Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2382: It’s not a simple saint than [four more]


After a long time, Liu Zhaoer uttered two words gently.

Finally, the sound of the piano faded and the sky disappeared.

Ling Tian opened his eyes, got up and put away Qingxiao crane tears.

"Hehe, you are very good."

He looked at Di Jiuge.

In the end, Ling Tian hadn't expected Di Jiuge to be able to ensemble with him.

Under the blessing of Di Jiuge, his piano sound has been sublimated again.

Even now, Ling Tian's piano sound attainments were stronger than before.

"It's just to promote piano skills."

Di Jiuge only said a word, and then put away Canghai Longyin, got up and left Xiyue Peak.

Did you leave like this?

It seems that I don't want to give any false thoughts.

Ling Tian ignored Emperor Jiuge.

This woman has a weird relationship, and he won't care about her until he can suppress her with complete certainty.

Walking to the edge of the platform, Ling Tian picked up the Bi Tianfeng.

"Ling Tian, ​​that Guqin belongs to Yuan Qing, I will give you my Cangjiang Yeyu, and Bi Tianfeng will leave it behind!"

Song Yin's clothes were stained with blood, and said hurriedly.

If Bi Tianfeng had been taken by Ling Tian today, and Yuan Qing would return, he really didn't know how to explain it.

"Haha, change!?"

"Your broken piano, I still look down on it."

"Bi Tianfeng is playing pretty well, my disciple's violin should be changed too!"

Ling Tian picked up that Bitianfeng, returned to the Xing Department, and threw it directly to Zuo Xianzhi.

Everyone was shocked at this scene.

Ling Tian doesn't want such a precious piano! ?

In other words, Ruben is the guqin for Zuo Xianzhi!

Zuo Xianzhi was blindfolded, watching Bi Tianfeng blowing in his hand, not knowing what to say.

You know, among the human races, there are only twenty-four pieces of this Guqin.

At least, in today’s holy land, there is no guqin that can compare with it,

But Ling Tian gave it to himself! ?


There was thunder in Zuo Xianzhi's eyes, did Ling Tian spoil himself too much.

"Haha, practice the piano well, at least catch up with that Emperor Jiuge, our team needs you!"

Ling Tian squeezed Zuo Xianzhi's face.

Then, he looked up and down Xiyue Peak.

"Now, there should be no one. I want to talk about the Tao!?"

The sound rolled away.

But at this moment, no one speaks anymore.

Streak winning streak.

Today's discussion on Tao has become a stage for Ling Tian alone.

"No, then I'm leaving."

Ling Tian greeted, and everyone was about to leave with the wind on Qixi Festival.

"Ling Tian! Don't be proud, when Yuan Qing comes back, you will be the one who will cry!"

Song Yin was unwilling to say: "Do you dare to offend Yuan Qing, above Saint Bi, you will definitely die!"

"Hehe, I really want to know what kind of character this Yuan Qing is!"

"I still said the same thing, Yuan Qing came back, let him come to me personally, want his name to crush me, he is not worthy!"

Ling Tian gave Song Yin a cold look, and everyone flew away from Xiyue Peak.

After Xiyuefeng discusses the Tao.

The Holy Land became extremely quiet.

All the holy land immortals, who were humiliated by Ling Tian one after another, began to frantically increase their combat power with only one month left from Saint Bi's.

If this kind of humiliation is not brought back, Saint Bi, they won't even want to raise their heads.

Xing Department, in front of Tian Xing Cave.

Ling Tian looked at the two-story attic in front of him, nodding slightly.

This was built by Zhao Min and Luo Yan, and it was much more exquisite than the thatched cottage where the old man had thought about it next to him.


At this time, a voice suddenly remembered from behind.

A terrifying fairy king is coming.

Everyone changed slightly, and they were all over, only to see the great teacher Luo Ji, who manifested from the void, and walked down.


Luo Yan's face changed.

Grandpa comes in person, is it because he wants to go back?

"Junior Ling Tian, ​​visit Taishi!"

When Ling Tian's eyes rolled, he nodded and bowed.

The teacher came in person, and it was himself.

Shouldn’t it be Xingshi’s question?

"Luo Yan is because of you, he will break with me!?"

However, Luo Ji's gaze suddenly became cold and fixed on Ling Tian's body.

"Grandpa, it's not Ling Tian's cause, it's my fault!"

Luo Yan hurriedly said.

She knows Grandpa's temper. If he is not happy, then Ling Tian will not survive even if he is strong.

"Hehe, who said you were wrong!?"

"Not bad, no wonder Nightmare can abandon the Tianjiao team I arranged because of you, you really are much better than them!"

"Come on, let's talk alone."

A smile suddenly appeared on Luo Ji's face.

Changing face, so fast.

He didn't ask for Ling Tian's opinion, turned around and left the Criminal Department.

"Ling Tian, ​​my grandpa has a weird temper. Be careful."

Luo Yan reminded.

"Ok, I know!"

"wait for me!"

Ling Tian nodded, and then chased after him.

Master Luo took Ling Tian and flew directly away from Chaoge Mountain and onto the Yunzhou of the Luo family.

"come in!"

Luo Ji walked into the Yunzhou Hall.

Ling Tian followed behind, and he didn't know what Luo Ji was going to say.

"You... are a soaring warrior!?"

Unexpectedly, when Luo Ji spoke, he just asked.

Ling Tian frowned, "That's right."

"Oh, as far as I know, in the past hundred years, for some reason, there have not been many warriors who have soared."

"I don't know, where did you come from?"

Luo Ji asked again.


"Huh!?" Luo Ji Dangji frowned, his face was very surprised, "Nantang? Do you know Mingyue Immortal King?"

"Mingyue Immortal King..." Ling Tian nodded, "very familiar."

"Oh, no wonder, no wonder!"

Luo Ji paced in the hall, which seemed to confirm something.

"In the Southern Tang realm, Tianjiao came out in large numbers. We don't know what happened in this realm. Unexpectedly, you are also from Southern Tang."

Luo Ji suddenly looked at Ling Tian, ​​"You are sure of this Saint Biography!?"

"How many people are there to enter the Palace of the Immortal King?"

Ling Tian asked back.

"Sanby contributed ten places, plus three princes, the princess is not in the list."

Luo Jidao.

"Is there only ten places?"

Ling Tian thought for a while, "I can guarantee six places."

"Hahaha, so confident!?"

Luo Yan looked up to the sky and smiled, "Do you know, where will the Saint Biography be held this time?"

"I know, it's Emperor Qingxiao's suspected grave."

Ling Tian nodded.

"It seems that Luo Yan really believes in you, even this, I told you."

Luo Ji shook his head.

"But since you know that you are in the Qingxiao Emperor Suspicious Tomb, you should understand that there is no good place, and that place is not only known to me and the Master."

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows, "Where is the suspicion? Will the dark demons intervene?"

"Human, heaven, demon, junction."

"It's not just the Dark Demon clan, we can't guarantee that no other clan Tianjiao will enter it. The most threatening one is actually the Celestial Fairy Monarch!"

Luo Ji said solemnly.

Ling Tian took a deep breath.

Sure enough, this Saint Ratio is not as simple as I thought!

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