Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2390: Qi Zhi of all races

The land of Saint Bibi.


Ling Tian and everyone passed through the mountain gate in front of them, and their consciousness was instantly blurred.

But only for a moment, and then everyone regained consciousness.

Ling Tian quickly opened his eyes and looked around.

But the next moment, the scene in front of him came into his mind, but Ling Tianbuyou took a breath!

This is the suspicion of Emperor Qingxiao! ?

At this moment, Zhao Min and others behind him also opened their eyes.

Similarly, I was stunned by everything in front of me.

I saw that the abyss behind this mountain gate was actually another world.

The endless mountains and plains, the scattered pavilions and ancient temples, the strange peaks stand tall, among them, there are countless terrifying and powerful demons and fierce beasts, which move faintly.

Fairy spirit, demon, and even magic, mixed with each other, filling this world with a chaotic and tyrannical atmosphere.

Moreover, the power of the rules is chaotic, standing in the air, as if in the deep sea, with a tremendous force added to them, it is extremely difficult for them to walk in the wind.

Extremely weird!

At least, Ling Tian didn't see where the so-called suspicion of Emperor Qingxiao was.

"Is this the land of Saint Bi? How does it look a bit big!"

Feng Qixi and others frowned.

Here is the secret of Qingxiao Great Emperor's Suspicious Tomb, and then Ling Tian and Luo Yan's Tao.

"Yeah, there are only a few hundred people in the Holy Land Tianjiao, and there are tens of thousands of miles around here!? Huh, right, what about the others?"

At this time, everyone looked around, except for the seven of their team, everyone else was gone.

"It should be sent randomly, scattered to various places."

Zhao Min pursed his lips and frowned, "However, this place is so big, let alone fight for the front. I'm afraid it will be difficult to meet each other. Is it really necessary to hold the Saint Competition here?"

"Don't worry, let me see!"

At this time, Ling Tian took out a jade slip from the ring.

Among the jade slips is the map that Luo Ji gave to Ling Tian.

However, Ling Tian glanced at a map in the jade slip, comparing it with the scene in front of him, only to find that the area depicted on the map was no more than one-tenth of this space.

Many peaks and ancient temples are missing.

How is this going! ?

Here, what the **** is it! ?

"This is the lost ruins."

But at this moment, behind everyone, a voice suddenly sounded.

Ling Tian suddenly turned around, but found that the person who came was actually Di Jiuge.

The Emperor Jiuge at this time, standing on the back of the dragon clan, above the eyebrows, the water color and the lines, surging with the sacred light, cannot be forever.

"Lost Remains?"

Ling Tian frowned.

Could it be that this is not where the Qingxiao Great Emperor's Suspicious Tomb is located, but has something to do with this Lost Sea! ?

However, it's not right, there is still the breath of the Great Emperor Qingxiao here, and Ling Tian will never feel wrong on this day.

"Well, one of the fragments of the ancient continent!"

Di Jiuge looked at the center of this continent, where there seemed to be a sacred mountain standing up like a sky, like a war halberd, thrusting straight into the sky.

After the voice of Di Jiuge fell, the sky suddenly began to vibrate. Everyone looked at the surrounding sky, but they suddenly discovered that under the sky and above the three directions, there was suddenly a light like the sky, which turned into a huge mountain gate.化.

After that, there seemed to be an aura that was different from the human race, appearing in this world.

What's the matter, how does this giant gate look like the one when we just came in, it's very similar!

Feng Qixi frowned.

"It seems that it is not only our human race who entered this lost ruin!"

Ling Tian narrowed his eyes slightly.

There should be four or more entrances to this world!

At least, after they came in, there was no mountain gate manifested behind them!

And when everyone was surprised, under the three giant gates, there was suddenly a powerful aura that soared to the sky.

Continue to shake this world.

"Moreover, all those who came in seemed to be top powerhouses!" Ling Tian, ​​you secretly sighed in your heart. Although you did not disperse the divine sense exploration, but only the breath sensed, that strong breath will rise up into the sky without reservation, it is enough Prove how tricky they are.

At this time, other people's eyes flashed slightly, and they looked up to the void.

The next moment, an astonishing breath suddenly appeared in the crowd's senses, and a cloud of dark black light escaped, whistling straight to the place. The coming popularity is strong, and there is no tendency to converge in wanton dispersal, which is obviously intentional.

"It's the phantom way of the heavenly clan!"

Di Jiuge spoke.

Sure enough, after that breath appeared, it seemed that there was a faint rumbling voice that spread throughout this space.

"Heaven Clan, Phantom Fairy!"


The black color escaped extremely fast, and appeared directly above the sky in a flash, like a star, after converging, it revealed a hazy figure of a fairy.

At the moment when his figure appeared, within a thousand miles, countless smoke and mist suddenly appeared, and there were faint flashes of spiritual light between the tumbling and tumbling. At first, it looked ordinary and strange. volume.

When you drop your gaze, there are thousands of different pictures, whether it’s the happiness of the family in the peasant family, the competition in the sect, or the fight in the sect, or the lingering on the gums. Depending on each person, the evolution picture scrolls vary in different ways. .

And on top of these illusions, there is a figure of three thousand feet tall sitting cross-legged, swallowing cents, overlooking the space.

The terrifying fairy will!

Just showing up can cause a huge earthquake in the world!

It is enough to know the tyrannical combat power of this Celestial Clan Immortal Monarch.

Even Ling Tian frowned slightly when he saw the figure floating in the sky.

Such a fairy prince's will, although not as good as the nine great immortals of Qin Mingyue and others, it was not much worse.

This guy is definitely a famous existence in the Celestial Clan!

But it seems that the strong heavenly clan directly releases the breath, attracting the dissatisfaction of other strong ones.

The next moment, from the direction of another giant gate, there was a faint light roaring, the aura was stronger, and it seemed not weaker than the strong one of the day, and it fell directly on the sky, the boundless monster pressure, covering the sky. day.

Amidst the demon spirit, everyone seemed to have seen a unicorn beast among them, roaring in the sky, utterly invincible.

The body's breath is sharp and tyrannical, and he wants to pierce the world.

The aura of the violent demon race madly dissipated.

"It's a monster!"

"Is the Yaozu coming too?"

Listening to the figure below, Ling Tian kept roaring, loudly and endlessly!

The general trend is rising, contending with each other, and all want to overwhelm the crowd and take the lead.

When the Yaozu came, Ling Tian had never thought of this.

This lost ruin, or Qingxiao Great Emperor's Suspicious Tomb, has attracted so many powerful people! ?

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