Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2385: Than mounts?

"This guy is crazy!"

"Today is Saint Bi, why is it necessary to challenge Yuan Qing!"

"Moreover, does he really think that he is qualified to challenge Yuan Qing if he has defeated the holy land immortal monarchs on the road?"

At the summit of the Holy Land, many Tianjiao felt ridiculous about Ling Tian's arrogance.

And Feng Jixing and other holy land immortals shook their heads again and again.

It is really unnecessary for Ling Tian to choose this way and Yuan Qing to do this way.

Just want to compete with Yuan Qing for the limelight.

What's the point?

Being careless is unwise.

And Ling Tian's such wild words naturally angered Yuan Qing.

"I choose!?"

Yuan Qing narrowed his eyes, "In the many immortal kingdoms of the Human Race, I don’t know how many arrogant arrogances like you have been killed with the stick in my hand, Yuan Qing!"

"Today, you deserve to yell with me too!?"

"Don't dare!? That's all." Ling Tian sneered.

"I, Yuan Qing, have nothing to be afraid of!"

"I also know that you defeated many immortal monarchs and hurt my brother and my brother Song Yin on the sacred place a month ago."

"I even took away the guqin I gave to Di Jiuge, and Bi Tianfeng played it."

Ling Tian raised his hand when he heard the words, "Don't make a mistake, I didn't take it, he lost to me."

"I don't care about the process, the guqin is what I want to give to Di Jiuge, you can't get it!"

"Moreover, you hurt my brother. We have to calculate this account before Saint Bibi."

Yuan Qingweng said.

"That's still a bit, if that's the case, then we have done one before this holy land!"

Ling Tian stepped back and opened his posture.

"You are not worthy to fight with me here!"

"Cross the level of my mount first, and then speak!"

Yuan Qing's voice fell, his feet shook, and he flew away from the black ape's shoulder.

Regrettably, the black ape violently hammered his chest, with waves of steel-like roar echoing above and below the holy mountain.

In an instant, the coercion of this mount black ape swept all directions!

Let your mount play! ?

Above the Holy Land, everyone looked at each other again.

Sure enough, Ling Tian is crazy enough, but Yuan Qing is not so! ?

Not qualified to fight him, let the mount shoot! ?

"Unfortunately, the black ape is an ancient alien species of the monster race, and its cultivation base is comparable to the fifth-order fairy king."

"It seems to be giving Ling Tian a chance, but it is actually bullying Ling Tian."

"This black ape is very powerful, and may not even be under the Holy Land Immortal Monarch."

A holy land master spoke.

I don't know where Yuan Qing got this kind of monster race alien, and he also tamed it into a mount.

But anyway, this mount is scary enough.

Is it comparable to the holy land fairy?

This made Feng Jixing and Du Can's expressions not very good.

Yuan Qing is going to stand shoulder to shoulder with them. This is really a shock.

"Haha, better than a mount!?"

But Zhao Min and others looked at each other.

In the light of the eyes, there is full of sneer.

Yuan Qing still didn't know how tyrannical the blue bull Ling Tian sat down! ?

Not to mention, in the Four Elephant Pagoda, there is still a terrifying existence sleeping.

Ok! ?

At the foot of Chaoge Mountain, Ling Tian frowned slightly. He didn't expect Yuan Qing to do such a trick.

Without waiting for him to speak, the black ape, regrettably, had already moved.

The terrifying monster beast that is comparable to the pinnacle of the fifth-order immortal king of the human race, without transforming its form, with a body of two thousand zhang, stepping on the ground, it came with great strength.

When Ling Tian was still ten thousand feet away, he suddenly jumped high from the ground.

The black ape stretched out a huge black palm.

He clenched his black iron fist and smashed it madly towards Ling Tian.

The moment that fist blasted down, the roaring demon clan's aura seemed to have condensed into a black mountain, and Mount Tai was as high as the top, causing the sky above Ling Tian's head to crack!

Just a blow from Yuan Qing's mount was so terrifying.

Even the fairy monarchs of the holy land, all see the color change!

Ling Tian, ​​can you really block this punch! ?

Moreover, even if it is blocked, so what! ?

This is not Yuan Qing, but Yuan Qing's mount.

This seemed to make Ling Tian fall into an extremely passive situation.

It seems that both victory and defeat will be ridiculed.

This Yuan Qing is not as simple as it seems!

Just as everyone was waiting for Ling Tian to resolve this situation, or to say, when he was waiting for Ling Tian to make a fool of himself, Ling Tian's face on the sky that day was suddenly full of smiles.


"Is it only your mount that is great!?"

Ling Tian sneered and looked at the green cow under his feet.

"Aman, can you stop it?"

Qingniu Aman sneered coldly: "It's just a mere wild monkey, do you think I can't stop it?"

The voice fell in Ling Tian's mind. On the top of the sacred mountain, everyone saw the thousand-meter-large green cow at Ling Tian's feet, and his body suddenly burst into a noble and extremely blue aura.

The blue qi instantly enveloped the whole body of the blue ox. Amidst the constant exclamations of everyone, the coercion of the blue ox's cultivation base soared. In the blink of an eye, it rose from an ordinary fairy king level monster to four. Tier fairy king level!

This level of cultivation is almost the same as the black ape.

The opponent was able to explode beyond his own two cultivation levels, and Qing Niu Aman naturally planned to do the same.

In the next moment, from the sky full of green air, a horn rushed out of it.


With a blast, that regretful black ape's punch was directly blocked above the sky.

In the next moment, the two huge figures retreated, and the storm swept towards Chaoge City.

Within a thousand miles, flying sand and rocks, except for Chaoge City's formation to protect it safe and sound, all other mountains, rocks, and vegetation were swept away and turned into powder.

The confrontation between the two monsters is terrifying!

This scene astounded all the Tianjiao on the summit of the Holy Land.

Unexpectedly, Yuan Qing, who was returning from Ling Tian, ​​was blocked under the holy mountain, so tit-for-tat, it turned into a regret before the mount! ?

Moreover, it is really terrifying that the two great mounts can set off such a momentum.

Under the astonishing eyes of everyone, the storm cleared under Chaoge Mountain, and both Ling Tian and Yuan Qing floated unharmed in the sky, facing far away.

The two horror mounts under him shook back.

Is it a tie?

Everyone frowned, and they didn't expect such a terrifying regret that the two mounts didn't seem to have been injured.

"The physical bodies of these two mounts are extremely tough, which is really terrifying!"

"Unexpectedly, even Ling Tian's mount is so powerful!"

The pupils of the holy land fairy shrank.

They had to admit that Ling Tian was full of threats to them now.

Knowing that facing it alone, it is very likely that it is not Ling Tian's opponent.

Not to mention, none of the Tianjiao in Team Ling Tian is weak!

"Is it just that?"

"Yuan Qing, you really disappointed me, don't you dare to do it yourself?"

Ling Tian looked at Yuan Qing whose expression was already gloomy to the extreme.

"That's what you want to get hurt before Saint-Py?"

Yuan Qing narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Come and try it!"

Ling Tian made a move and was about to step forward.


But at this moment, there was a loud shout on the top of the holy mountain.

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