Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2400: Destroy the first holy land fairy king

The ancient sword came through the space, but Ling Tian stretched out his big hand, endless immortal yuan surged, and directly took the Tongtian Lingbao with his bare hands.

No matter how crazy the ancient sword spins and oscillates, it just can't break through Ling Tian's Xianyuan defense.

No way, now Ling Tian's Xian Yuan is too pure and solid!


Ling Tian waved his big hand, and under the tremendous power, he directly rolled out the Heaven-Teaching Spirit Treasure.

But what followed was the magical powers that Liu Zhao and the third prince slashed by practicing their hands.

This time, both of them finally waited until Ling Tian stepped forward, so naturally they would not let go of the opportunity.


However, Ling Tian was completely blocked after all.

He urged the Canglong Transformation, the Canglong aura bloomed, and his body could withstand the impact of all supernatural powers.


The dragon wings of the fairy king behind him bloomed with pale dragon light on his body, swish, and his wings vibrated behind him, directly blasting away the magical powers of Liu Zhao and the third prince, floating in front of the battle formation.

Want to break his battlefield.


"Hehe, Ling Tian, ​​you finally can't help but shoot!"

"Tell you, today, you don't want to stop me, don't think that if you have defeated me, you are the real combat power!"

Liu Zhao had already been waiting for Ling Tian.

At this time, although his Tongtian Lingbao was no longer useful.

But there are still a lot of cards in the hand.

His shoulders shook suddenly, and the surrounding immortals instantly turned into a boundless sea of ​​gold.

Metallic power poured into the national sword in his hand, and then cut the sword light continuously.

"Hehe, but so!"

Facing Liu Zhao's endless supernatural powers, Ling Tian sneered, Canglongchang showed a peerless style on Ling Tian, ​​waiting for him to stretch out his hand again. Flames poured in between the palms, and the flames lingered between the fingers, like a dragon's claws, and patted towards Liu Zhao.


Along the way, those golden sword lights were shattered by the dragon palm.

"I thought how strong you are, but after all, you are just a high-level fairy. What else do you have besides this physical body!"

Then Liu Zhao didn't panic when he saw Ling Tian killed.

He was very arrogant, the surrounding Qi sea bloomed again, and the immortal essence was condensed into a golden armor and draped on him like a substance.

Ambilight, gorgeous and dazzling.

After all, it is the Holy Land Xianjun, who has a lot of supernatural powers.


Liu Zhao grinned, feeling that his sword would kill Ling Tian, ​​his body overflowing with golden light, and the golden sea layer on his back, evolving extremely terrifying kendo coercion.

"Liu Zhao, don't be careless!"

In the distance, the three princes saw this scene and hurriedly called out.

"Hahaha, your Highness is not anxious. I have hidden this sword for three years. Today, let Ling Tian have a taste!"

Then Liu Zhao laughed loudly, appearing assertive and confident, and felt that Ling Tian could definitely be controlled by his own means.

Even if the opponent counterattacks, the difference in cultivation level is too big, let his physical body guard the sky!

"Golden light, extinction!"

Then, as he shouted angrily, that sword was finally cut down!

Like Feng Jixing's Feng Qi Lei, among the holy land immortal monarchs, they all have the skill of housekeeping.

This sword is Liu Zhao's strongest magical power.

However, Ling Tian in the distance suddenly pulled out the Chunjun Sword from the Guqin at this time.

With the national weapon in his hand, Ling Tian was about to perform kendo.

"My sword, ask God!"

The sound fell, Ling Tian comprehended a century-old secret sword in the Four Elephant Pagoda, descending from the sky!

Asking the sky a sword, there is only one move.

But being blessed by tens of thousands of sword intent in Ling Tian's body, the horror was extreme.


Sure enough, the sword light of Wentian Yijian broke Liu Zhao's golden sword energy, and blasted through the void on his right shoulder. The majestic force rushed out, and a series of terrifying sword intent, like a sharp blade, swept over him like a storm.

However, Liu Zhao is surrounded by the sea of ​​gold at this time, and for a while, he can't help but you!


The dragon yin in his body was violent, and boundless fighting intent burst out from his body, he raised his hand again, and his five fingers lingered around the power of the blue dragon. Endless energy is poured between palm prints.

The five fingers clenched tightly, and the dragon's claws were empty.


The blood mist spurted in front of Ling Tian, ​​and Liu Zhao, who was hit, collapsed under the blow of Jin Hai Lingtian, and Liu Zhao himself, like mud, was blasted to pieces.

The golden light scattered in the sky, and the national sword fell to the ground.

Above the sword's edge, blood was stained.

However, that was Liu Zhao's own blood.

The sacred land of the Jin Bu, the immortal king, the imperial imperial county king.

In this way, Ling Tian's dragon claw was directly squeezed!

The death was extremely miserable, and like that of Liu Xian, there was no bones left.

"Liu Zhao!"

The three princes were frightened and never thought that Liu Zhao, as a holy land immortal king, would be killed by Ling Tian if it was easy.

How terrible this person is.

Holy Land Xianjun, really can't help him! ?

"Hehe, Your Highness the Third Prince, you should pray for yourself now!"

Ling Tian came down and looked at the three princes.

Today, he is only left with himself.

"Do not!"

"Do you think I will be weaker than the Holy Land Xianjun!?"

The three princes looked cold, and the soul-suppressing golden pagoda shuddered down.

"It's just a mere Lingbao!"

Ling Tian directly pushed the Qingxu Ding to the extreme, dragged the soul-suppressing golden pagoda to the sky.

Today's Qing Xu is already extremely powerful, the ordinary Tongtian Lingbao, don't want to block him!

"In my opinion, your net worth is good, and other things, you are really not as good as these holy land immortals!"

Ling Tian sneered.

"Sunset punch!"

"Cracking Cloud Palm!"

But the three princes didn't believe it, and their magical powers fell one after another.

But Ling Tian never fought back, only relying on his physical body to resist all these supernatural powers.

"Enough, third prince, you deserve to die too!"

Ling Tian sneered.

"No, I will not die, nor can I die, I am the prince of Chu, and I will be the future leader of Chu!"

The three princes shook their heads again and again.

"Lord!? You are not worthy!"

Ling Tian stretched out his big hand and grabbed the three princes.

"Ying Qinghong, no, Qinghong, the relationship between you and me is still there, you can't let me die!"

The three princes roared towards the dyed green rainbow.

But there is already a gold seal in his sleeve.

It will take time.

Dyeing green rainbow frowned.

Never thought that these three princes thought of her at the last moment.

"The dye gang master, he is dead or alive, leave it to you!"

Ling Tian also respected Ran Qinghong.

But the latter hesitated.

But in just a few short breaths, the three princes in Ling Tian's palm suddenly burst into countless golden lights, and broke free of Ling Tian's big hands.

Ok! ?

Ling Tian was also surprised. He didn't know what kind of power he could not control at this time.

"Hahaha, Ling Tian!"

"You want to kill me, it's impossible!"

"However, this time you remembered it for me. If you don't find the ruins, it's okay. If it does, I will let you die in the Palace of the Immortal King!"

"Let's wait and see!"

The three princes looked grim, and then took out the Holy Land token, crushed them directly, and left this world.

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