Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2450: Zhao Guo's Falling Dragon Valley

But among the millions of army, there are two hundred thousand tiger and wolf divisions, and the 30,000 Mo family army brought by the Mo family from Wolong Dao Palace.

Coupled with Zhao Min and other powerful immortal kings, the combat effectiveness of this one million army is extremely fierce.

The smoothness of the battle far exceeded the expectations of the upper and lower warriors of Chu State.

Did Ling Tian swept through all the defensive passes on the border of the Zhao country in a month? Before the uncontestable combat power of the army and the endless warfare of Ling Tian, ​​the defense of the Zhao country was like a chicken. Vulnerable.

In three months, he went deep into the country of Zhao millions of miles, regaining more than half of the territory of the Kingdom of Zhao.

Zhao Min also sacrificed the blood of the Zhao family, and replaced Ling Tian as the princess of the Zhao Kingdom to become the commander-in-chief of the army and conquer the Kingdom of Zhao.

After half a year, ninety-nine percent of Zhao Kingdom was regained by the army, and in the end, only a 100,000 li area around Zhao Kingdom was left.

And all the elites of the royal family in the Zhao Kingdom are all shrouded in the capital.

As long as this capital is taken down, then Zhao Min will be able to unify Zhao country.

Fallen Dragon Valley.

This is a huge gorge only fifty thousand li from the capital of Zhao State.

It is also the place where the Nine Demon Sect was founded.

It was also the Lan Zhan sect that Ling Tian had encountered before at the foot of Chaoge Mountain.

This sect is the magic way, and controls most of the Zhao Kingdom.

The imperial family of the State of Zhao is now just a puppet of the Nine Demon Sect.

At this time, within the Dragon Falling Valley, there was already a ruined wall.

Three days ago, Ling Tian brought two hundred thousand tiger and wolf iron knights and thirty thousand Mo family troops to the Dragon Falling Valley.

The Nine Demon Sect, one of the nine great immortal kings, played, and the cultivation base of the Nine Demon Sect Master was even comparable to that of Qu Wentong, and the other deputy sovereigns were also at the level of the master of the Holy Land.

However, as soon as the Sovereign of the Nine Demons exited the Dragon Valley, he was slapped into flesh by the palm of the Prajna **** that descended from the sky.

The other eight immortal kings were also beheaded by Feng Jixing and others.

Megatron Zhao's Nine Demon Sect failed to resist even one day, and was wiped out by Ling Tian.

At this time, Ling Tian fell into the Dragon Valley, looking at a dragon bone in the valley in a daze.

This keel is full of feet and is buried in the canyon.

I don't know how many tens of thousands of years have passed, so that this dragon bone has lost anything that can be used, and it is no different from ordinary rocks.

However, this keel still surprised Ling Tian, ​​because with his sensitivity to the dragon's breath, one could see that this keel once belonged to the fourth grade of the Dragon Clan!

The bloodline of the Tianlong clan is stronger than the five-color dragon clan of the third grade.

Ling Tian's Nine Real Dragon Transformations will only use this Heaven's Dragon Blood Bones when it is in the fifth transformation.

However, the one in front of him is obviously useless.

However, out of respect for the dragon clan, Ling Tian waved his hand and put away the dragon bone.

Although I don't know why this heavenly dragon fell here, the wind and sun here finally made him unbearable.

When there is a chance, he will definitely go to the Dragon Clan Xianzhou, when the time comes, he will send the keel back.

"Ling Tian, ​​I don't want to leave! Unexpectedly, outside of this capital city, there is really Falling Dragon Valley!"

Behind Ling Tian, ​​Zhao Min was dressed in golden armor, and the fairy king Guangyi stepped forward with a panic on his face.

"so what!?"

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows.

"Ling Tian, ​​have you forgotten that before that day in Xingdong, I had Fallen Dragon Valley in the illusion, because I didn't rush to help you in order to attack the capital city of Zhao State, and let you fall into Fallen Dragon Yanai!"

Zhao Min stared.

"Thank you too much, do you remember what that person said at that time!?"

Ling Tian asked with a smile.

"He said, Great Wei united with the Fourteen Immortal Kingdoms, and Yuli of the Dark Demon Race surrounded the Falling Dragon Valley. You and Dao Palace elites have all fallen."

Zhao Min frowned.

"Haha, but now Yuli is dead, and in the Dragonfall Valley, it is not only me and Dao Gong elite, and two hundred thousand tiger wolf cavalry."

Ling Tian shrugged.

Although the illusion of Tian Xing has the ability to spy on the heavens and predict the future, it is still far away if you want to calculate him.

"That's true, you said, Da Wei won't be back!?"

Zhao Min's face was much more relaxed.

"No, there is still a place to guess right in that illusion. Yuli will not come, but Wei will come to support the army. Only then I searched the soul of the Nine Demon Sovereign and learned that he and Wei’s Xuantian Demon Valley had a very close personal relationship. When we first conquered Dawei half a year ago, he asked for help. Counting the time, Dawei’s reinforcements are coming soon."

Ling Tian slowly shook his head.

"What, does Wei still have reinforcements? Then this Falling Dragon Valley is still unsafe!"

Zhao Min's face became stern again.

"Minmin, this is not like you, hesitate, your goal is the capital of Zhao State, as long as you take that capital, you will completely recover Zhao State. That is your long-time dream."

"My dream now is that you are safe and sound!" But Zhao Min's voice was firm.

"After that time in the fantasy world, the decision I made was to give up helping Climbing Dragon Valley. You didn't know that my heart was twisted at the time. From that moment on, I knew that you were more important than Zhao Guo."

Zhao Min bit her lip, two lines of tears rolled down.

"Ling Tian, ​​do you know that, now, I am particularly afraid of losing you, I always feel that if I have Zhao Guo, you will leave me."

"Fool!!" Ling Tian clasped Zhao Min's hands, "I will be fine. Restoring Zhao Kingdom is the common goal of you and me. Now that we have reached the last step, we can't give up all our efforts."

"Go back, leave it to me here, don’t worry, no matter who led the army this time, and no matter how many people come, I will bury them here in Falling Dragon Valley, wanting to kill me Lingtian, I Just use their corpses to fill in here!"

Ling Tian said with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.


"Minmin, no, but, go back. The army needs you. When I finish killing the Wei reinforcements, I will go to the capital to join you. I will look at you and sit on the dragon chair.

Ling Tian squeezed Zhao Min's hand, "Don't you know my strength? Even if I lose, I can hide in Taoyuan. No one can kill me now."

"Then, well, you must be careful!"

Zhao Min nodded and looked at Feng Qixi and others behind, "Sisters, you must also protect yourself. This time, my sister owes you!"

"Take care!"

After all, Zhao Min's figure disappeared directly in the Dragon Falling Valley.

"Well, now hide it according to the original plan. We are waiting for the arrival of the reinforcements from Wei!"

Ling Tianchang took a breath.

"Ling Tian, ​​will Da Wei really come?"

Feng Qixi still had some unbelief, and along the way, they had never heard the news that the Great Wei Army had entered Zhao Country.

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