Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2427: Ling Tian returns

Luo Ji nodded again and again.

Sure enough, he didn't read Ling Tian wrong!

In this way, Luo Yan can enter the Immortal King Palace smoothly!

On the desert island, some people counted the number of people present.

So apart from these eliminated people, the remaining eleven people are not hard to guess.

The seven members of the Lingtian team were all among them, plus the princess Liu Zhaoer, the woman of heaven, and the Emperor Jiuge.

Then, the eleventh person turned out to be... the wind continues! ?

Suddenly, Qu Wentong thought of something and looked at that Qu Wentong.

Where is Feng Jixing! ?

"Huh, Feng Jixing!? He betrayed me. If it wasn't him in the end, how could we be eliminated?"

The second prince sneered.

If it hadn't been for Feng Jixing to stop them, those Zhao Min and others would have been killed by Qu Shenyou long ago.

There will be no later Emperor Jiuge.

"What?! Feng Jixing betrayed!?"

"Okay, okay, I really didn't expect that my Qu family would be fooled by a group of juniors!"

Qu Wentong was going crazy.

"Haha, General, why be so angry? No matter how you say, these people are also the arrogance of my Chu Kingdom. Is it because you are not a member of your Qu family, you hold such hatred!?"

Luo Ji laughed.

In my heart, it was very refreshing.

At this moment, another formation platform that had been silent suddenly burst into light.

One after another voices manifested one after another.

Ling Tian.

Liu Zhaoer.


Zhao Min.

When the tenth person Feng succeeded after walking out of the formation.

The master finally stood up.

Everyone's eyes also fell on that platform.

These ten people are the top ten in this time.

Will be eligible to go to the Palace of the Immortal King.

However, what surprised everyone was that Di Jiuge was the last one to come out.

In other words, Di Jiuge gave up the qualifications of the Immortal King Palace.

This is beyond the expectations of many people.

"Hehe, there are so many people here, are you all waiting?"

Ling Tianfen stood in the crowd with his hands.

There are now tens of thousands of people on this desert island, and Ling Tian didn't expect it.

"Haha, Ling Tian, ​​you did a good job!"

Luo Ji laughed.

"Ling Tian!"

Qu Wentong was frightened.

The man who made his Qu family plan fall short, finally came out.

"What advice does the general have!?"

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows and looked at Qu Wentong.

"No advice, just to remind you, don't jump too much, the Immortal King Palace is easy to enter, but it is not easy to get out!"

"You provoke an existence you shouldn't provoke, so be careful in the future!"

"let's go!"

Qu Wentong gave a cold snort, took Qu Shenyou and the others, and left directly.

This time Qu Shenyou couldn't enter the Immortal King Palace, so he had to find a solution quickly.

In short, before the Palace of the Immortal King was opened, he would never give up.

Even if I fight everything.

"Ling Tian, ​​we are not over yet, Immortal King Palace, I will let you know the price of offending me!"

"Wait and see!"

The second prince took a deep look at Ling Tian and left.

"Hey, I didn't expect that the last three princes failed, but even though this Lingtian team got the place in the Immortal King Palace, it completely offended everyone."

"The Palace of the Immortal King, I'm afraid it is also a ghost gate!"

Everyone sighed, waiting for the results of the three years of Saint Biography, it turned out that these dark horses won.

Then the pattern of undercurrents surging in Chu State adds to the fog.

People from all major forces left one after another.

After all, there is no intersection between them and Ling Tian.

Not to mention the Emperor Jiuge.

In the end, only a few dozen people remained on the entire desert island.

Among them, most of them are Luo family martial artists.

The prince did not rush to leave either.

Because the Luo family is the prince's side, now Luo Yan has entered the Palace of the Immortal King.

He can still accept it.

"Ling Tian, ​​come here!"

At this moment, the master suddenly spoke.

Ling Tian hurried over.

But the Master looked up and down Ling Tian.

Suddenly a different color flashed in his eyes.

Ling Tianfen's body and mind were shocked.

Sure enough, he seems to be unable to conceal the Master from his current doppelganger technique.

"What happened in Saint-Bird!? Who is the human race that suddenly appeared!?"

Ling Tian shook his head, "The disciple doesn't know, it's just the core of Saint Bi's land. It is a sacred mountain. There seems to be a great opportunity. The top talents of the Dark Demon Race, Heaven Race and Monster Race are all on it. Invincible."

"We just glanced at that human race from a distance, and didn't know it."

"Well, that's all, this matter is very important, I will report to the Ming court."

The master nodded, his figure flashed, and he also left.

Luo Ji greeted Luo Yan, and seemed to be questioning.

The prince flashed behind Ling Tian.

Looking at Ling Tian's back.

This figure made his pupils shrink.

"The person in the ancient tomb is you!?"

Ling Tian chuckled, then turned around, "What is the prince saying!? Ling Tian didn't understand."

"Don't pretend to be confused, the biggest winner of this Saint-Bird, is it you?"

"Do you know what the price is for taking my things?"

The prince was cold, his expression looked particularly terrifying.

"Prince, I have always been on Pagoda Mountain. All of these can prove that I really don't know, what are you talking about!"

"However, if you also want to trouble me, then I will be Bong."

Ling Tian's face was also cold.

Ling Tian was surprised and puzzled when the prince could find the Emperor Suspicious Tomb.

It seems that there are many secrets in this prince's body.

"I'll give you a chance. Before the opening of the Immortal King Palace, you will give me the last thing, otherwise, don't blame me for being polite!"

The prince suddenly sneered.

"Teacher, we should go now, the father is waiting for us to return to our lives!"

Then, the prince turned and left.

Luo Ji looked at Ling Tian from a distance and said, "You did a good job. I'll be waiting for you in the capital. Then, I have something to say to you."

On the deserted island of Nuo Da, only Ling Tian and other eleven people remained.

However, these people were late and did not leave.

Everyone looked at Ling Tian.

they know.

The real Ling Tian had not yet emerged from the land of Saint Bi.

The sacred mountain is the real dangerous place.


But at this moment, the entire Lost Sea began to shake.

The sky-reaching tsunami surged up from the bottom of the sea.

Even the entire desert island began to collapse.

Those Master and others who had already left earlier, looked at the Lost Sea behind them in amazement.

I was shocked.

Such fluctuations.

Definitely surpassed the peak of the fairy king!

"It's the ruin, it collapsed!"

The master took a deep breath, and then did not dare to stay at all.

"What's going on, Ling Tian!"

Zhao Min and others were even more shocked.

This volatility is not trivial.

If Ling Tian hadn't come out, how could he be able to bear it! ?


At this moment, Ling Tian's clone suddenly shocked.

When he raised his head again, the breath of his whole body quietly changed.

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