Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2429: Luo Ji breaks with the prince

"Grandpa, I have already said that Ling Tian has no feelings for me, and I have no expectations for him."

Luo Yan tried his best to cover up the loneliness in his gaze.

With a smile on his face.

"Hey, my poor granddaughter, who do you think is not good for you, but you just fell in love with him?"

Luo Ji smiled bitterly and shook his head.

It seems that he knows what special identity Ling Tian has.

"Ling Tian, ​​I know that your destiny is extraordinary, but my family, Luo Yan, is not a mundane daughter, and future achievements will be limitless. In the future, you will not be only Zhao Min alone. Why can't you accept my family's Luo Yan?"

It seems to be for Luo Yanying's injustice.

Luo Ji frowned.

"Teacher, it's not that Luo Yan is bad, it's just that she deserves a better person to entrust."

"I don't think Luo Yan will accept it and share it with others."

Ling Tian looked at Luo Yan, pursed his lips and said.

Of course he knew Luo Yan's feelings for him.

Even this feeling came from Ling Tian inexplicably.

But no way, Ling Tian now really doesn't want to incur debts.

What's more, now Liu Yiyi, Li Shishi and others in the lower realm have also soared to the immortal realm.

He will soon become the fairy king and meet Qin Mingyue.

A Zhao Min still made Ling Tian wonder how to explain it.


Luo Yan opened his mouth, wanting to say that I can share with others.

But she was born proud.

I really can't convince myself.

She is indeed true, unable to share Ling Tian with others.

"Hey, then there is no way."

Luo Ji could only give a long sigh and stopped persuading him.

"Master, the prince is here."

At this time, a servant of the Luo family whispered outside the door.


Ling Tian on the seat frowned and was about to get up.

This prince is definitely invited by Luo Ji to come at this time.

However, doesn't Luo Ji understand the relationship between him and the prince now! ?

Ling Tian didn't have the slightest affection for this seemingly ill prince.

"Little friend Ling Tian, ​​stay safe, don't worry, there are some things that are broken now, it is better!"

"Don't worry, I won't let you suffer."

Luo Ji pressed Ling Tian.

Then he said: "Please come in, the prince."

He was holding the spirit tea, but he didn't even mean to get up.

This caused Ling Tian's pupils to shrink.

Could it be that Master Luo is about to break with the prince?


The prince was greeted in.

Seeing that Na Luoji didn't get up, he was also surprised, but the next moment, he saw Ling Tian who was seated next to him.

His face changed immediately, "Ling Tian!?"

"Teacher, what do you mean!?"

Luo Ji put down the tea cup and smiled, "Ling Tian will stay with me for some time in the future. If I want to come, the prince won't have any comments?"

"Teacher, what do you mean, I have already told you, Ling Tian has what I want in his hands!"

"If you don't have anything, I will never let him go!"

The prince said coldly.

"Oh!? Really, I thought, is there any misunderstanding in this?"

Luo Ji raised his eyebrows.

It seems to want to mediate.

"There is no misunderstanding, Ling Tian, ​​since you and I are with the teacher today, I will give the teacher a face, and you can give me what I want, and I can forget the blame."

The prince looked at Ling Tian again.

"Prince, what's your tone!? Isn't it clear that what I said in Lost Sea that day!? I have never been to the mountain, and I don't have what you want!"

Ling Tian said coldly.

He took something out of the Emperor Suspicious Tomb, but he didn't know what the other party wanted.

Moreover, even if he had it in his hands, he would not give it.

How important is the inheritance of the emperor's suspected mound.

How could he give this kind of person.

"Hehe, teacher, you have also seen that this person is stubborn. Now, if you take him down, you will surely be able to find my things from his hands."

The prince looked at Luo Ji again, and wanted to shoot directly.

He knew that his current self was not yet Ling Tian's opponent.

But Luo Ji is powerful and can definitely suppress Ling Tian.

Ling Tian snorted coldly.

Sure enough, Na Luo **** did not move at all.


The prince frowned.

Seeing Na Luoji's indifferent appearance, his heart sank.

"Ling Tian is a friend I invited, how could I shoot him?"

"In the hands of the prince, there is evidence that Ling Tian appeared on the mountain, and that there is something you want in his hand?"

Luo Ji asked.

"I don't have evidence, but my instinct tells me that it must be him!"

The prince shook his head.

"That's the case, I can't help you either."

"Teacher! What's the matter with you!?" The prince finally couldn't help it, and uttered a low voice: "You are my teacher!"

"Why don't you help me!?"

"Don't you want to see me ascend the seat of Chu Kingdom?"

"Hey!" Luo Ji sighed and took a deep look at the prince, "Zhier, I have watched you grow up since I was a child and treat you like my own grandson!"

"However, my teacher has never told you to help you become the Lord of Chu Kingdom. What I promised you is to let you live well!"

"I'm the prince! I don't become the lord of the country, how can you make me live?" The prince squinted, "Don't you know, I have a dark illness in my body, I can't become a fairy king!"

"If I don't become the lord of the country, I will die miserably. Don't you know how many people want to kill me!"

Luo Ji shook his head, "Your dark illness is not without medicine, and with me, even if you can't be the Lord of Chu Kingdom, no one can make you die."

"say no more!"

The prince raised his hand, gritted his teeth and said: "Teacher, I am asking you one last thing, I am willing to marry Luo Yan as the prince princess, you can capture this Ling Tian and leave it to me for disposal, and I can naturally become the lord of Chu Kingdom , By then, you will still be under one person and above ten thousand people, are you willing!"

"Can't do it."

But Luo Ji almost did not hesitate.

They refused.

"Very well, I also thought about it. The teacher asked me to come over this time just to break with me."

"Okay, I also know that in the entire Chu country, no one can value me as a prince!"

"But, remember, I will let everyone, on that day, bow down to me, I will let everyone be afraid of me!"

The crown prince’s face was full of hideous expressions, and he looked at Ling Tian again, "And you, to be right with me is your stupidest decision. Do you really think that you can go to the Immortal King Palace? Don’t worry. Will make you wish."

"Let's wait and see!"

After all, the prince walked out.

Luo Yan sighed until the prince disappeared from the sight of everyone.

"Brother prince, it seems to have changed."

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