Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2389: Emperor Nine Songs and Lost Sea [Five Changes]

"You're here again, why, don't you want to kill all the sea monsters here this time?"

The black dragon looked very jealous.

Because once the Master came alone.

He has countless fairy king sea monsters, so he is not afraid.

But this time, he could see that the Holy Land Tianjiao was very powerful, not to mention, there was Qu Wentong.

"Ao Hei, I am not here to trouble you this time."

The master stepped forward.

"I want to send these Human Race Tianjiao, after entering that mountain gate, you let go!"

"Haha, make way!? This time, did you bring too many people? I am worried that you are unruly against my sea monster race." Heilong showed a hideous look.

"Haha, Ao Hei, even if our human race has an idea, do you think it can be blocked this time?"

The Master's face suddenly became cold, and the terrifying aura directly enveloped this sea area.

Not only did all the monster races in the Sea Territory change their colors, but Qu Wentong was shocked in his heart.

The master who came out of retreat for five hundred years seems to have advanced his cultivation level again!

Could it be that the eighth-order immortal king failed! ?

"No, I promise, this time you can sweep all of your monster races!"

The black dragon froze in front of the mountain gate, and after a while, swam away.

"Let them in!"

Today's Master is indeed strong, he is not an opponent at all.

Moreover, he has already received the news that in several other Golden Elephant Mountain Gates in the Lost Sea, strong men have already arrived.

This time, the Sea Territory Monster Race could no longer hold it.

Can only get away.

The Golden Elephant Mountain Gate, they got the name for this entrance.

Although they don't know what is inside.

Moreover, there are at least four such gates in this sea. What the master knows is only his own.

The black dragon seemed to be the king of the group of demons, its voice fell and the demons gave way.


The Master put away the coercion and turned to look at all the holy land Tianjiao.

"Behind this gate, is the place of your holy comparison this time!"

"This place is extremely dangerous, and only some cultivation bases of the Immortal King can enter."

"But your opponents are not just each other."

"The rules of the Saint Ratio are the same as before. Regardless of life and death, the order of the place of the Saint Ratio is the ranking. The top ten can enter the Palace of the Immortal King and participate in the palace battle!"

"Of course, I hope that none of you will fall, and you will return safely!"

"This is the token of the Holy Land. If you have to exit in danger and have to quit, crush this token."

"In the core of Saint Bi's land, there is a blue high mountain, shaped like a seven-fold pagoda. There is a formation from there, which leads directly to the desert island outside. We, on the desert island, are waiting for your return!"


The master put away the ancient fan.


With a faintly excited expression on the face of the second prince, He Feng Jixing and the others rushed up first.

But it came before the golden elephant.

They fell abruptly on the golden ladder.

There are restrictions and cannot fly.

They can only walk towards the gate step by step.

Moreover, from the faces of Feng Jixing and others, you can still see the color of infinite horror.

Was it so terrible before this mountain gate?

Even so, the other Tianjiao of the Holy Land still fell on the golden ladder one after another, walking towards the mountain gate.

Yuan Qing came from behind, joined the two princes, and entered the mountain gate first.

Disappeared before everyone's eyes.

The so-called seizing the opportunity, they are the first to enter, it will naturally benefit.

Ling Tian and the others came back later.

As soon as everyone fell on the golden stairs, they found that the mountain gate in front of them was violently shocked, and a curtain of light rose up around them, manifesting fierce beasts and big monsters.

Billowing coercion swept over and shocked them.

Seeing this, Ling Tian frowned slightly.

Although these things are manifested, they are not true.

But this coercion seems to be true.

Could it be that there are still scary beasts alive in this suspicion?

This was something Ling Tian had never seen in the suspicion before.

He looked forward, looking at the majestic statue on the golden stairs.


The sacred brilliance enveloped his body. At this moment, Ling Tian only felt that Xin Gu’s eyes seemed to be radiant. A terrifying will directly oppressed him. The entire mountain gate seemed to light up with a more dazzling golden color. The holy light, the mighty power descended like the mighty power of heaven, causing Lingtian's soul to shake.

"You finally came!"

"I have been here for ten thousand years!"

A voice spread into Ling Tianyihai.

But when Ling Tian's consciousness recovered, he found that the statue had become ordinary.

At this time, all of them were already standing in front of the mountain gate.

He seemed to have felt the various visions before.

"Ling Tian, ​​are you okay?"

Zhao Min asked.

After Ling Tian stepped onto the golden ladder, he walked up on his own, as if lost.

"It's okay!"

Ling Tian took a deep breath.

Emperor Qingxiao suspected the mound, the national weapon of Zhenhai sealed the sea halberd, I Ling Tian, ​​here!


In the end, Ling Tian let out a deep cry, and led everyone into the mountain gate!

In the Holy Land Tianjiao, there is only one person in the end, and he hasn't moved.

That is, the daughter of the emperor, Jiuge.

At this moment, she was standing on top of the azure blue dragon, with water vapor rising all over her body.

Suddenly, she finally opened her eyes.

Above the eyebrows, the water **** pattern bloomed with divine light, and a pair of sharp eyes had completely turned into a golden color.


He sat down on the dragon clan and uttered a Zhenhai dragon chant, causing the sea monsters on both sides of the mountain gate to tremble.

And the black dragon looked at Di Jiuge in horror.

Just now, the aura of this Emperor Jiuge has converged, after everyone, he didn’t notice it,

At this moment, he suddenly saw the breath of Di Jiuge erupt, as if he had seen something incredible.

"No, it's impossible, this, is this..."

"Hehe, Ao Hei, you are not mistaken, this woman, the Emperor!" The Master laughed.

"Daughter of the Emperor!"

"Lost Coast, Yuxu Emperor Palace!"

"She is after Yuxu Wudi?"

Black Dragon said in shock.

Once, the Lost Sea was also called Yuxuhai, and it was the jurisdiction of the Yuxu Emperor's Palace, just like the backyard pond of the Emperor's family.

It's just that after the Emperor Yuxu Wu falls, this place has also become a lost sea.

Never thought that after thousands of years, the Emperor's family would have descendants come back!

When the black dragon was astonished, Di Jiuge had already put away the Dragon Race mount, descended on the golden stairs, holding the staff, carrying the guqin on his back, and walking towards the gate step by step.

At this moment, even the black dragon was in a trance, as if he had seen the daughter of the Emperor's family regaining control of the imperial palace.

Until Di Jiuge's figure disappeared without entering the mountain gate.

All the holy land Tianjiao have entered.

In the end, only the Master and Qu Wentong were left.

"Master, what do you want to do this time!?"

The black dragon looked at the Master.

"Why don't I know why you don't?"

"I can only tell you, you lost the dragon race in the sea, the good days are over!"

"Ha ha……"

The Master smiled, and immediately disappeared in front of the mountain gate.

Qu Wentong rolled his eyes, and followed him away.

Below the mountain gate, Heilong felt anxious.

"No, the Lost Sea here is not a trivial change, please inform my three brothers quickly and let them come here to discuss matters!"

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