Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2419: Overweight

Many people looked at this gorgeous picture in shock. The figure looked like a giant on the sacred mountain, with a trident and a punch.

It seems that everything can be crushed!

The monster's light was madly blooming around the monster unicorn fairy king's body, but it was still submerged by the shadow of the fist. The light above Ling Tian's body was shining, and the endless fist was endless.

Finally, there was a loud noise, and a fist blasted on the body of the monster unicorn fairy king, his whole body shook, and blood was spit out from his mouth.

He was a little desperate at this time, how powerful his attack was, but he couldn't break the opponent's defense, and the opponent could seriously hurt him with a single blow. Is this still a human race! ?

This is clearly a monster!

"I lost!"

The unicorn fairy monarch of the monster race said, but even if he yelled out these words, he still couldn't stop the collapse of the mountain, and then fell to the ground fiercely and vomited blood.

Ling Tian closed his fist, the flame golden body disappeared, and the giant spirit war **** dissipated from the sacred mountain.

But everyone was deeply shocked.

This human race is too strong.

So tough, it seems that from beginning to end, he has never really made a full shot.

Because the other party can't hold on for long.

"Yuli, it's your turn!"

Yuli, the dark demon clan, was still in shock.

Phantom Fairy and Unicorn Fairy, who were nearly as powerful as his, lost one after another.

This made him unexpected.

He seems to have encountered such a human race.

Obviously there is no strong cultivation base, but he has incredible combat power.

Just like this person now.


Yuli was surprised and looked at the figure, "You know me!"

"who are you!"

"Hehe, you will know, but if you have to beat me, you don't have much chance!" Ling Tian sneered.

Put away the golden trident.

This thing was obtained by a clone.

It's just tough enough, but not tyrannical.

Used for defense, it's not bad.

But facing his old opponent Yuri, he didn't want to use Euphorbia.

"Don't tell me!? I'm curious, are you that person!"

"Magic combat body!"

In the void, Yuli roared, and behind him a horror shadow manifested, holding a king's spear, descending from the sky, like a **** descending from the sky, an infinite and heavy pressure descending, and a violent storm raged around Ling Tian's body. , Tsing Yi Hunting.

"Yes, it seems that you have grown very fast in recent years!"

A terrifying dragon coercion swept out, above Ling Tian's body, the air of the blue dragon, the fairy fire and the light of the fire seed surrounded together. At this moment, Ling Tian seemed to be wearing the fairy fire dragon battle armor, a dragon. A god-like phantom appeared, overlapping with Ling Tian's body, as if Ling Tian's whole person had become more burly and taller, and could not be used forever.

Behind the scenes, the fairy king's dragon wings bloom, unprecedentedly huge.

At this moment, Ling Tian once again turned into a dragon!

On top of the pagoda mountain.

Everyone was horrified.

At this time, they finally knew why Di Jiuge had to drive everyone away.

Because at this time Ling Tian still exposed himself.

Feng Jixing's eyes widened even more.

Then he looked at Ling Tian.

"Here, this blue dragon breath..."

Ling Tian avatar raised his eyebrows, "Nothing is weird, I can't be the only one with the breath of the blue dragon, right!?"

The others laughed and said nothing.

It is indeed not extremely difficult to have dragon breath.

But like this one on the mountain.

I'm afraid that the real Canglong King of the Dragon Clan will come, and there will be no such aura! ?

The Canglong Transformation that Ling Tian displayed this time was simply unprecedentedly powerful.

On the sacred mountain, Yuli's expression changed dramatically at the moment when Ling Tian transformed the dragon.

It seems to be frightened, and it seems to be grinning.

In short, the complex look made Yuli at this moment look particularly terrifying.

"Ling Tian, ​​I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

Yuli was furious, shouting loudly, shaking thousands of miles.

He never expected that Ling Tian, ​​who he wanted to kill every day, was in front of his eyes.

In the past few years, he has been cultivating frantically in the secret territory of Moji Palace, day and night, just to find Ling Tian for revenge one day.

It was Ling Tian who ruined everything about him and his family.

His grandfather was killed by the human race, and the army of millions was destroyed.

His people were even more executed for this reason. Only he, under the protection of the sect, barely escaped.

He has nothing.

Only, kill Ling Tian!

"Since you are talking about you, today, you and I will never die!"

Under Yuli's rage, the power of the magic spear increased by 30%!

"Hehe, let's see if you are worthy of it!"

Ling Tian transformed into a dragon, and the blue dragon's arms trembled, radiance pierced through the body, and a supreme dragon power burst out, and then the incarnation of the blue dragon-like figure raised both arms, and the magic spear blasted into the void. Away.

The magic spear was crushed down with the mighty power, but saw a pair of monstrous handprints like dragon gods descending, these two handprints closed directly, accompanied by a loud noise, Yuli’s magic spear was doubled. Clamp the palm.

Yuli in the void was extremely cold when he saw this scene, and his shock with such a terrifying power was actually caught by the palm prints of the opponent.

With a fierce palm of his hand, the magic spear continued to penetrate down, rubbing the big handprints and continuing to move forward. At the same time, Yuli seemed to be an ancient dark demon and rolled down from the sky.


With a loud noise, the magic spear was inserted in front of Ling Tian, ​​but his body rose to the sky, and the dark magic wings appeared behind him. The next moment, both arms critically shot out at the same time, and slammed into the dragon Lingtian. .

Many people's hearts trembled violently, and the picture before them was like a collision between a terrifying ancient dark demon and a dragon war god. The moment they touched, a terrible storm blew up and down the mountain. Raging around.

Everyone saw Yuli's body soaring into the sky. The fairy king Lingtian's dragon wings trembled, soaring upward, and also chasing Yuli's body. His arms broke through the sky, shot out frantically, one after another with palm prints, pierced through the world, and rushed towards Yuli frantically. .

Yuli roared and collided with Ling Tian's frontal power.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

An extremely heavy sound erupted between the heaven and the earth, and everyone saw Yuli's body getting higher and higher. Finally, a fist pierced the void, and Yuli's body was directly blasted to the mountain wall.

"Yuli of the Dark Demon Race, also defeated?"

Many people were terrified, the dragon god-like figure, the power is simply invincible.

However, above the sky, the fairy king's dragon wings trembled, but Ling Tian did not leave, and his expression changed slightly.

This time Yuri is different.

He was not so easy to be defeated.

Otherwise, it is too weak.

"Ha ha ha ha ha……"

"Okay, you are strong!"

Sure enough, Yuli slowly walked out of the shattered mountain in the smoke and dust.

At this time, although he was scorched, there were cracks.

But the aura is much stronger than before.

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