Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2444: Squeeze the prince

"The one who blocks the prince, die!"

The voice of Heavenly Punishment also sounded at this moment.

The Nine Doors Forbidden Army looked at each other. Today, the prince is still the prince, and it seems reasonable to enter the palace at this time.

Moreover, forced by the breath of Heaven's Punishment, they couldn't help but give way.


The prince snorted coldly and climbed up the stairs.

My heart is extremely excited.

Qu Wentong's sudden rebellion was also unexpected by the crown prince and Tian Xing.

But in this way, it saved them a lot of effort. Luo Ji had that Qu Wentong took over, and then no one in Chu State could resist the punishment of heaven.

His prince became the head of the country, and he was justified. At that time, Qu Wentong and Luo Ji will be executed directly. There is no better script than this.

Thinking of this, the prince who had already walked to the palace couldn't help laughing.

As long as he enters the palace and gets the seal of the Lord, he is the righteous Lord of Chu!


However, the prince who walked up to the high platform of the palace suddenly discovered that there was a figure standing in front of the main entrance of the palace.

Never cleared the way.

The figure bowed his head, dressed in blue clothes, hidden in the darkness under the porch, as if blending with the air.

Before, he hadn't noticed it.

"Who are you!? Are you trying to find death when you stand in front of the palace!?"

The prince said coldly.

However, the figure looked like a sculpture, unmoved.

But a gust of wind suddenly blew by, raising the figure's Tsing Yi, and a...silver hair!

In Tsing Yi grinning, the prince suddenly saw a guqin exposed behind the figure.

There are also two fairy swords on the piano!

This dress shocked the prince.

He is so familiar.

I saw this figure in my dream last night.

In his dream, he wanted to kill this guy.

"Ling Tian!"

The prince has a hideous look!

This figure, who else could it be if it wasn't Ling Tian! ?

He had never thought that Ling Tian was so lingering in his shadow, that he would be stopped before the palace!

"Hehe, prince, don't be unharmed, your performance just now is real and delicious!"

Before going to the palace, Ling Tian raised his eyes and sneered.

The current prince really makes him sick.

"what did you say!?"

"Ling Tian, ​​I didn't expect that you could not go to the Palace of the Immortal King, but came to the palace. There is really a way to heaven. If you don't go, there is no way to hell. You can vote by yourself!"

The prince gritted his teeth.

Raising his hand, Tian Xing was about to kill Ling Tian.


However, Ling Tian moved first, ignoring the coercion enveloped by the punishment that day, and directly condensed into a Wushuang big hand, grabbed the prince in his hand, and stood up!

"Ling Tian, ​​what are you doing Ling Tian, ​​let me go!"

The prince was furious, and never thought that Ling Tian now dared to do it.

"What are you doing!?"

Ling Tian sneered and looked at the void on the sky, "Tian Xing, let Liu Jian commander, otherwise I will pinch the prince to death now!"

"Haha, Ling Tian!! You can be regarded as the undergraduate of my Tian Xing, now, you dare to do it right with me!?"

The voice of Heavenly Punishment resounded inside and outside the palace.

"Stop talking nonsense, I'll give you ten breathing options, either release the person or I kill the prince. You should know that I can do it."

Ling Tian said sternly.

The air suddenly fell silent.

The boundless breath of coldness began to permeate the palace.

The three thousand imperial soldiers knelt directly to the ground.

All the coercion of Heavenly Punishment was released, and ordinary fairy kings could not bear it.

They knew that the punishment of heaven at this time was really angry!

However, Ling Tian before the palace, his expression was as usual, and he was not affected by the breath of Heaven's Punishment at all.

This scene shocked Liu Jian.

He knew that he might have missed it.

"Tian Xing Master, save me, I am the prince, I can't die!"

The prince exclaimed in Ling Tian's big hand, his face was full of fear.

"Okay, I will let you live a little longer!"


The **** hand on Liu Jian's chest suddenly retracted, and the former fell from the sky.

"Ling Tian, ​​thanks!"

Although Liu Jian was seriously injured, the immortal king was innocent, and his life would not be in danger.

"Let me go, Master Heaven Xing, will make you look good!"

The prince glared at Ling Tian.

"Oh!? Haha, originally I really wanted to let you go, but you are rude, don't blame me!"

Ling Tian sneered and squeezed his big hands!


In an instant, the prince transformed into a cloud of blood, bursting in front of the palace.

Dead, dead! ?

This scene stunned the Nine Doors Forbidden Army and the tiger-wolf cavalry.

Never thought that Ling Tian could be so domineering.

Ignoring the agreement, directly squeezed the prince in front of Tian Xing! ?

This is too rampant.

Is it really messy to be punished on the same day? ?

The prince was squeezed, and the cold wind pierced the bones in the palace, and then everyone found that all the palaces around the palace were broken.

The void is bursting.

"Ling Tian, ​​you are here, looking for death!"

A voice sounded like a **** of death, the space was torn apart, and a figure walked out of it.

"Heaven Punishment!"

Liu Jian looked at the figure with a look of disbelief.

Because of the heavenly punishment at this time, the glorious appearance is extremely hideous and ugly.

Withered all over, as if about to die.

Standing in the void, his eyes are pitch black and godless, like a living dead!

It's just that, behind the Heavenly Punishment at this time, there is the Badaosen white fairy king's light wings, and its combat power is even more comparable to the nine-tier fairy king!

It's even more terrifying than the previous Naluoji Taishi and Qu Wentong!

"This...Master Tianxing, what is going on with you?"

Liu Jian looked at the cruel appearance of Xing Xing that day, and was first astonished at the horror of Xing Xing's combat power.

After that, I was frightened by the appearance of punishment on this day.

The current Heaven Punishment seems to be even more terrifying than the Dark Demon Race. It's still a Human Race anyway, and it's clearly a monster!

Ling Tian also raised his eyebrows, the appearance of Tian Xing now looks even more terrifying than when he was in Tian Xing Cave before.

"Hehe, what, do you think I am scary like this!?"

Tian Xing sneered, "But do I have a choice!? Back then, the Lord hated me, so he removed me from office and demoted me to the Jixia Holy Land, and let the master look at me. I had no choice but to abolish my cultivation and torture me. Go and practice this day of cruelty!"

"Today, all of this is bestowed by the Lord!"

"Since the prince is dead, then I will kill all of you!"

As he spoke, the aura of Heavenly Punishment rose steadily, and the cold and terrifying aura enveloped the entire palace.

The faces of the Three Thousand Guards and Tiger Wolf Iron Cavaliers changed drastically. This Heavenly Punishment is to let everyone be buried!

"Hahahaha, today, no one wants to stop me from being punished!"

Tian Xing opened his arms, and the white fairy king Guangyi trembled.

"Hehe, right? Then I'm going to learn and teach Master Heavenly Punishment Master's Heavenly Cruel Judgment!"

However, under the terrifying coercion of Heaven Xing, a voice that did not seem to be suppressed sounded.

Immediately, everyone in the palace felt that the cold breath on their bodies was gradually fading.

And a sacred shadow of the dragon, slowly rising from in front of the lord's bedroom.

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