Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2401: Ling Tian of the Beast Tide Chicken Thief [four more]


I'm afraid he is the first prince to be eliminated.

"Damn, let this guy run away!"

Feng Qixi and others came over with a pity on their faces.

"I'm sorry everyone..."

At this time, Ran Qinghong bowed his head.

If she had not hesitated just now, she would not give the third prince a chance to leave.

"It's okay, our original plan was just to remove them from the ruins. Now we have done it."

Ling Tian comforted.

"Holy Land Xianjun is still tyrannical, our battle formation still has weaknesses."

Zhao Min frowned.

"No, this time I've encountered even a holy land fairy, and all of them are carrying Tongtian Lingbao. It is normal for you to be invincible."

"However, between cooperation, there is still room for improvement. If you act decisively, at least you won't get hurt."

Ling Tian smiled.

"It still needs to be tempered!"

Feng Qixi smacking lips.

"It will give you a chance to practice in a while. Of course, your net worth should also be purchased."

Behind Ling Tian, ​​he picked up the baby scattered on the ground.

"The dye gang master, your sword is not a national weapon, you should change it, this one is not bad!"

Ling Tian gave Liu Zhao's sword to Ran Qinghong.

"This tower and ancient sword are both heavenly spirit treasures. You and Mo Yu are divided on Qixi Festival."

Ling Tian gave Feng Qixi and Mo Yu the black tower in the red ring and Liu Zhao's ancient sword.

As a result, the number of Tongtian Lingbao in their team is as many as five!

The national equipment is owned by six people.

If they were to run into a team like Liu Zhao, Ling Tian wouldn't have to make a move.

"Ling Tian, ​​the ancient grass of the fierce soul is there!"

Feng Qixi held the black tower and found the ancient grass growing next to the ancient spirit pond.

"Well, don't worry, wait for me to set up!"

Ling Tian had seen the ancient grass a long time ago, but it was not one or two fierce beasts that the strange fragrance attracted. The number of fierce beasts would be terrifying by then, and even he would not be able to deal with it.

Therefore, the formation must be used.

With Tao Yaoyao here, Ling Tian arranged a meticulous and complex trapped beast formation within the entire canyon.

This kind of formation attack ability is not strong, but it can reduce the speed and combat power of the beast, and at the same time make them unable to escape.

Here is the cage!

After finishing the arrangement of the large formation, Ling Tian asked everyone to array around the ancient grass again.

Then Ling Tian took out hundreds of exotic flowers and plants in one breath and transplanted them in front of the Evil Soul Ancient Grass.

Other immortal grasses could not interact with ancient grasses, but a strange fragrance began to diffuse under the stimulation of the demon-raising flowers.

But the time for a stick of incense, the scent spreads all over the world with the wind.

After being swept by this strange fragrance, the fierce beasts all went crazy and rushed towards the canyon where Ling Tian and others were located!

For a time, the earth in this area was trembling crazily.

Everyone looked aside.

Qi Qi looked at Ling Tian.

"Uh, how much did this attract!?"

Ling Tian scratched his head, "I somewhat underestimated the effect of this strange fragrance, I'm afraid it can cover one-third of the area of ​​this ruin."

"one third!?"

Everyone was shocked, the Qixi Festival even raised their eyebrows, "Ling Tian, ​​I am afraid this is about to form a tide of beasts!"

Beast tide!

Everyone took a deep breath, and the beast tide formed by the gathering of fierce beasts was feared to be extremely terrifying.

"I can't control that much, the soldiers will come to cover the water and earth!"

"Kill it's over!"

Ling Tian sat in the large formation, the Canglong turned on, the pure Jun sword was in his hand, surrounded by tens of thousands of sword shadows, and even the phantom sting bee swarm was released.

However, everyone was relieved that when the fierce beasts rushed into the canyon, they were affected by the big formation, their combat power was drastically reduced, and their speed was drastically reduced. The head of the fierce beast, easily beheaded.

Seeing the golden beads of the ruins falling in front of them, everyone was excited.

And the beast tide caused by Ling Tian will naturally be suspected.

Yang Tai, the **** of Mube, and Feng Jixing, led by the second prince, descended on the cliffs of the valley one after another.

Looking at the hundreds of fierce beasts in that big formation, don't mention how jealous.

"What method did Ling Tian use to attract so many fierce beasts!? I didn't think of this method!"

The second prince frowned.

Very upset.

"His Royal Highness, there is a vision in the air, which should be the cause of the ferocious beast." Feng Jixing said.


The second prince was startled, "Where does the smell come from!?"

"Because it should be the strange flowers and weeds among Ling Tian and them."

Feng Jixing pointed at the canyon.

"Yang Tai, do you know what kind of flower it is that emits this scent!?"

The second prince looked at Yang Tai, the immortal king Mube.

"I don't know, this kid is really bad. This strange fragrance is the scent of two kinds of fairy grasses. I smell it, but I smell the evil spirit ancient grass, but he placed hundreds of strange flowers around the ancient grass. grass!"

"The purpose is to prevent us from knowing the way to produce this strange fragrance, unless we try one by one!"

Yang Tai scolded.

This Ling Tian is really a chicken thief!

He eats meat and doesn't even drink soup.

"Even if you know it, there is no way to copy it. This old evil spirit grass is too scarce, and we don't have this big formation. The tide of beasts attracted by the smell will only engulf us!"

Feng Jixing shook his head.

"What should I do? Let me just watch them kill all the fierce beasts here!? These are all the golden beads of will, a treasure that cannot be exchanged for a daughter!"

The second prince was not reconciled.

"It's okay, he can't digest so many will Jinzhu, and there are no beasts blocking the way, we can also rush to Pagoda Mountain as fast as possible."

"If you want to get the top ten Immortal King Palace places, they will definitely come. We just need to wait under the mountain."

Feng Jixing smiled faintly.

"Hehe, yes, follow the line, you still have a good brain!"

Suddenly, the second prince was overjoyed.

Behind him, Qu Shenyou and the others looked at each other, all of which was unremitting.

Seeing that wind continues, he also sneered in his heart.

As a result, a crowd of people left.

Within this gorge, it became a burial place for the beasts,

For three days in a row, more than a thousand fierce beasts died here, golden beads of will, and even before everyone battled, they piled up into a hill!

Finally, when no more fierce beast rushed in.

Everyone put away their weapons and spirit treasures.

They knew that by killing so many, they were afraid that they would kill the beast.

It's time to leave.

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