Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2381: Peerless Warriors

With the sound of the piano still the same, the artistic conception became stronger and stronger, the emperor Chenglong, radiant, and even a horrible aura swept from a distance, the color of the situation changed, the aura of the endless world fell down, Ling Tian still sitting cross-legged, immersed Among them, peerless elegance.

Many people looked at him with a silly look.


A clear sound came out, and Song Yin's piano sound was finally overwhelmed and stopped abruptly.

The string broke, blood was spit out, and the guqin was dyed red!

The whole person bleeds directly from the seven orifices and flies upside down.

Confronting such an emperor's song is a blasphemy against the emperor.

No one can match the song of this battlefield.

Song Yin was defeated just like that.

The top Tianjiao of Dajin Xianguo, who studied under Qin Xian Liu Rushi, had superb piano skills, but he was defeated in Qin Dao.

It was defeated by Ling Tian, ​​who had never been known as a sacred place for his piano music.

If you attack with piano sound spells, it is naturally incomparable. However, this competition is Ling Tian’s rule of Taoism. Song Yin is proud of only the piano art, especially on the piano road. So he tried the piano with the piano and wanted to use it. Extraordinary piano skills, crushing Ling Tian.

He has been doing very well, and he has not insulted his reputation as a great arrogant, but he finally couldn’t bear this song, even if he tried his best, he still couldn’t catch up with the artistic conception of that music until he was exhausted and his mood was traumatized. , The string is cut off and hurts.

Everyone naturally understood what this meant, which meant that Song Yin was defeated on the Qindao.

This time, he took the pride of Dajin Tianjiao, one of the four great immortal kingdoms, and he first entered the holy land of Jixia. He wanted to use the music of the piano to overwhelm the Emperor Jiuge and gain a reputation.

But he didn't expect that even Ling Tian could not pass.

Ling Tian came out as a newcomer, questioned the rules of Taoism, and initiated discussions with those holy land immortal monarchs. He said that apart from the realm, he did not think that he was inferior to the holy land immortal monarch in any aspect, and he did what he said. Yes, kendo, archery, palm skills, and the way of fire all let the opponent admit defeat.

But now, on the Qin Dao, even Song Yin, who is known to have done the best in the Jin Dynasty, is defeated in his hands. What a demeanor.

Looking at the figure who was still playing Fuqin, many people lost their eyes. Since Ling Tian entered the Jixia Holy Land, there have been some rumors about him, and he even dared to pester Emperor Jiuge.

His enemies are all over the Chu country.

So, what about now?

Even in the face of everyone, still calm.

Ling Tian used nearly perfect talent to prove that in this Jixia Holy Land, he alone was the most dazzling star.

Zijin looked at Ling Tian, ​​there was a slight fluctuation in those bright eyes, and she felt that she couldn't see this person clearly.

Feng Jixing's face was pale. Before, it seemed like a joke. It turned out that Ling Tian was so strong in the way of piano sound.

No wonder I can talk to Di Jiuge.

He suddenly felt that he was a little inferior.

Is this Ling Tian really his nemesis?

Shen Yin looked at Ling Tian, ​​he felt that the light on Ling Tian's body was a little dazzling, making him uncomfortable and desperate.

Perhaps, this time above Saint Bi, he really has no way to compete with Ling Tian.

The gap is too big.

Qu Shenyou, Wang Chen and others also looked at Ling Tian, ​​and the shock at this moment seemed even stronger than the battle on the mountain. The people he faced were no longer newcomers, but sacred monarchs. .

Since they came to the Holy Land, they have been extremely low-key.

Although Qu Shenyou has gotten a lot of opportunities this year, and his combat power has improved by leaps and bounds, he even has the confidence to defeat the Holy Land Immortal Monarch.

But I have to admit that Ling Tian still feels tricky now.

Many newcomers who started with Ling Tian only feel that there is a faint flow of blood in their chests, this is the real peerless elegance.

This song made him the only place to discuss the Tao in the Holy Land.

Zhao Min stared at Ling Tian with clear eyes, with a slight smile on his face. That guy is so good-looking, she really likes Ling Tian like this, it's fascinating.

Zuo Xianzhi's expression was very calm, and she was the only one who could be so calm, no matter what Ling Tian did, he would not be surprised.

Because this is her master.

When Master is playing the piano, he is unparalleled in the world.

He was born to be like this, in the midst of the ten thousand people, enjoying the glory of all.

Even in Jixia Holy Land, it is the same.

The extremely terrifying sound of the piano fluctuates, and the earth-shaking celestial phenomenon in the sky still has not dissipated.

Ling Tian was still playing.

At this time, he seemed to be immersed in this artistic conception. Now he is no longer competing with Song Yin, but he feels a resounding power.

For a long time.

It's really been a long time since Ling Tian played the piano so seriously.

At this moment, Ling Tian's distance became the Immortal King, but it was only a thin line apart.

And Qin Wang's breaking the formation is really the inner portrayal of Ling Tian now.

When did the invincible soldiers of the Great Qin Immortal Kingdom do the same, along with the song of the battlefield, lashing out at Fang Qiu?

Not only Ling Tian, ​​but also on Xiyue Peak, including the six masters and Luo Ji, everyone felt this power. They looked up at the thousands of horses, gods of war and dragons on Xiyue Peak. Exclaimed in my heart.

"Listen to this song, it's worth noting that I came to the Holy Land once, okay, okay, okay!"

Luo Jilian said three good words, even though he was laughing.

His granddaughter's vision is really amazing!

But at this moment, above Xiyue Peak, another piano sound suddenly sounded, and at the moment when this piano sounded, an aquatic dragon suddenly appeared on Xiyue Peak.

"Is the piano sounding the dragon again?"


"It's actually possible to use the piano sound to manifest the dragon in Ling Tian and other unparalleled piano sounds. The art of the piano sound is equally terrifying!"

Nowadays, Ling Tian’s piano music has become even louder, resounding through the world, thousands of troops and horses resonating, erupting with incomparably bright brilliance, in the void, but that’s it. Above Xiyue Peak, a wonderful piano sound suddenly sounded. , Yu Lingtian resonated, making the sound of the piano spread all over the world, spreading towards the distance, triggering more intense fluctuations.

Complement each other! ?

This is not fighting Ling Tian, ​​it is more like fighting Ling Tian side by side in World War II.

"Look at the elephant on the day, two dragons stand side by side, and they are also a **** of war!?"

"It's the goddess of war!"

"It's more like a country lord!"

Many people's hearts trembled.

They raised their heads to look at the void, and in that magnificent celestial phenomenon, they had reached the peak, as if they were performing an ancient battle for everyone.

But, whose piano sound is this so comparable to Ling Tian?

The madly roaring army is still there, and the celestial phenomena are getting bigger and bigger, resounding through the sky and the earth, one after another, their eyes fall on the platform, looking for the source of the piano sound.

"Look, it's Di Jiuge, she's playing the piano!"

Someone exclaimed.

Everyone's eyes turned to Di Jiuge.

At this time, the Emperor Jiuge closed his eyes and fuqin.

Wushuang Qin's sound can resonate with Ling Tian.

The two performers Qin Wang's Po Zhen's song together, shocked this song to the extreme.

At this moment, the twin emperors are in the sky.

No one can match.

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