Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2449: Mysterious dark tower

The entire Qinzheng Hall was silent before, although the conquest of Zhao Kingdom was no small matter.

But they also know that this matter has already been determined.

Moreover, the Kingdom of Chu possessed tiger-wolf cavalry that made other immortal kingdoms frightened, plus many new and powerful immortal kings.

It may not be impossible to crush the country of Zhao.

Not to mention, among these, there is this enchanting Ling Tian as the commander-in-chief of Zhen Guohou.

Since the day the name Ling Tian appeared in Chu State, many miracles have been created.

"Since all the Aiqings have no objections, it's settled!"

Liu Zhaoer continued to reward her.

The two prefectures were vacant. Ran Qinghong replaced Wang Jian and became the new Xijunhou, while the Nanjunhou fell to Luo Yan.

Although Luo Yan didn't like any county, but there was no way, there was no better candidate.

The great dynasty meeting lasted for a long time before it ended.

Chu State Palace, pilgrimage building.

This tall building, located in a corner of the palace, is a thousand feet high and was built by the three princes.

However, because when the pilgrimage building was built, the Heavenly Dao had been touched, and the blood pool appeared as a bad omen, so the Lord of the Kingdom condemned it.

But from that time on, the body of the country lord was much worse than before.

"The trail of Qu Shenyou has not been traced yet. I don't know where this guy went."

On the pilgrimage to the top of the building, Liu Zhaoer sighed.

Qu Shenyou did not follow them out of the Palace of the Immortal King.

But after getting the reward of Heaven's Dao, he fled directly with a secret method.

Perhaps he also knows that if you leave the Palace of the Immortal King, you are dead.

"Someone must be accepted."

Ling Tian nodded and opened his palm.

"Have you seen this thing!?"

Liu Zhaoer frowned and found that what Ling Tian was holding in his hand was a black hexagonal sign with a dead word on it.

Above the dead word, the evil spirit is so heavy that it makes people uncomfortable to read it.

"This... looks like the eight signs of the dark tower."

"Why do you have this!?"

Liu Zhaoer was shocked, with a look of fear on her face.

"It's not mine, it's left after Tianxing's death, other than that, there is nothing left."

"What is the dark tower!?"

Ling Tian shook his head.

Intuition tells him that the origin of this day of punishment is by no means simple, and the breath on this brand is not trivial.

"Have you heard of Chonglou!?"

Liu Zhaoer asked back.

"of course."

Ling Tian nodded, not only had he heard of it, but he also had a heavy building token in his hand. He was also the master of the heavy building pavilion in the chaotic battlefield.

However, since arriving in the fairy world, he has not contacted Zhonglou, and Zhonglou has not come to look for him.

"Humans have always said that they will go up to the heavy building and go down to the dark tower. There are seven floors of the heavy building and eight doors in the dark tower."

"The dark tower is the opposite of the heavy building. As for when it was built, no one knows, but it is said that behind the dark tower is the shadow of the dark demons. In short, the dark tower is mysterious and evil. They exist in the dark, no one Knowing where they are, but there are traces of them, then the human race must be catastrophic."

"Unexpectedly, this day Xing turned out to be from the Dark Tower!"

"You still need to be there, otherwise my Chu State will really be in catastrophe this time!"

Liu Zhaoer took a deep breath, showing lingering fears.

"However, if you killed Heavenly Punishment, you are considered to have offended the Dark Tower, and they will never let you go."

She looked at Ling Tian again.

"Hehe, rest assured, since the dark tower and the heavy tower are opposed, then we must be incompatible with fire and water."

"As for that Qu Shenyou, don't check, let him go, since he is not dead, then he must have his own chance, I just wait for him to avenge him."

Ling Tian smiled.

Hold the dark tower sign in your hand tightly.

Tianxing is a person from the Dark Tower, and the Dark Tower is related to the Dark Demon Race, then all this makes sense.

At the time in Tian Xing Cave, Tian Xing wanted to find out his own details. Although he didn't deserve to know the God of War Killing the Sky, he knew Qin Mingyue in his memory.

I want to come, I'm afraid that the dark tower is already eyeing himself.

For a while, Ling Tian sneered in his heart.

Along the way, with the presence of a guide, he was able to grow extremely smoothly to his current combat power, I am afraid that in the future, it will not be so smooth.

Whether it is Jun Tian or the one he used to, he has always had a strong enemy, how can he let himself grow smoothly! ?

In the previous battle in the palace, he used the God of War to kill the heavens and manifest the world with a single sword, but his will at the time was only the peak of the immortal, not the will of the emperor, and it should not cause much disturbance.

The will of the top Immortal Venerable is just the same as the will of the Nine Immortal Venerables of Qin Mingyue and others, and it is not unique in the Human Race.

After returning from the palace, Ling Tian took the seal of the town to the tiger and wolf army.

These troops amount to two hundred thousand, and they are the most elite existence in the entire Chu Kingdom.

Among them, there are nearly a hundred people who are only strong in the realm of the immortal king, with the highest cultivation base, and there are three above the fourth-order immortal king.

Although not extremely tyrannical, there are countless immortal monarchs in the army, and the most terrifying are the unique Blue Scale Tiger and Black Golden Wolf mounts in the army.

These mounts only existed in the Thousand Demon Valley of the Kingdom of Chu, and were later moved into the secret realm by the Lord of the Kingdom of Chu as a whole, and became dedicated to the mounts of the Chu army.

These monsters are fierce in nature, easy to be tamed, and they know the master very much, making them a natural choice for mounts.

Mounts have different cultivation bases, and the highest realm is also above the Tier 4 Immortal King. Together with the martial artist, the army's combat power can skyrocket.

Ling Tian was no stranger to these tiger-wolf teachers.

Because, when Chu was first founded, the leader of this army was his master of war, the **** of Chu's army, Xu Ji!

Xu Ji once said to him in the landscape map that the landscape map must be assisted by elite soldiers and strong generals in order to win all battles.

When he was in charge of the Tiger Wolf Iron Cavalry, he was never disadvantaged.

However, he was later persecuted by Qu Wentong, and because of waiting for Ling Tian, ​​he had to go into hiding and gave the tiger wolf iron cavalry to Qu Wentong.

But after the Tiger Wolf Iron Cavalry was taken over by Qu Wentong, he seldom fought against the mighty Immortal Kingdom. He also knew that without Shanhe Art of War, he could not fight back and forth like Xu Ji did.

Now that the tiger and wolf teacher has arrived in Ling Tian's hands, then he will certainly not fail Xu Ji's high hopes.

In fact, it is the same.

Conquering Zhao Kingdom was the goal Ling Tian had set since being with Zhao Min.

Once in the map of mountains and rivers, Ling Tian didn't know how many simulations he had done. Ling Tian was even more familiar with Zhao country's inch mountains and rivers than Chu country.

Therefore, the army started pulling out after ten days. This time, Ling Tian only enlisted a million elite army.

This amount was nothing to Chu State, even less than one-tenth. After all, when Ling Tian conquered Zhao State, Chu State also needed troops to defend the frontier.

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