Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2459: Ye Gucheng's Daughter

The evenly matched situation changed instantaneously, which was beyond everyone's expectation.

The fourth-order immortal king looked miserable, his eyes were still unbelievable. The five people behind him were taken in from an early age and carefully trained. In order to cooperate with his practice, the six people joined forces, not weaker than the fifth rank of the immortal king. Because of this, the task of escorting Ye Xichan this time fell to the six of them.

These five people are loyal to him and have no two minds. Why would they suddenly turn back today? This makes this Tier 4 Immortal King puzzled.

"Miss, watch out!"

The Tier 4 Immortal King's arm was cut off, but he still stood in front of Ye Xichan.

"Zhang Lin, how exactly did you buy my subordinates!?"

However, the old man of Hua Zong was also gloomy that day, looked behind him, and said coldly: "Confusion! I know it's you, come out for me!"

The next moment, a fairy king in a scarlet robe suddenly appeared behind the old man.

As soon as this person appeared, the warriors around the entire teleportation formation turned into a commotion.

And his face was full of horror.

The Taoist Taoist is from one of the four first-class immortal sects.

Although it is a Taoist inheritance, the practice is all insidious and wicked exercises.

However, Dajin has always been open to all rivers, as long as these magical inheritances do not do things that are infuriating between humans and gods, they will not be questioned.

Therefore, Deadwood Cliff has been developed to this day.

"Hehe, Zhang Lin, I haven't seen you for a few years, your spirit has soared a lot, and you can even sense my breath."

The Taoist smiled angrily, shaking the floating dust in his hand, but the floating dust was blood red.

Although he was smiling, his whole body was full of evil spirits, and his cultivation level had reached the fifth stage of the Immortal King, comparable to that of Hua Zong Zhang Lin that day!

"Stop talking nonsense, what are you going to do!?"

"These Wushuang Xianzong people are what I want, they killed my sect disciple!"

"What are you doing now!?"

Zhang Lin shouted coldly.

"Haha, by coincidence, three days ago, the disciple who came to Wushan with me was also killed. Judging from the residual aura, it was these people who did it. You want revenge, and so am I!"

"You can kill, why can't I do it!?"

"You fart!"

Zhang Lin was furious, and he clearly wanted to grab the credit!

However, this scene made the fourth-order immortal king of Wushuang Xianzong despair in his heart.

It is the divine mind exercises that confuses the soul, which can control the will of a person, and naturally can make his men kill each other.

Now, Tianhuazong and Withered Muya are here, but they both want to kill them.

This, how is it good! ?

Ye Xichan stood under the Tongtian Lingbao and looked at all the martial artists around him coldly.

These two great immortal sects dared to kill people under Wushan, but no warrior stood up to question or uphold justice.

It's really chilling.

No wonder my father is unwilling to go with these people.

These guys are not worthy!

"Haha, Zhang Lin, don't get angry, no, there are two people left, you and I will shoot at the same time, and you will die under whose supernatural powers, no matter who belongs to them!"

After the Taoist Taoist said, he pointed out directly and went straight to Ye Xichan and fell down.

This finger was two thousand feet long, and the pressure shook Wushan's formation.

Even if Ye Xichan had the protection of the Tongtian Lingbao, after all her own cultivation base was too weak, and the shock of the magical powers through the Tongtian Lingbao was enough to make him completely wiped out.

And how could that Zhang Lin willingly give the credit to Withered Wood Cliff! ?

Immediately, Qing Feng in his hand also swept down, trying to kill the two of the Wushuang Immortal Sect before that confused soul!

"Miss, go!"

The Tier 4 Immortal King roared with weeping blood, although he was desperate in his heart, he still desperately urged his vitality, stretched out his hand with one hand, and wanted to stop the two's supernatural powers.

Ye Xichan shook his head slightly under the Tongtian Lingbao.

go! ?

Can you go! ?

Moreover, as the daughter of Wushuang Sect Master Ye Gucheng, she will fight to death and will not retire!

But at this moment, a green rainbow flashed, and a graceful figure instantly appeared in front of Ye Xichan, and saw the fairy grass-like aura sweeping out, and a piano sound suddenly resounded under Wushan.

The two magical powers of Lin and Hunhun were dissolved in an instant.

The visitor turned around, the green clothes were like fairy grass, the distant mountains with Daimei, and the guqin in his hand, leisurely and unlimited.

The temperament is particularly extraordinary.

This person is exactly Zuo Xianzhi!

Ye Xichan and the fourth-order fairy king were shocked.

Never thought that at this critical moment, someone really helped them! ?

However, the Taoist Lin and the Soul Confounding Taoist face sinks like water, his ultimate move is blocked, his heart is furious, and his body exudes a cold atmosphere.

"Who are you, why do you intervene in me and wait for the fight?"

The woman shot and dispelled her magical powers with the technique of piano music, and the two were shocked.

Because this woman seems to be young, but her breath has already reached the realm of the fairy king!

Such a young fairy king! ?

Although this woman's Qin Yin technique is not very powerful, it is only the fifth-order fairy king's combat power, but with this background, they are naturally jealous, otherwise they have already shot and killed, how can they say more.

Zhang Lin's eyes flickered, and he stepped forward, juxtaposed with the soul-dead Taoist. The aura of the two of them was obscure, and the aura of destruction was vaguely revealed during the tossing. Although not much to say, it is already the greatest deterrent.

"This girl, today's matter is the grievances between our sects. You'd better not intervene, otherwise it will cause trouble and you can't be killed."

This time, Zhang Lin was backed by Zixiaozong, even if this woman had a mysterious background, she was definitely not an opponent.

No matter how strong the background is, can it be stronger than the top sect of Donghua Xianshan Zixiaozong! ?

That is the sect with the immortal king record powerhouse.

He is one of the few powerhouses in Dajin.

But Zuo Xianzhi's complexion was dull after hearing this, and there was no change. At this moment, her eyes flashed slightly, she turned around and swept over the two of them, then moved away, and said lightly: "My master asked me to save people!"

"Your master!?"

Ye Xichan was startled with Zhang Lin and all those who heard the words.

This woman is already a fairy king, who can be her master.

"Dare to ask the girl, who is your master!?"

Ye Xichan asked respectfully.


Zuo Xianzhi looked behind Ye Xichan.

The latter turned around, and the others followed suit.

It was discovered that it was an extremely attractive presence.

He is dressed in Tsing Yi, but with white hair and a guqin on his back, showing grace.

Xianjun! ?

However, everyone then exclaimed.

Because this guy looks mysterious, but his cultivation is only in the realm of Xianjun.

Isn't this funny?

A fairy king turned out to be the master of a fairy king! ?

Is there a mistake! ?

Even Ye Xichan was puzzled.

These two are too strange, and she doesn't even know each other, and it seems that they have nothing to do with Lengye Villa.

"I have something to ask you."

However, that Xianjun looked at Ye Xichan.

"Senior, please."

Although this person's cultivation base is only Xianjun, but he is also higher than himself, Ye Xichan did not neglect.

"Wu Shuang Sect Master Ye Gucheng, who are you!?"

Ye Xichan frowned, this matter was considered secret in today's Wushan.

Moreover, Ye Gucheng's name is not something anyone can call directly, but he still said, "My father!"

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