Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2445: War against heaven

"This breath!"

Inside the palace, everyone felt the breath that gradually rose, and their hearts were even more shocked.

To be able to suppress such a powerful atmosphere of Heavenly Punishment, in terms of combat power, it absolutely must match Heavenly Punishment.

Liu Jian, the commander of the Forbidden Army, also looked at the Ling Tian that shrouded the phantom of the Panlong in front of the palace.

At this moment, Ling Tian didn't look like a fairy at all!

Even the fairy king is not as powerful as it is!

Ling Tian's figure gradually flew above the sky, facing the Xing Master that day.

At this moment, Ling Tianzhou's body was densely covered with black dragon scales, and a total of eight fairy king dragon wings bloomed behind him, floating above the sky like the king of the dragon clan.

The energy of the billowing dragon clan surrounds the sky like a slurry.

Today's Lingtian breath is so strong that it can fight against the punishment that day!

"Physical exercises!?"

Sure enough, seeing the great changes in Ling Tian's body, Master Tian Xing was equally surprised.

"No wonder you didn't enter the Immortal King Palace, but you didn't look sad at all!"

Ling Tian sneered, "Yes, now, Master Tian Xing, isn't it uncomfortable!?"

"All your plans will never be realized!"

"Haha, are you!? You think that you, a little fairy, can contend with me because of the technique of refining the body!?"

"Then I have practiced Heaven Punishment for five hundred years, so I really don't have to live!"

"Come on, let me see how powerful your body refining technique with dragon breath is!"

"Can you take me a palm!"

Tian Xing yelled, his dry palm lifted up, the boundless lifelessness, condensed into a white palm, and snapped a photo on Ling Tian's head.

The big palm stretches across the sky over seven thousand meters, like the hand of the **** of death.

Knowing that the big palm slowly landed, the entire palace was shrouded in it.

Seeing this, the tiger wolf cavalry ran away.

Under this big palm, they are all going to die!

However, the Three Thousand Nine Gates of the Forbidden Army were still stationed in the palace and never left.

"Hmph, since Master Tianxing still has some doubts, let me tell you that the nine true dragons are terrible!"

"Banlong Transformation, Shentian Fist!"

Ling Tian raised his hand, and the endless benlong energy was poured into his arm. Then, Ling Tian suddenly clenched the Kantian Shen's fist, which had been cultivated to the limit by Ling Tian, ​​directly blasted out.

At this time, the Divine Khantian Fist had reached five thousand feet in diameter, and among the blue-black fist front, it seemed that there was a Panlong Khantian.

Go straight to the sky!


The palm of the fist confronts regrets above the sky.

The terrifying storm swept through, causing the land of Danyang City to split a gap. The Chu State Palace, and even more palaces, crumbled, and warriors with weak combat power suffered countless deaths and injuries.

At this time, Ling Tian and Tian Xing's combat power were after all the top of the fairy king.

Regrettably above this level, for the martial artists around, it is a disaster.

As for Ling Tian's Shen Tian Shen Fist, the two magical powers broke apart at the moment of contact with Tian Can's palm of Xing Tian.

The void exploded, and Ling Tian's figure was shaken out.

No way.

Although today's Kantian God Fist has been cultivated to the extreme by Ling Tian, ​​and with the blessing of heavy energy, it is already very tyrannical, but the rank is still too low after all.

Under the palm of the sky, he has no advantage at all.

But fortunately, the Heavenly Remnant Palm should not be shattered by the sky, otherwise the entire palace will collapse under the palm of this Heavenly Punishment, and there will be no more creatures.


Although this palm had the upper hand, Tian Xing was obviously very dissatisfied.

Ling Tian actually used the immortal monarch to cultivate his supernatural powers.

"Hehe, Tianxing, it seems that you have been in retreat for so many years, but that's it. If you want to kill me, come up!"

Ling Tian sneered, the eight dragon wings of the fairy king bloomed behind him, and then turned into a green rainbow, shooting directly into the sky.

He must divert Heavenly Punishment away, otherwise, the entire Danyang City will be destroyed.

Above the sky of one hundred thousand feet, Ling Tian hovered in the sky, watching the figure of the sky rushing up, and immediately sneered.

"Tian Xing Master, this time, let you **** hand, can you take it!?"

Ling Tian sneered, and slowly raised his hand, the little holy spirit's fire condensed on his palm, turning into a huge palm print of eight thousand feet, descending from the sky!

Like the hand of a **** and Buddha, the palm of the prajna **** descends from the sky.

Crush all the void along the way.

When the sound wave reached the ground, Danyang City shook violently again. Many warriors never thought that Danyang said that they would be able to experience such a huge change today and fled the capital.


As soon as Tian Xing caught up, he saw the huge palm that covered the sky and the sun, and the palm print was filled with silver-white fairy fire.

The blazing heat of the fairy fire, the majestic palm print.

Let Tian Xing's heart shake.

But too late to react, Tian Xing raised his hand, and a palm print slammed up.


Both palms were regretful, but this time, Tian Can's palm was instantly defeated by Prajna God's palm.

The figure of Tian Xing was also swallowed by the palm of the Prajna **** in a flash.

The palms of the gods bathed in silver fire and swooped down ninety thousand feet. When Danyang was still ten thousand feet away, the energy collapsed.


The palm print disappeared, and the heavenly punishment figure in it was also revealed.

However, at this time, Tian Xing spit out a mouthful of dark blood.

He was actually injured under Ling Tian's palm!

The Three Thousand Forbidden Army took a deep breath, the secret path now Ling Tian is really terrifying, even the master of Tian Xing is invincible! ?

However, Ling Tian frowned slightly above the sky of 100,000 feet.

Only he knows how terrifying the Prajna Palm is today.

He didn't keep his hands just now, and the palm of the Prajna divine being blessed by the little holy spirit fairy fire could even severely damage the fighting power of the Nine Realms Immortal King.

The eighth-order immortal king will even disappear under this palm.

However, this palm fell on Tian Xing's body, and it turned out that it only hurt him a little.

Ling Tian could feel that the current Tian Xing breath didn't have much effect.

"Hehe, it's not bad, it's worthy of Ling Tian, ​​I admit, this palm is more clever than my Tianchou palm!"

The whole body was scorched and even more hideous and terrifying, Tian Xing erased the dark blood stains from the corners of his mouth, and the grinning laughter echoed in the night sky, like a devil.

"But, so what, I have died countless times in Tianxing, you can't kill me, but will make me stronger!"

"Little Holy Spirit Fire, don't even think about me!"

Suddenly, Tian Xing roared sharply, his body was burnt and collapsed, his aura was 10% stronger than before!

Tian Xing carried the boundless death aura, and in an instant, he flew over 90,000 feet, and appeared opposite Ling Tian. He stretched out his big hand, and a white bone immortal staff appeared in his hand.

"The battle between us, but it has just begun!"

"As your nominal teacher, I will now teach you what the real horror is!"

"Tiancan, die out of India!"

Tian Xing sneered, raising the white bone fairy rod in his hand, and in an instant, it condensed the horror and death energy, turned into a formidable ghost gate mark, and shot at Ling Tian.

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