Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2428: Imperial Palace

Feng Jixing couldn't see these changes in breath.

But the others were happy.

They knew that Ling Tian's body had returned.

"The ruins have collapsed. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time."

"let's go!"

Ling Tian raised his eyes, his eyes were full of profound colors.

This time St. Bi, he won a big victory.

A lot of gains.

But the Lost Sea is also destined to set off turbulent waves.


The crowd summoned out their mounts one after another and flew towards the overseas.

Before the teleportation formation leading to the Kingdom of Chu.

Zhao Min and others entered the formation and left the lost sea.

In the end, only Ling Tian and Di Jiuge remained.

"What!? You won't follow us back to Chu State!?"

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows.

Looking at the Emperor Jiuge in front of me.

This lost sea has been in chaos.

The Tianjiao of the three major ethnic groups, even Dawei, will definitely come back to check.

Staying at this moment is all trouble.

But Di Jiuge didn't even leave.

Moreover, Ling Tian already knew.

Di Jiuge gave up his position to Feng Jixing.

"Originally, I didn't want to go back either."

"You know, this lost sea is originally owned by my emperor's family."

"This time I come back, just to clean up the mountains and rivers of my emperor's house."

"What do I want!?"

Emperor Jiuge reached out his hand.

"Of course I got it for you."

Ling Tian pursed his lips, and handed the Ice Lingjie Sea Rod to Emperor Jiuge.

"This staff is not bad. The guardian beast of your emperor's family, only the soul remains. It has been integrated into it, and its rank should have surpassed the national weapon."

Di Jiuge rubbed the staff, "This is nature, the sea stick in the ice-rimmed world, originally the imperial weapon of my family!"

"Do you know the imperial weapon?"

"The weapon of Emperor Wu." Ling Tian nodded.

How could he not know.

The weapon of the emperor.

The entire fairy world, I am afraid there is not much.

Above the imperial weapon is the legendary artifact.

That is the real magic weapon.

And under the imperial weapon, it is the venerable weapon.

It is a weapon that only Xianzun's combat power can use.

Now this staff should be in the rank of the Venerable Tool.

It is his meteor sword, which is not as good as it.

After all, within the Meteorite Sword, there was only the hilt of the Star Sword, and Xiao Lei's cultivation base could not be compared to that of the guardian beast of the emperor.

"Do you want to revitalize the emperor's family!? Why not move after becoming a fairy king?"

Ling Tian frowned.

"I will become the Immortal King soon, so I don't need to go to the Immortal King Palace at all."

"You only need some resources, and I will look for them."

Di Jiuge shook his head.


Ling Tian's eyes suddenly lit up and took out a fairy fire.

"This, is it all right!?"

The flame is ice blue, somewhat similar to the ice lotus seen in the temple.

However, the rank is much higher.

"This is Hai Xinyan?"

Sure enough, Di Jiuge's expression also changed drastically.

Picking up the fairy fire, I was excited, "In this way, I will soon become the fairy king."

"Do you think I owe you a favor?"

Di Jiuge suddenly looked at Ling Tian.

"Hehe, naturally, I might be able to use your place in the future."

Ling Tian shrugged.

"My Emperor Jiuge, I don't like to owe others."

"If you don't give me this fairy fire, you really don't want to get this thing." However, Di Jiuge shook his head, sneered, opened his palm, and a fairy fire bloomed in the palm of his hand.

The fairy fire was silvery white, full of sacred aura.

The number of layers of its flames is densely packed, and there are even five hundred layers!

"This, this is... the fire of the Holy Spirit?"

Ling Tian's eyes widened.

The level of horror of this immortal fire absolutely surpassed Ling Tian's cognition.

"It's the fire of the little holy spirit. The real fire of the holy spirit has thousands of layers, and it's under the flames of the five directions."

"But this one has five hundred layers."

"It is the inheritance of our emperor's family, and it can be worthy of the sea stick and sea heart inflammation of the ice rim."

Di Jiuge put the fairy fire in Ling Tian's hands, "Okay, I have paid the favor."

"Between you and me, we owe nothing to each other."

"Want to separate the relationship? Don't forget, you are my guide." Ling Tian raised his eyebrows.

He has made up his mind to conquer this Emperor Jiuge.

"Hehe, of course, but I've walked this part of your journey with you, and leave the rest to the next guide."

"You and I may still have a chance to see you again. At that time, maybe I have revived the emperor's family. By then, you should not be like this, there are only a few people."

"Well, you should go now."

Di Jiuge retracted the fairy fire and the staff, escaped into the lost sea, and disappeared.

"This woman."

Ling Tian looked at the violent Lost Sea and shook his head repeatedly.

It seems that the time has not yet come to conquer this Emperor Jiuge.

"However, don't worry, when you meet again, you will definitely owe me!"

Ling Tian gritted his teeth and stepped into the formation.

After three breaths, the entire lost sea island was completely destroyed.

There are many warriors, around the Lost Sea, they have seen countless dragons in the sea soaring into the sky.


The capital of Chu State, Danyang.

Taishi Mansion is the largest mansion in Danyang City, apart from the imperial palace.

Even the General Zhen Guo Mansion, which rules the world, is far less magnificent than the Taishi Mansion.

When Ling Tian and others came to the Supreme Master's Mansion, they were really shocked.

If it weren't for the words Taishi's Mansion on the door, Ling Tian would have thought he had arrived at the Chu State Palace.

It is said that when the Taishi power was in the hands of the opposition, it was highly regarded by the master of the Chu Kingdom. This can be seen.

After Shengbi, Ling Tian waited to return to Jixia Holy Land, and was invited to Danyang by Luo Ji.

Said to avoid the second prince, the third prince and others plotting.

Ling Tian naturally knew that Luo Ji still wanted to recruit himself.

Moreover, he also wanted to know the details about the land of Saint-Bird.

After all, there is a suspicion of Emperor Qingxiao there.

And because the Grand Master's Mansion was Luo Yan's hometown, Ling Tian didn't doubt it either.

All the members of Chu State were very afraid of Taishi Luoji.

But in Ling Tian's eyes, this Luo Ji was nothing more than a greed for rights, and there was nothing else that Ling Tian hated.

Moreover, there is still a final period of time from the beginning of the Immortal King Palace.

He had just received the little holy spirit fire, and everyone needed an absolutely safe place to digest all the gains from this ruin trip.

Therefore, there is no rejection.

Here comes this Taishi Mansion.

Taishifu back hall.

Luo Ji's bedroom.

Ling Tian and Taishi Luo Ji sat opposite each other.

The two sat quietly for a long time before the latter suddenly spoke.

"Little friend Ling Tian, ​​what do you think of Nightmare?"

Ling Tian frowned.

Could it be that Luo Ji still wanted to use Luo Yan as a bargaining chip to solicit himself?

Ling Tian has encountered this set more than once.

"Luo Yan is very good."

Ling Tian pursed his lips.

"You may know the feelings of Nightmare for you."

Luo Ji looked at the table.

"But Ling Tianxin belongs to him and doesn't want to disappoint Luo Yan's feelings."

Ling Tian shook his head.

Flatly refused.

"Nightmare, you are satisfied now, don't be infatuated anymore."

Luo Ji sighed.

And Luo Yan walked out from behind the palace.

"Luo Yan!?"

Ling Tian frowned. He didn't expect Luo Yan to be here.

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