Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2420: Nine-headed dragon anaconda [four more]

The demonic energy all over him was tumbling, as if using some kind of secret technique.

The reason why the dark demons are powerful is because their secret methods are endless.

You can soar your own combat power at will.

Also acquired the ability far beyond the limit.

In the previous Dao Palace battle, Yuli was like that.

However, Ling Tian had almost learned the secret methods of the Dark Demon Race from the Southern Tang Realm.

Therefore, there is no unexpected look.

"Ling Tian, ​​I opened the secret method, and even my life has come to an end. However, I have dedicated my life and borrowed power from Lord Demon God. I have never regretted it."

"Today, as long as I can kill you!"

"I, Yuri, die without regrets!"

"Taste the power of my Dark Demon Race, Demon Sound Vientiane!"

A series of magic sounds that shocked the world lingered between the heavens and the earth, and the demon shadows of the heavens appeared on the sky like the ancient demon gods, and then followed that Yuli's big hand, the magic shadows, gathered into a demon **** handprint, and fell from the sky.

Ling Tian stood proudly above the void, his wings trembled, looking at the evil demon god's handprints, the terrifying sacred fighting intent dazzled in his pupils.

Dao Long Qi and fairy light flowed in the body, Ling Tian stood in the void so quietly, without evading.

Above his head, the God of War Killing Heaven trembled crazily.

It seems that after he saw the shadow of the demon god, he became irritable.

Do you know me? ?

Ling Tian frowned.

He was the first to see that the will of the God of War, which had been cultivated on the foundation, was so irritable.

However, under the will of the Immortal Venerable, Ling Tian surrounded all the dragon aura and the will of the immortal element.

A terrifying light curtain flows all over, attached to the dragon scales.

At this moment, Ling Tian's body was unprecedentedly powerful. When the Demon God's palm prints blasted down, there was a loud noise, and everyone saw the huge dragon body standing there like a statue, never broken.

Everyone's pupils contracted, is this the ultimate state of Ling Tian's physical body! ?

The hand of the devil won't work! ?

On the pagoda mountain, Di Jiuge shook his head.

If this doesn't work.

Then, Yuri has no chance.

"no, I can not!"

"My Lord Devil helps me, how can I lose!"

Yu Li's whole person seemed to be crazy, madly releasing the power of the Demon Race, transforming magical powers, and blasting towards Ling Tian.

Trying to use all the power of the devil to shake Ling Tian.

"It's useless!"

Ling Tian's wings trembled, and there was a stream of immortal fire flowing between the sky and the earth, and the endless flames melted into Ling Tian's palm. He raised his arm, and the monstrous immortal fire gathered on the arm, seeing Yuli's magical power blasting and killing. , Ling Tian's arm shook, Prajna palm fell from the sky.

This is a hand that fell from the sky.

Can suppress all demons.

The big flame handprint descended from the sky, covering the sky and obscuring the sun, like the hand of an ancient flame fairy Buddha, blasting out, this palm seemed to burst the space, and a terrible vortex storm appeared in front of it, like a black hole that swallowed everything.

The big palm prints and Na Yuli’s supernatural powers are regrettable, the dazzling light makes people unable to open their eyes, and the brilliance of bright and dark blooms, everyone stares at the battlefield carefully, and they see the dragon god-like figure disintegrating. The demon energy penetrated through, and rushed to Yuli's body like a flame of divine light, carrying a forward momentum, and blasted a punch.

With this fist coming, Yuli only felt that all the power between the world and the earth came with this fist. The already broken body showed a line of cracks, and then it shattered and disintegrated. Yuli's body directly flew out, and his limbs were shattered. Cracked.

"In such a rude way, even this person did not use weapons and the Heavenly Spiritual Treasure, but only with the endless and strong immortal origin and physical power, he suppressed the most powerful three clans.

Feng Jixing stared at Ling Tian's figure, deeply shocked.

The unicorn fairy king of the monster race, the phantom fairy king of the heaven race, and the dark demons Yuli.

What a powerful posture that the three big evildoers were defeated by him alone.

The ultimate physical body, the ultimate power.

Whether it is better than divine mind, strength, or physical body, these arrogances are not as good as him.

At this time, above the sacred mountain.

Ling Tian bathed in dragon spirit.

At this time, the dragon scales on his body had also shattered.

Facing Yuli sacrificed his life in exchange for the power of the demon god.

How could Ling Tian be safe and sound next.

However, fortunately, it did not hurt the bones.

Canglong Transformation said that under the fairy king, the limit that can be used is now.

If these arrogances have all become the immortal kings, then even with the blessing of the **** of war and the transformation of the blue dragon, it is not enough to see.

"Ahem, I'm not reconciled!"

"My dignified demon, how could I lose to you!"

Yu Li lay at all times, in a dim state, looking at Ling Tian's figure.

"It's an honor for you to die in my hands."

"You don't have to be unwilling. There are too many dark demons who have died in my hands anyway, and there will be more in the future!"

"Those so-called strong people on the Demon Lord's list, I will send them down one by one and accompany you!"

Ling Tian sneered, raising his hand, directly smashing Yu Li's divine body.

This guy who should have died during the Dao Palace battle was finally destroyed.

Putting away his ring, Ling Tian raised his eyes to the top of the sacred mountain.

There, Tongtian Blood Fiend was still surging.

Even his transformation of the dragon, and the arrival of the shadow of the demon **** of Na Yuli, could not affect this **** breath.

At this time, the nine-headed figure in the blood evil had become clearer.

It's long.

It's almost on the same level as the sacred mountain.

Waves of blood evil began to resound between heaven and earth.

Like the heart of an ancient beast, beating.

"No! This guy is about to break free, we must go!"

On the Pagoda Mountain, Nadi Jiuge was furious.

Other people are also slightly discolored.

Because, at this moment, they suddenly felt this world.

Began to collapse.

"what happened!?"

Feng Qixi looked at the distant space and began to disappear.

"There is no way, the space tolerance here is limited. The existence of him and the mountain above the mountain is too terrifying, and it has already surpassed the limit."

"Sooner or later, the space will collapse, starting from the outermost periphery."

"So, we must go!"

Di Jiuge said coldly.

"Then he...what to do?"

Zhao Min frowned suddenly.

He knew that above the sacred mountain was Ling Tian's body.

"Don't worry, he will be fine with me!"

Ling Tian patted his chest.

"Then... well, let's go!"

Zhao Min also knew that now is not the time to hesitate, no matter how bad, Ling Tian still has Taoyuan, in short, there is no danger of life.

Above the pagoda mountain, the light flickered again and again.

Finally, everyone left.

Beneath the sacred mountain, the Phantom Fairy Lord and the Monster Clan Unicorn who rolled down all looked unwilling.

However, they no longer have the power to fight again.

They can only choose to leave, otherwise, when the space collapses, they will be completely abandoned.

"Haha, are you free from the shackles!? Nine-headed dragon anaconda, you hand over Xin Gu's sister!"

Ling Tianfei came to the sky above the sacred mountain, looking down at the huge blood evil vortex below.

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