Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2384: Yuan Qing returns


When the six great masters saw the old man, they instantly looked respectful and bowed deeply, not daring to neglect.

"Disciple, see the Master!"

And the descendants of Tianjiao on the top of the holy mountain were shocked in their hearts.

They came to the Holy Land for so long, but they had never seen the Master before.

With the arrival of Saint Bi, they finally saw the legendary Master of the Holy Land, Master!

This strong man, whom the Lord of the Kingdom of Chu has respected, now seems to be really powerful and terrifying!

"Well, no need to be polite."

The master came to the crowd.

"Master, is that monkey coming back?"

"We thought that he was going to miss the Saint Ratio."

Several masters looked at the Master and said.

"Haha, missed Sanby? How could it be?"

"Look, he has arrived!"

The Master chuckled lightly, and immediately looked towards the distant sky.

Everyone followed their gazes, but they never noticed anything unusual.

However, they did not dare to doubt it.

Because this person is the master.

His cultivation is extremely powerful, and he can naturally sense something before everyone else.


Sure enough, at this moment, among the distant mountains and the earth, a roar suddenly came to mind.

The voice seemed far away, but it was earth-shattering.

Everyone seemed to feel that the whole earth was shaking.

"what is this!?"

Such a roar of thousands of miles can not be caused by ordinary people.

"It seems to be... a monster?"

Master Leibu frowned.

"Yes, it's regrettable the black ape, the monster race alien!"

The master nodded.

At this time, everyone finally saw that a huge and incomparably black ape came out from the mountains in the distance.

The black ape was two thousand feet tall, and his whole body was as shiny as black iron. He walked over the mountains with his huge soles.

It's like a mountain.

"Xingbu Lingtian, where is it!?"

At this time, from the direction of the black ape, there was a roar.

The sound wave roared to the extreme, from a distance, has been shaking to the holy ground.

"This is Yuan Qing!?"

A newcomer who had never seen Yuan Qing was surprised.

Could it be that Yuan Qing is not a human race?

"No, Yuan Qing is on the shoulder of the black ape."

But Feng Jixing had a pair of eyes flashing with thunder.

He would not fail to recognize Yuan Qing.

Yuan Qing is a human race, this black ape should be his mount!

After just a few breaths, the black ape had already arrived in front of Chaoge City.

Every step can crack the ground.

At this time, everyone finally saw clearly that on the shoulders of the black ape, stood a black and thin human fairy, holding a dark iron rod in his hand, with a sharp-mouthed monkey cheek, looking extremely ugly!

This is Yuan Qing? !

"Hehe, find me!?"

When everyone was surprised, Ling Tian's voice also sounded between heaven and earth.

In the next moment, everyone saw a green bull with the same size of a thousand meters, appearing at the bottom of Chaoge Mountain.

On the Qing Niu's back, Ling Tian stood with the qin on his back.

"I'm waiting for you!"

It turned out that the person Ling Tian wanted to welcome was really Yuan Qing.

Could it be that he, like the Master, had sensed Yuan Qing's return in advance?

"Ling Tian, ​​what is he going to do!?"

"So waiting for Yuan Qing in front of Chaoge Mountain, does he want to fight Yuan Qing before Shengbi?"

"Then Ling Tian, ​​there is absolutely no chance of winning, Yuan Qing is really terrible!"

Everyone talked a lot.

Judging from the current situation, Ling Tian really seemed to take the initiative to fight.

However, what a tyrannical existence Yuan Qing is! ?

Three years ago, this guy swept all the Tianjiao of his generation, the Six Holy Land Immortal Monarch and even the Feng Jixing of Lei Bu, and they were not Yuan Qing's opponents.

If it were not for the later Emperor Jiuge to settle in the Holy Land, then Yuan Qing would definitely be the undisputed number one arrogant of the Holy Land.

Not only that, Yuan Qing has not returned for three years, and he has gained a reputation after experiencing and training outside the country.

How strong Yuan Qing is now is absolutely beyond everyone's imagination.

Ling Tian was so arrogant that he dared to provoke Yuan Qing! ?

Although a month ago, he was above the Dao and defeated all the holy land immortals one after another, but that was just talking about the Dao!

"You, that is Ling Tian!?"

On the shoulder of the great ape, Yuan Qing frowned.

He was equally astonished. Ling Tian was already waiting for him under Chaoge Mountain! ?

Moreover, Ling Tian seemed to be particularly handsome.

And this is what Yuan Qing hates most.

He had been outside for three years, and he didn't know how many handsome Tianjiao he had beaten up.

Di Jiuge, do you really like this little white face?

"Yes, disciple of the Criminal Department, Ling Tian!"

Qing Niu was sad, Ling Tian held his hand and said calmly.

The reason why he came to Chaoge Mountain in advance to wait for Yuan Qing.

It was because Aman Qingniu sensed the powerful monster aura of this regrettable black ape.

This great ape is no different from the blue cow in terms of cultivation.

It is a different species of the ape race, the best of mounts.

"I, Yuan Qing, is the sacred land immortal monarch of the Criminal Ministry, don't you see me?"

Yuan Qing's cudgel was on top of the giant ape, looking down at Ling Tian below.

"Hahaha, Xianjun, Holy Land of the Criminal Ministry!?"

Ling Tian laughed, and then flew up.

Suspended at the same height as Yuan Qing, "Yuan Qing, do you really dare to lead the position of the Holy Land Immortal King of the Ministry of Justice!?"


Facing Ling Tian's fierce questioning, Yuan Qing was suddenly startled.

"You, saw the Master of Heaven Xing?"

Yuan Qing asked in a low voice.


"So, Yuan Qing, three years ago, you didn't pass the Tianxing Hole test at all, let alone see the Tianxing Master, and you weren't the holy land fairy of the torture department at all. For this reason, you didn't have the face to stay in the holy land, so you left. Holy land, go to experience outside of Chu country!"

"I said, yes!?"

Ling Tian sneered.

And his voice was directly transmitted to the top of the holy land through the billowing vitality.

Countless tianjiao and masters were all amazed at what they said.

Yuan Qing, did not pass the test of the Heavenly Xing Master! ?

If Ling Tian's words are true, then this is undoubtedly a great shame for Yuan Qing!

"You are looking for death!"

Finally, Yuan Qing's face on the shoulders of the giant ape was gloomy, with long narrow eyes staring at Ling Tian coldly.

"Want to get me, I have been waiting, do you want to be above Saint Bi, or in front of Chaoge Mountain!"

"you choose!"

Ling Tian was enveloped in Xian Yuan, and the aura of a billowing dragon had spread all over Zhou's body.

you choose! ?

At the top of the holy mountain, everyone was stunned by Ling Tian's words.

Sure enough, Ling Tian wanted to challenge Yuan Qing before Shengbi!

Even give Yuan Qing the right to choose!

How confident is this! ?

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