ling Tian's expectation. It was indeed within half a year that he wanted to come to Qu Shenyou. There was a great opportunity. Although they were very low-key on the climbing road yesterday, Ling Tian knew that with the pride of Qu's wandering, he was definitely waiting for the day of Saint Bi's.

He will not admit defeat.

Feng Qixi, Zuo Xianzhi, Na Chi Yan, Tiandaomen Cold Wind and others also came, and together they chose to enter the palace gate.

But soon, with the exception of Liu Zhaoer and Shen Yin, almost no one could hold on for three breaths under the puppet of the side hall.

It is also extremely difficult to enter the partial hall.

Zhao Min and Luo Yan entered the gate of the Partial Hall together. After a dozen breaths, they still didn't see it.

This makes many people raise their eyebrows slightly.

Is it so tyrannical! ?

Finally, Ling Tian moved.

But it is different from everyone else.

Ling Tian's figure flew by and went straight to the main entrance of the temple!

Ok! ?

This scene undoubtedly surprised many people.

What, doesn't Ling Tian still understand the rules of the temple! ?

You can't enter from the main entrance if you are not a holy land fairy.

"Hehe, this guy is really arrogant, why, now he is not the Holy Land Xianjun, do you want to enjoy the treatment of the Holy Land Xianjun!?"

"There is a thunder curse set by the master in front of the main entrance. If it doesn't meet the requirements, it will be sanctioned!"

When Liu Xian Chiyan and the others saw Ling Tian head straight to the front door, they thought he was stimulated by the previous Liu Zhao and wanted to break into it.

As a result, Ling Tian would definitely be severely injured by sanctions.

"No way, Ling Tian seems to be accustomed to being proud. After being scorned by Liu Zhao, he can't bear such grievances."

Someone sighed, Ling Tian's character was simply too hard.

Sooner or later is to be broken off.

However, soon, everyone's gaze was immediately sluggish when Ling Tian took out a golden token and placed it on the front door.

It wasn't until Ling Tian flashed around and entered the main hall smoothly for a while, Liu Xian, Chi Yan and the others opened their mouths, not knowing what to say.

The throat is as uncomfortable as being stuffed with chicken feathers.

"It's a temple order!"

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