Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2460: Kill [Four More Seeking Fruit]

"What!? Are you Ye Gucheng's daughter?"

Ling Tian was shocked.

Unexpectedly, this Ye Gucheng also has a daughter?

But it's okay to think about it again. After all, they have been separated for hundreds of years. It is not unusual for someone to have a daughter.

That year, Ye Gucheng married Luo Zijun, which allowed Ye Gucheng to gather together Jinlei Yaoguang.

"Your mother, Luo Zijun, also soared!?"

Ling Tian asked again.

"Yes, isn't it possible that Senior is my father's old acquaintance in the lower realm!?"

Suddenly, Ye Xichan's martial artist's mouth was small, and his face was full of incredible expressions.

Because, her mother, Luo Zijun, in this fairy world, few people know about it.

"Hehe, it's so good, don't worry, with me, no one will want to touch you today."

Ling Tian nodded.

Since it was such a coincidence that allowed him to meet the daughter of the deceased under this Wushan Mountain, then in any case, it would be impossible for Ye Xichan to suffer any more harm.

However, because of this, Hua Zong Zhang Lin and Withered Wood Yahusun Taoist looked ugly that day, Ling Tian looked at them as if they hadn't seen them, and talked with Ye Xichan, which naturally caused them to lose their anger, and then felt a touch of murderous intent.

If this person dares to intervene, the two of them will definitely kill him here!

The two looked at each other, and they all could see that each other's eyes were sharp.

Ling Tian pondered slightly, turned around, and said lightly: "Xianzhi, let them go."


Zuo Xianzhi nodded, then turned around and looked at the two, "Today, you two will leave."

The voice is calm and natural, as if speaking like this, it is justified and extremely appropriate.

"Get out!?"

Lin angered and grinned, showing a sullen expression, "You guys speak so loudly, you want to save this person's life, it's really ridiculous."

"Today, the old man's last word of advice is not to interfere, otherwise today next year will be your day of sacrifice."

The Taoist Taoist has cold eyes and has never spoken, but the aura in his body has skyrocketed. A junior fairy king, and a fairy king who pretends to be a ghost, want to save people in front of them! ?

I underestimated them too.

Murder in the hearts of these two people is so great, if this person dares to speak more, he will definitely kill them.

Ling Tian shook his head. Today's intervention is destined to cause trouble. He wants to calm things down. He is really wishful thinking.

That being the case, only by hurting the killer, can it be done once and for all and save Ye Xichan's life without being contaminated by the cause and effect.

Killing is what I don't want.

In the first battle of the State of Zhao, too many human races died in his hands.

The situation is like this, but it can only be killed.

Kill it.

Ling Tian's heart moved, and the cold light in the depths of his eyes flickered, revealing a faint sorrow.

Seeing the coldness on Ling Tian's face, Zuo Xianzhi was also pretty cold immediately.

Jiao screamed.

"You two retreat, otherwise what you wait for is exactly what you think in your heart."

"Don't force me to do it!"

The Taoist confuses the soul with a grinning, murderous and broken body, sweeping away.

"Zhang Lin, what are you waiting for? This person wants to seek death. You and I will kill them."

"I will join forces to kill these people, but in the backhand!"

Zhang Lin nodded, raised his head, and cut off with a sword without warning.

"Fight quickly and make decisions quickly, so as not to grow branches and kill them quickly."

With a sword out, the situation changed suddenly, and the sky was gloomy.

Zhang Lin didn't try his best with just a sword, after all, he was only dealing with a Ye Xichan.

But now, he has already cut a sword with all his strength, the power is much more terrifying than before!

The eyes of the soul-confusing Taoist of the dead wood cliff also instantly turned into a weird blood-red color, and the divine thought broke out, and went straight to Zuo Xianzhi.

In their opinion, Zuo Xianzhi is the strongest, and that white-haired fairy is nothing to worry about.

The cultivating magical powers of the soul-confusing Taoists are mostly related to divine consciousness, attacking the martial artist's sea of ​​mind, preventing accidental prevention, and it is extremely difficult to parry.

At this moment, the two have joined forces, with obvious intentions to kill Zuo Xianzhi with one blow.

The two martial artists of Tier 5 Immortal King strangled together, mighty and powerful, even if they were both Tier 5 Immortal Kings, they might not escape.

But right now, these two rivals were Ling Tian's disciple, Zuo Xianzhi.

Zuo Xianzhi is now the Immortal King. Although the Qin Yin technique is not the main attacker, but under Ling Tian, ​​how can he still bully them.

Zuo Xianzhi used to be able to kill the fifth-order immortal king by relying on the team. Now she is the immortal king's cultivation base, and Bitianfeng plays the guqin in her hands. In a moment, her fingers shook, the sound of the piano was transformed, and she counted swords. Feng, then tore out of the void.


Jianyin and Zhang Lin's blade were in regrets, and in the latter's astonished gaze, the blade fell apart.

He didn't even have the power to parry at all!

However, the magical powers that deceive the soul are different.

Its divine mind attack is extremely fast, and it will be sent first at this moment. Unable to break through Zuo Xianzhi's rhythm, he just turned the direction directly, pounced straight into the Lingtian Yihai space, easily broke into, the corners of his mouth showed ferociousness, and only a few tricks at the moment, this person could be hit hard in an instant.

Can't kill Zuo Xianzhi, can't he still kill a fairy! ?

Ling Tian's face was flat, and his spirit attacked. He played badly with such things.

Since flying into the fairy world, it has rarely been used.

Comparing divine mind with him is like seeking one's own death!

Above the sea of ​​mind, Ling Tian just opened his eyes and grinned at the demon head transformed by the soul-confusing Taoist spirit. The latter was shocked.


In Lingtian Yuanshen space, the demon that deceived the soul's mind had not had time to use any means, a black light flashed in front of him, and then a yellow light shrouded it, suppressing it.

The demon was terrified, and in Ling Tian's sea of ​​mind, his spirit was instantly suppressed, and there was no resistance at all.

Raising his head in amazement, he happened to see Ling Tian sneer at him.

"Who are you!?"

The Taoist people confused the soul in horror.

This world of divine minds, as vast as the sea, was simply unheard of.

How can this be something Xianjun can have! ?

"You don't deserve to know."

Ling Tian Shennian directly strangled the demon.

Teleporting the square, the Taoist Taoist looked pale, his face instantly pale, his body's breath floated endlessly, his face sprayed with a bleeding sword.

Now, most of his mind was strangled and suffered heavy losses.

"No, this person must hide his cultivation base, Yihai is so powerful, and the absolute background is amazing. With my cultivation base, there is no resistance to divine consciousness being swallowed!"

"Run away quickly, or you will die today."

The Taoist Taoist was completely frightened, regardless of the serious injury, at this moment, his body flashed, and he ran away frantically.

Sudden change, unexpectedly by countless warriors, his gaze fell on Zuo Xianzhi who was holding the guqin. Seeing that his face was still plain, he couldn't help feeling in awe.

Silently, he severely inflicted two immortal kings on the fifth-order strong so that they fled. This person is really terrifying.

They are already Zuo Xianzhi with one enemy and two, and they have the upper hand.

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