Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2448: Guohou of Dachaohui Town [four more]

The immortal monarch Ling Tian, ​​like a later generation, beheaded Tian Xing and Qu Wentong one after another.

From then on, Ling Tian was not only the first person of Chu Tianjiao's descendants, but also the strongest combat power of the entire Chu Kingdom.

There is no doubt.

Zhao Min and others walked out of the Immortal King Palace three days later.

Moreover, at the moment they appeared, the Nine Dao Immortal Kings Heavenly Tribulation came one after another.

The power of the tribulation once shook the entire Chu Kingdom.

This is the first time in a thousand years that a gate of nine immortals in the Palace of the Immortal Kings has been cast.

All the martial artists of Chu State said that it was the way of heaven that opened their eyes, so the gift of Chu State was a sign of the great prosperity of Chu State.

Five days later, the new emperor Liu Zhaoer ascended the throne and became the first queen of Chu.

On the second day after enthroning, the state of Chu was all in trouble. Liu Zhaoer walked with the coffin and buried the old lord under the pilgrimage mountain outside Danyang.

Three days later, the first dynasty of the new emperor was opened, and countless civil and military officials of the Chu Kingdom, major families and powerhouses of the immortal gates of the great avenues and palaces gathered in the Danyang City Palace.

Many of them are worried.

This time the Great Dynasty Conference will hold the canonization of the new dynasty. The town’s generals, the two major counties, and many generals were beheaded because of their involvement in the treason. The vacant positions have attracted many people's eyes.

Tens of thousands stood outside the Qinzheng Hall of the imperial palace, waiting for the appearance of the new emperor.

"Get out of the way, Immortal Monarch Ling Tian is here!"

But just as everyone was looking forward to it, from behind the square outside the Palace of Qinzheng, a voice suddenly sounded.

Almost everyone was shocked, and one after another gave up the road in the middle.

They didn't even see Ling Tian's arrival, but just the two words'Ling Tian' were enough!

The avenue separates, and a group of figures stand out from the crowd.

Everyone looked at the leader of this group.

This person is still an ordinary Tsing Yi, with white hair flying, a guqin on his back, and two fairy swords on the piano.

It's not Ling Tian, ​​who else! ?

At this time, even though Ling Tian was still the four fairy flowers above his head, he was the immortal monarch's cultivation base, but no matter what level of the fairy king was present, they all bowed their heads when they saw Ling Tian.

Ling Tian is true to the immortal monarch, but he is the first immortal monarch of the Chu Kingdom under the immortal sovereign!

This fairy monarch represents the ultimate glory!

After Ling Tian, ​​there were eight young men and women.

Although these men and women look extremely young, at this moment, behind them, there are five fairy lights surging, and a fairy king light wing is also slowly flapping.

The fairy king!

Very young fairy king!

In the eyes of all the younger generations present, there is a color of envy.

I imagined that one day, like them, came out of the Immortal King Palace and became the immortal king that countless people admired.

These people are Zhao Minfeng Qixi and other eight people.

Following Ling Tian, ​​the eight were also particularly proud.

Ling Tian went straight to everyone, and stopped in front of Qinzheng Hall.

"Your Majesty has an order, give the national teacher Luo Ji, the fairy king Ling Tianlong chair to take a seat!"

There was the sound of the imperial army, and immediately, two dragon chairs appeared behind Ling Tian and Luo Ji.

Give a seat in front of the temple, this is the ultimate grace.

"Ling Tian, ​​please!"

Luo Ji smiled and let Ling Tian sit down first.

"Hehe, seniors don't be polite with me, let's get together!"

Ling Tian patted Luo Ji's hand, and the two sat down at the same time.

"Your Majesty is here!"

Suddenly, the sound of nine bells rang through the world.

Liu Zhaoer, dressed in a dragon robe, appeared in front of the Palace of Qinzheng.

"Long live the Lord!"

The sound of the mountain whirring and tsunami resounded inside and outside the palace.

Countless people fell to their knees.


Liu Zhaoer flicked her hands, and everyone stood up.

"Today, it is the first time for the solitary dynasty meeting. There is nothing wrong with it, but I want to reward some talents of Chu State!"

"Without them, I would not have the present in the country of Chu."

Liu Zhaoer pursed her lips, "Xianjun Lingtian."

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows and stood up from the dragon chair.

"Ling Tian, ​​pay homage to the Lord!"

Ling Tian arched his hands slightly.

"You are the first contributor to the Qu family's rebellion. Now, the position of Zhen Guo's general cannot be vacant. I will now make you a Chu Guo Zhen Guohou and command all the troops and horses of Chu State!"

Liu Zhaoer's voice fell, and Ling Tian and everyone else was shocked.

Although many people have already thought of people, they still did not expect that Liu Zhaoer could really make this decision.

Commanding all the troops of Chu State is tantamount to completely replacing Qu Wentong's previous position.

Moreover, Ling Tian will also be the youngest Supreme Commander in the history of Chu State.

Moreover, this is also equivalent to holding Chu's lifeline in Ling Tian's hands!

Behind Ling Tian, ​​Zhao Minsu clenched his hands tightly.

This is no different from what she thought, and it is also the best result.

Ling Tian was in charge of the Chu State Army, so it would be much more convenient to conquer Zhao State.

"Thank your majesty for awarding!"

What everyone didn't expect was that Ling Tian didn't even make any excuses.

This town’s prince, he just accepted it!

Ling Tian took the seal of the Zhen Guohou in his hand, his face was not waved.

As early as after Liu Zhaoer came out of the Palace of the Immortal King, the two had discussed it.

Before Ling Tian also declined, as long as Liu Zhaoer borrowed troops.

He also had no idea about Chu's military power.

However, Liu Zhaoer refused.

Ling Tian had no choice but to take it.

"Since Zhen Guohou has accepted the solitary award, I don't know, what are your plans to promote the prestige of my Chu country!?"

Liu Zhaoer's voice came again.

Everyone's heart shuddered, and the show came.

Every newly succeeded lord will launch a war to promote national prestige after ascending to the throne.

However, it has always been to conquer some small immortal kingdoms, or take action against the Dark Demon Race.

This time, Ling Tian, ​​the Zhen Guohou, was extraordinary. Everyone wanted to know what Ling Tian had planned.

"Back to your Majesty, I think..."

"Fight to the west of Chu State and annex Zhao State!"

However, Ling Tian's voice fell, and there was a tsunami-like exclamation inside and outside the Qinzheng Hall.

Annex, Zhao Guo! ?

Everything was shocked, and I never thought that Ling Tian, ​​as the prince of Zhen Guo, who had just been rewarded, would conquer the Kingdom of Zhao as soon as he spoke!

The Kingdom of Zhao and the Kingdom of Chu are adjacent to each other. Although they are not the four immortal dynasties, their strength is only a little weaker than that of the Chu Kingdom.

The territory of the Zhao Kingdom is vast, and during the period there were even more immortal kings.

As soon as the sovereign inherited the Datong, he wanted to go to war with the State of Zhao, which was a bit too big.

"Well, since Zhen Guohou wants to use the annexation of Zhao Guo to raise the prestige of our country, that Gu, let it be!"

"From now on, Zhen Guohou can arbitrarily transfer all the troops of Chu State, as the Supreme Commander, you, etc., all are the orders of the Zhen Guohou, can there be objections!?"

Liu Zhaoer's gaze swept over, and the entire Qinzheng Hall was silent.

Who dares to object! ?

That's no different from looking for death!

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