Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2383: Above the triple sky

\"Hehe, Mo Yuan, it's been a long time, I don't know, Sect Master Yuan, how is it now?\"

Lin Tian smiled.

\"Master is very good, let's talk in another place, here, it is not very safe.\"

Mo Yuan nodded.

\"Okay, let's go.\"

The two left Chaogeshan again.

Mo Yuan took out a set of formations and shrouded Ling Tian and himself.

\"Isn't that so?\"

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows, this Mo Yuan was also too cautious.

\"As for.\"

Mo Yuan smiled faintly, \"Either you or me have a big secret, so naturally you have to be more cautious.

\"Well, where did Brother Mo Yuan go with Sect Master Yuan back then, why are they now in the immortal world?\'

Ling Tian wanted to ask about this a long time ago.

\"Hehe, don't Brother Ling still know which way we are?\"

Mo Yuan is straight to the point, \"We are the messengers of Tianzun. After completing the task in the lower realm, we are naturally going to return to the realm of Taoxian.\"

\"In other words, before we went to the lower realm, we were already immortals in the upper realm.\"

Ling Tian pursed his lips, \"So that's the case, then I want to know, since you are not my way, why do you help me in this way?\"

\"Or I want to ask, how much do you know about my life experience?\"

\"I don't know more than you. Now, there are old people from that era around you. They didn't say, we naturally won't talk too much.\"

\"As for why to help you, this is naturally Tianzun's order. He does not say the reason, and we are not qualified to ask.\"

\"However, as far as I know, the reason Tianzun let us help you is also because of your special status. As for the special status, I am afraid that this immortal world knows who you are, but only a few people. Even Emperor Wu is hard to know.\"

\"Not only that, but I also know that there is a big man behind you, who is very good, even Tianzun takes it very seriously.\"

\"With him, don't worry, no one can get you in this fairy world.\"

Mo Yuan smiled.

\"The big man behind me?\"

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows, \"You mean, Jun Tian?\"

\"Haha, yes, but I am not qualified to call the predecessor’s name directly.\"

Mo Yuan nodded.

\"Then you may have seen her?\"

Ling Tian asked.

\"Hahaha, I'm just a mere fairy, how can I be qualified to meet such big people?\"

Mo Yuan shook his head and laughed, "Brother Ling knows something, such big figures like Tianzun are the existence of Wudi beyond the immortal realm, so they are not in the immortal realm."

\"Not in the fairy world? Where is that?\'

Ling Tian was full of doubts.

Mo Yuan pointed to the sky, "There are three heavens in the immortal world, Emperor Zhun can be in the second heaven, Emperor Wu is in the third heaven, and Tianzun and seniors are both above the third heaven."

\"If you don't enter the emperor, you won't be able to go to the triple heaven.\"

\"Well, I don’t know where Sect Master Yuan is now? If I have a chance, I would like to visit his old man.\"

\"Master is in the Celestial Clan now.\"

\"Tianzu?\" Ling Tian was surprised, but he really didn't expect it.

\"Yes, now, the master is the dean of the academy under the palace of the Emperor Haotian of the Heavenly Clan, and there are countless arrogances under his family, and Zijin is the youngest disciple of the master. This time, we were also sent by the master to come down. "

\"Oh, it turns out that Sect Master Yuan is in the Celestial Clan, and you are all from the Celestial Clan^\" Ling Tian pondered.

\"Yes, but we are not a Celestial warrior, and all of Master's disciples are also Human races. The reason why we practice in the Celestial Academy is because the resources of the Celestial race are good enough, and Master is cultivating strength for the Human race. \"

Mo Yuan said.

\"Oh, this time Sect Master Yuan asked you to go down the mountain for me?\"

He didn't think it was a coincidence that Mo Yuan and Zijin appeared in the Holy Land.

\'Yes, Master asked us to wish you a fairy king? \'

\"Of course, we must rely on you to become a fairy king. After all, you are a great lucker, follow you and have meat to eat!\"

\"Okay, thank you very much.\"

Ling Tian nodded.

The questions that should be asked are also finished.

Ling Tian returned to the Ministry of Water, exchanged greetings with Zijin for a while, and then returned to the Tianxing Cave.

Ling Tian did not choose to retreat, but sat cross-legged in front of the Tian Xing Cave, waiting for Saint Bi's arrival.

Also, Yuan Qing, the so-called Holy Land Immortal of the Criminal Ministry!

However, until the day of Saint Bi's arrival, all Tianjiao came out in the retreat, but the Holy Land Immortal of the Criminal Ministry still did not return.

This made Ling Tian a little disappointed.

Is it possible that this legendary monkey of the Criminal Ministry will miss Saint Bi?

\"Boom boom boom!\"

The holy place bell rang.

What followed was an awe-inspiring voice.

\"Holy Land Tianjiao, to the top of the holy mountain!"

The sound fell, and flew into countless bright rays from all directions of Chaoge Mountain.

These lights are extremely dazzling with fire, phoenix and thunder and lightning.

It is all Tianjiao disciples of Qibu.

Today is the big day of Saint-Bird, and the Saint-Mountain has ten places.

The winner can participate in the palace battle and enter the palace of the fairy king.

So as to obtain the qualifications of that line to become the fairy king.

For this quota, they can even give everything.

Swipe it!

The holy land immortal monarchs of all parts have descended on the top of the holy land.

Among them, Liu Zhao from the Jin Department, Du Can from the Fire Department, and the Feng Ji Xing from the Lei Department are all listed.

However, today, one month later, their aura seems to have become stronger.

Among them, Liu Zhao and Du Can have changed the most!

Obviously, they were abused and defeated by Ling Tian, ​​and the blow to them would be great.

Therefore, in the past month, they have been desperately improving their cultivation base, just to be above the Sacred Ratio and to give Ling Tian a good look.

In addition to a few great holy land fairy monarchs, the other descendants of the holy mountain, Tianjiao, are also particularly dazzling.

Liu Zhaoer from the Tubu, Zijin from the Water Ministry, as well as Qu Shenyou from Leibu and Zhao Min Luo Yanfeng on the Qixi Festival can all be seen. In the past month, the combat power has improved a lot again.

However, after a long while, when almost all of the Holy Land Tianjiao reached the top of the Holy Land, everyone did not see the two figures in the Holy Land.

Di Jiuge and Ling Tian!

Among them, Di Jiuge is recognized as the No. 1 combat power in the Holy Land, and Ling Tian, ​​even the Holy Land Immortal King, is a powerful competitor for this time.

However, it was already a cup of tea time since Zhongming, but the two of them were still missing.

"What's going on!? That's all about Emperor Jiuge. Does Ling Tian still want us to wait for him to fail?"

All the six masters arrived, but Ling Tian was not seen, and the fire master was immediately unhappy.

"Disciple of the Criminal Department, you know Ling Tian, ​​why hasn't he come yet?

Master Lei Bu looked at Zhao Min and Luo Yan, and said coldly.

Not only other people, but Liu Zhaoer Feng Qixi and others also looked at Zhao Min and Luo Yan.

They also didn't know what Ling Tian was doing.

"Ling Tian said, he is going to meet someone."

Luo Yan opened his mouth and said coldly.

"Welcome!? Who!"

Everyone looked at each other, but now it is Saint Bi's big day, but he is going to welcome others, who can be worth it! ?

Where to welcome! ?

"It's the monkey who is back."

However, just when everyone was astonished, from the temple behind him, a figure pushed open the door of the temple and walked out slowly.

This person has the bones of the fairy wind, the fairy king's light wings flapping behind him, and his eyes are shining with divine light, as if he can understand the world.

If Ling Tian saw this person on the top of the holy mountain at this time, he would be surprised.

Because this figure is exactly the old sweeping man he saw when he first entered the temple!

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