Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2467: The big shot is here


"Whoever comes out, I think you are really looking for death!"

The brawny man was so furious that he was about to step forward and attack Ling Tian.

"and many more!"

However, the old man who had been eyebrows with the strong man stopped the strong man.

"The old man is the steward of Tianshifang!"

"This son, you can't talk nonsense!"

"My Tianshifang is the largest stone workshop in Dajin. It has always been a childish man. We will not bully others, but we can't tolerate your **** spitting!"

"Today, if you don't make it clear, then we can only take you down!"

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows, "I was looking for you. Unexpectedly, you stood up by yourself!"

The old man was startled, and he also began to wonder in his heart.

But thinking of their Tianshifang's technique is perfectly flawless, his complexion returned to normal.

"Hehe, I don't understand what the son is talking about, since you said he was a thousand-year-old, then show evidence!"

"Yes, come up with evidence!"

"This guy doesn't look like a great Jin martial artist, but he can't let him slander Tianshifang so much!"

"How could Tianshifang deceive people, this guy is absolutely nonsense!"

Other warriors also clamored.

But no one would believe Ling Tian at all.

"Do you want evidence?"

"Then we fulfill you!"

Ling Tian sneered and walked around among the rocks. Along the way, before many stones, he stopped for three breaths.

"Ye family girl, come here!"

"Ah!? Uncle, what's the matter?" Ye Xichan was taken aback and hurried over.

"You can see what I did just now?" Ling Tian smiled.

"Uncle seems to have stopped for three breaths in front of some stones." Ye Xichan said.

"Can you remember which stones are? Take them out."

"Uh... okay!" Although he didn't know what Ling Tian was going to do, Ye Xichan picked out all the stones.

Not many, only a dozen pieces, with different sizes and colors, it is difficult to see anything abnormal from the surface.

That Leng Linfeng also turned into nothing, and I don't know the purpose of Ling Tian's move.

"Now, do you want me to figure it out?"

Ling Tian looked at the strong man and the old man.

Tian Zhuang was stunned, but looked at the old man.

I saw that the old man's face was gloomy, and his whole body began to tremble.

"Hehe, the old man doesn't know what you want to say, but you didn't buy the stones from my Tianshifang, but you are fooling around here. Do you really think that there is no one in my Tianshifang?"

"Come on, take them down!"

The old man screamed in anger and wanted to call someone over.


However, Zuo Xianzhi immediately took out two pieces of national artifacts and threw them on the ground.

"Enough to buy these broken stones, right?"

This move directly suppressed everyone present.

Throwing the national equipment on the ground, is it so rich and powerful! ?

The old man was also shocked.

"Okay, since you don't cry without seeing the coffin, then I will convince you!"

Ling Tian turned around and looked at the martial artist present.

"You guys, it's not that we deny, but this guy is clearly out!"

"These stones have been marked by them!"

"Moreover, not only is there almost nothing in it, but it's still put in later!"

"The purpose is to let you bet against him, and then lose all your treasures!"

Ling Tian's words are tantamount to a deep-sea bomb.

Directly set off a tumult!

make a mark!

Put the treasure behind.

This is tantamount to a liar!

Fraud! ?

"It turns out that Tianshifang is a fraud, then Brother Leng, we can't recognize this unique game!"

Ye Xichan pouted her little mouth.

Uncle still has the means!

"No, everyone, let's stay calm and don't listen to his family!"

"Yes, who can prove that what this guy said is true!"

But soon, the crowd calmed down.

The old man and the brawny were also flushed.

"You are spitting blood!"

"If you can't prove the fraud today, you must die!"

Tian Zhuang said angrily.

"Ha ha!"

"I still don't admit it!?"

"I heard that the rough stone you identified, Jiucheng is an ancient Dan!?"

"Then you come and see now, which stone has ancient Dan in it!?"

Ling Tian sneered.


The strong man looked at the old man beside him.

But the old man couldn't move forward at this time, and he couldn't transmit the sound even more. After all, there is a high possibility that there are people with a high level of cultivation, and the sound transmission is intercepted by someone, so it's all exposed.

"No, is it!?"

"Then I'll tell you, which one has the **** pill in it!"

Ling Tian picked up five of the stones, the immortal element shook, the original stone shattered, and five ancient alchemy appeared in front of everyone.

"It's Gudan!"

"Hi, this guy is really right!"

"what happened!?"

Everyone began to doubt.

"Not only that, there are also marks on the remaining stones, please see!"

Ling Tian's big sleeves were rolled up, and Ten Thousand Dao Sword Shadow quietly broke open the formation on the original stone, and a series of faint lines appeared on the original stone.

"These textures are hidden on the rough stone by people with extremely high formation skills, and ordinary people can't see it at all!"

"If you still don't believe me, then I can continue!"

"This piece, inside is a broken fairy treasure ten thousand years ago!"

"This one, inside is a magical spar."

"This, what is hiding is the egg of a strange worm!"

As Ling Tian passed by, the stones shattered one after another.

Treasures appeared in front of everyone.

Moreover, they were all hit by Ling Tian!

At this time, everyone had to believe it.

Because, if it wasn't really marked, this guy would be able to see it!

"No, none of this is true!"


The old man is going crazy.

This is absolutely impossible!

Because, the old pill that Tian Zhuang just opened is the last piece of the stone of Tianshifang, how could there be so many!

All this makes the old man himself unable to think through!

The brawny man was even more stupid.

If his own activities are seen through, then how could he be better off! ?

Thinking of this, the brawny man turned around and was about to flee.

But Ling Tian stretched out his hand, Xian Yuan condensed, and directly pressed that person to the ground.

"Want to go!?"

"You are deceived and insulted my Ye family niece. Today, you don't want to survive!"

When the voice fell, Ling Tian clasped his big hands firmly.

There was a bang.

The strong man directly turned into a cloud of blood.

Even so, it was crushed by Ling Tian!

All the people present took a deep breath.

Although Tian Zhuang's cultivation base is not extremely high, he is also the Three Immortal King, so he was crushed by a fairy like this! ?

Moreover, it is still in Tianshifang!

Today, how does this Tianshifang explain! ?

"And you!"

"What do you want to say?"

Ling Tian retracted his hand and looked at the old man.


The old man kept talking, he couldn't argue with his words.

"what happened!?"

"Are you impatient to live assault in my Tianshifang?!"

However, a voice suddenly sounded from the apse of Tianshifang at this time.

A group of people stood out from the crowd.

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows, because the leader turned out to be a woman.

Although he had a veil on his face and couldn't see his appearance, his figure was extremely beautiful, and he was dressed in white, shrouded in a faint divine light, and the fairy king Guangyi was behind him.

Turned out to be a young fairy king!

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