Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2446: The will of heaven

Ling Tian frowned, this mark was weird, although it didn't look strong, it was extremely fast, and even the void fragments that broke apart began to melt wherever he passed.

"Hmph, I want to see, what's the strange thing about you after so many years of cultivating in Tianxing Cave!"

Ling Tian raised his hand and directly pulled out the meteor sword from the guqin behind him. The sword edge Ling Ran cut down, the extremely mighty sword energy smashed the void.


However, as soon as the sword energy touched the death mark, it began to corrode and melt.

Although Ling Tian's current sword intent has been infinitely close to the original sword intent, he still can't break the ten thousand magic with a single sword!

This sword was directly abolished.

When the death seal arrived, Ling Tian's expression changed, and his whole body was tumbling with dragon energy, smashing it to pieces with a palm.

Ok! ?

However, even though the death seal was blasted away by the palm of the Prajna god, the death energy was like a tarsal maggot, splashing down on Ling Tian's body.


A burning sting made Ling Tian frowned.

Sure enough, this lifeless spirit had some doorways, and it could corrupt his dragon scales!

This was something Ling Tian never expected. What's more, on this dragon scale, there is still a little holy spirit's fire!

Can't get rid of this dead spirit!


However, Ling Tian let out a cold snort, the fairy fire surged crazily, and more than 90,000 sword shadows in his body wandered on the surface, and began to resist and extinguish the death energy.

Although Immortal Fire is useless, there is nothing that can resist his sword shadow.

"Tian Xing, you will also be these crooked ways!"

Ling Tian sneered and raised the meteor sword in his hand, shaking his shoulders, tens of thousands of sword shadows blooming directly in the space.

The sword shadow bathed in flames, like a silver-white fairy sword, with nearly one hundred thousand ways. These sword shadows surrounded Ling Tian, ​​making Ling Tian look like an ancient sword sovereign!

"Ten thousand sword formations, lock!"

Ling Tian's long sword pointed straight, and the sword shadow was like a long dragon, encircling Tian Xing's body.

The sword formation was permeated, and instantly blocked all the space around Tian Xing.

"Haha, sword formation!?"


Tian Xing's eyes narrowed slightly, his death and death seal did not cause much harm to Ling Tian, ​​which made Tian Xing feel ashamed.

Even if Na Luoji was contaminated by the breath of this death mark, it would definitely not be better.

But, it seems that it doesn't work for Ling Tian!

Ling Tian's tyranny made Tian Xing excited too, he sneered, raised the white bone fairy rod in his hand, turned into countless Dawson white skeletons, and rushed towards the sword formation.

"God cannibal, ten thousand ghosts cry!"

Ten thousand white bones roared and rushed towards the sword formation. For a moment, a huge shock roared above the sky.

These skeletons are like real entities. Each of them possesses the power of a powerful weapon. Although the number is only one-tenth of the sword formation, the moment of regret has caused many sword shadows to be shaken away. Sword formation position.


Struggling crazily in the Ten Thousand Bone Sword Formation, supernatural powers intertwined, a dozen breaths passed.

However, even though Heaven Punishment broke free from the ten thousand sword formation, ten thousand bones and skeletons were eventually strangled by the sword formation and turned into smoke and dust.


Another mouthful of blood spewed out, and this time the clash, Tian Xing was injured again.


"What kind of sword formation is this!"

Tian Xing was furious.

His ten thousand ghost crying was obtained from the refining of his tree for hundreds of years. It was extremely powerful, and he wanted to use it against the Master and Luo Ji.

However, now Ling Tian was wiped out in this way.

Ling Tian on the opposite side was also surprised.

On this day of punishment, even the ten thousand sword formation can't control him!

Moreover, the current Heavenly Punishment, after being seriously injured, his breath has soared by 10% again!

Ling Tian also understood now that this guy's cultivation of Heavenly Destiny was definitely for self-abuse.

As long as he is injured, his combat power will skyrocket.

If this goes on, there will always be a moment when Heaven Xing will crush him!

No way.

His current combat power was originally the same as that of Tian Xing. Between the two, if he kills Tian Xing again, it will be difficult to deal with later!


"Ling Tian, ​​I don't want to be entangled with you anymore. Although your sword formation is tyrannical, it's over!"

"Heaven's Secret Technique, extinguishment!"

Tian Xing was even more furious, and being entangled by Ling Tian made him feel unprecedented shame in his heart.

At this moment, above the white bone fairy rod in his hand, a light burst into the sky, as if to illuminate the dark night.

The next moment, on the staff, there was a terrifying aura of death, bursting out, turning into a three-headed evil spirit, roaring towards Ling Tian!

The coercion of this evil spirit is already enough to match the punishment of heaven.

In a flash, he swallowed Ling Tian directly into his mouth!

"Hehe, no one can hide my nirvana ghost!"

"Ling Tian, ​​it feels good to be surrounded by lifeless air!"

"After ten breaths, you will turn into a pool of thick water!"

"If you want to get in my way, you only have a dead end!"

Tian Xing sneered.

In the sky, ninety thousand sword shadows surrounded the evil spirits, strangling away continuously.

However, the evil spirit continued to release death energy, so that Jian Ying could not completely extinguish it.

"It's useless, don't struggle anymore!"

"Your sword will not be able to withstand the origin of my life, ten breaths, I only need ten breaths, you have such a terrible body, and it is useless!"

Heavenly punishment can't help grinning.

This day of dying nirvana, he said that all his cultivating strongest secret techniques, these juniors, don't think of it!

The evil spirit was above the sky, roaring constantly, and seemed to laugh at Ling Tian in his belly for uselessness.

"Haha, what!?"

However, at this moment, Ling Tian's cold voice suddenly sounded.

Let Xing's face change that day.

"No, it's impossible!"

"Ten breaths have arrived, why are you not dead yet!?"

Tian Xing is unbelievable!

"Hehe, it's just a mere death, it's not enough to want to get close to me!"


Accompanied by a cold sound, a terrifying sacred aura descended between the heaven and the earth.

Then, the body of the evil spirit burst into pieces.

A phantom that is full of feet appeared in the dark night.

At this moment, all the immortals in Danyang City could see that figure, sitting cross-legged on the sky of one hundred thousand meters.

The figure was hazy, a pair of divine eyes opened and closed, and a golden divine sword held in his hand, like an ancient fairy god.

As soon as this figure appeared, it suppressed all the lifelessness in this world.

Ling Tian was bathing in dragon blood, holding a fairy sword in his hand, floating under the phantom.

This is exactly Ling Tian's primordial will!

The God of War killed the sky, at this moment, was urged by Ling Tian to the ultimate realm of Xianzun.

This is also all the will energy restored by the God of War.

However, this energy is already enough to suppress Tian Xing.

"What, what!"

"What is this will!"

"Ling Tian, ​​your background is definitely more than that, who are you!"

Tian Xing was furious, and in front of this figure, he was full of life and trembled crazily.

Even, he already felt fear.

And fear is the feeling that Tian Xing has never tasted in the past hundreds of years.

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