Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2418: But so

"Hehe, is this the method you rely on!?"

"Heaven, but so!"

"Shall I take one song!?"

Ling Tian was on the sky, his ten fingers suddenly fell on the strings, and in an instant, a ray of the piano sounded like thousands of swords, sweeping towards the phantom fairy.

Bang bang bang!

Ling Tian's sword intent is so terrifying, and now he is blessing the will of the **** of war to kill the sky, with the sound of the piano and the sword, every sword shadow is enough to kill the fairy.

Thousands of swords are like a tide.

Directly swallowed that phantom fairy.

No matter how the ring-shaped fairy prince shook the bell in his hand, there was no rush.


After three breaths, a figure shook the sword shadow,

But the next moment, it fell from the sky.

It is the phantom fairy of the day clan.

And at this time, he was covered in blood.

He was wounded by Ling Tian with the technique of piano sound!

Heavenly clan, lost! ?

Thousands of miles away, the people on the Pagoda Mountain also heard the sound of the piano, although it was not the music they had heard before.

But they all knew that this was Ling Tian.

Except, the wind continues.

"This person also knows the art of piano music!?"

He looked at Ling Tian and suddenly felt that the figure on the sacred mountain looked like Ling Tian.

But Ling Tian was clearly on Pagoda Mountain.

It's really strange.

However, on the sacred mountain, the phantom fairy of the day clan fell, but it made the monster clan unicorn, and the dark demon Yuli, shocked.

Phantoms are among the Celestial Clan, although they are not at the top level, they are definitely stronger than them.

But it is not the enemy of this human race! ?

Could it be that this person is still great at Bidi Jiuge! ?

"You two, who wants to go!?"

However, the figure stood up from the void and put the guqin away.

Who wants to go! ?

This person really wants to be here and challenge them.

"I come!"

"My monster clan doesn't understand any rhythm, let's see how I use absolute power to defeat you!"

The monster unicorn immortal screamed, holding the golden giant sword in his hand, carrying the three thousand zhang monster unicorn will, and stabbing it in the air.

"Haha, strength! Isn't it..."

Ling Tian's arms trembled, and a ray of brilliance penetrated directly through his body. Within the Qi Sea Star River, the fire lotus surged with limbs, arms, feet, chest and abdomen, and the blood boiled, and the spirit was in full swing.

However, before Ling Tian made a move, the monster clan's long sword had already stabbed violently.

Ling Tian's arms were horizontally in front of him, and a five thousand-zhang will phantom behind him, turned into an unparalleled flame gold body, and wrapped Ling Tian.

Ling Tian at this moment looked like a **** protector.


The monster clan giant sword pierced Ling Tian's golden body.

The flames of Ling Tian's Law Body flowed radiantly, and he shouted, raising his arms to kill the golden fist light, penetrate the space, and shatter the sword light.

The monster clan's one-horned sword, unexpectedly failed to break through Ling Tian's protection with immortal fire and vitality.

The unicorn fairy monarch of the monster race looked indifferent. Seeing that the sword in his hand couldn't break Ling Tian's flame gold body, he stretched out his arms, and immediately in front of him, the endless power of the monster race in his body gathered frantically, blooming incomparably dazzling. The brilliance was finally poured into the golden sword in that hand.


In an instant, the golden sword suddenly burst into golden light, like the golden sword that splits the sky.

"go with."

The unicorn fairy monarch of the monster race uttered a cold voice, the voice fell, and rays of light pierced through the void. The next moment, Ling Tian's flame gold body was subjected to an extremely tyrannical attack, and a stream of light fell on the flame gold body, and the light shone. Next, the long sword kept blasting on the golden body, and cracks kept appearing.

This magical power was consuming Ling Tian's Xian Yuan frantically.

Yaozu is known for his physical body and strength, and now he saw it, as expected.

Finally, with a loud noise, Ling Tian's flame golden body exploded.

On the pagoda mountain, everyone's hearts trembled.

Isn't Ling Tian the enemy of this monster clan unicorn fairy king?

The unicorn fairy monarch of the monster race almost urged the power to the extreme and poured into the golden sword. The power is simply terrifying, and what is even more terrifying is that this kind of attack cannot be avoided at all. Without any evasion, he wants to resist. too difficult.

Only by colliding with him with defenses and attacks against the sky can it be resolved, otherwise it will be defeated.

The power of the monster is second only to the dragon and the phoenix, and even before the decline of the human, it is a stronger existence than the human.

For many years at its peak, Megatron Immortal Realm naturally has its strengths.

The golden sword smashed Ling Tian's flame golden body with one blow, and the sky burst into flames and rain.

Everyone was gloomy. Will Ling Tian be defeated in this battle?

"Ha ha!"

However, at this moment, everyone heard the space and thought of a chuckle.

Seems disdain.

It also seems to be, don't care.

I saw that above Ling Tian's body, although the golden body formed by the immortal yuan and the immortal fire was not present, the dragon scales in the body were densely covered, and on his arms, there was the shadow of a unicorn in the palm of his hand. It is holding a golden trident tightly!

At this time, Ling Tian was majestic, holding the golden trident in his hand, surrounded by unicorns, and the tip of the trident just hit the golden sword!

The celestial light behind Ling Tian is magnificent, and the strength is as if it is endless!

He has white hair flying, holding a golden halberd.

Invincible momentum, shocking the wastes.

At this moment, the unicorn fairy monarch of the Yao race only felt that he was facing a human war god, and he vaguely saw an extremely stalwart war **** phantom appearing in his mind, irresistible.

"No, no human fairy can block my sword power!" The monster unicorn fairy blasted angrily, his eyes were cold, and his body was dazzling. He didn't believe that he could not kill Ling Tian.

The Golden Sword retracted, and then, madly blasted Ling Tian again.


However, no matter how much strength he used, Ling Tian was able to easily stop his golden sword by dancing with the trident.

This made the Monster Race Unicorn Fairy's face extremely ugly. At this moment, he saw a terrible storm of power blew around Ling Tian's body, and the flame gold body was condensed again, based on Ling Tian's figure as the prototype. , Getting bigger and bigger, above the law body, except for the brilliance of gold and fire flowing.

The sharp edge of the golden trident is also getting bigger and bigger,

Three feet.

Thirty feet.

Three hundred feet!


With a loud noise, Ling Tian, ​​who had turned into a huge golden body of hundreds of feet, stepped forward.

The face of the monster unicorn fairy king is extremely ugly. His body is shining and his body recedes, but at this moment, the terrifying air current flows between the sky and the earth, and there is a golden trident with incomparable power running through the void The sky fell down, directly sealing the space around him.

An even more dazzling demonic glow erupted from him, but at the same time, Ling Tian stepped on the ground, like a giant spirit god, his arms pierced through the air, and the huge golden body shot out with a punch. In an instant, Wan Thousands of fists penetrated the sky and earth, covering the sky and the sun, covering all of the space in it, and that huge golden fist was actually covered with terrifying power, reaching its limit.

It seems to be killing ants!

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