Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2468: Take off the veil [four more]

Moreover, behind him, there are also quite a few young talents.

The cultivation bases are all extremely high, all in the realm of the peak of Xianjun.

Moreover, what made Ling Tian's pupils shrink was that the son of Wushan City, Cheng Hao, who had a conflict with him half a day ago, was actually behind this woman.

At the moment when he saw Ling Tian, ​​the killing intent in Cheng Hao's eyes burst out almost undisguised.

It's really narrow enough!

"Boss Hu San, meet the eldest!"

When the old man saw the woman appear, he was shocked and knelt down.

"Say things, what's going on!?"

The woman's face was cold.

"No, it's nothing, it's all trivial, and I can handle it again!"

The old man trembled all over.

"Huh!? Are you afraid you can't handle this matter?"

Ling Tian looked at the woman, "You are the top of this Tianshifang!?"

"Hmm. I am!"

The woman nodded, "You know, what are the consequences of making trouble in my Tianshifang?"

"I don't want to know the consequences, but you can explain to me that you made a fake rough stone in Tianshifang, and you also marked it to deceive the Wushan City warriors!"

Ling Tian hugged his shoulders.

"What!? Fake!?"

The woman was startled, her face was full of surprise.

"Presumptuous, in my Tianshifang, how can you allow you to talk nonsense!"

However, the woman couldn't react, a top-level fairy prince rushed out from behind, pulled out the national weapon long sword at his waist, and was about to slash towards Ling Tian!

Wait a minute!

However, the woman raised her hand to dissolve Xianjun's sword light.

"If you don't say it clearly, it's the tongue of the people. My Tianshifang is upright and can't tolerate slander!"

The woman stepped forward, "There is evidence."

"There, see for yourself."

Ling Tian pointed to his feet and shrugged.

The woman came up and took a look at the original stone, but what surprised Ling Tian's heart was that a sacred white light suddenly flashed in the woman's eyes.

This light is unusual!

Ling Tian is very familiar with this.

The power of origin!


This woman also has the power of origin!

Moreover, it is still related to the eyes!

At this time, Ling Tian also noticed that there was a faint mark between the woman's eyebrows.

God pattern!

Only those who have the power of the source will have it.

The origin of this woman must be extraordinary!

Soon, the woman put down the stone in her hand, but her face became more and more cold.

"The rough stone was cut in advance and then used to make up for it. Who did it?"’

She suddenly turned around, a suffocating aura, spreading, causing the martial artists around to step back.

Such a young fairy king has absolutely terrifying combat power.

"Bai Lu, you are in charge of Tianshifang in Wushan City, you say!"

The woman looked at the young man who just wanted to cut Lingtian with the sword.


The son hesitated to speak but stopped, his face was full of fear.

However, the young man immediately looked at the old man who was kneeling on the ground, his eyes lit up, and he immediately furiously said, "Hu San, but you have done a good job!"

"My son, it's none of my business, it's not you..."


But the next moment, the old man's head flew up.

The white deer put away the sword and knelt on the ground with a thump.

"Sister, it's because I didn't work well enough to smear Tianshifang. Please punish me!"

"Haha!" The woman sneered and shook her head, "Do you think, how can I punish you to restore the reputation of Tianshifang!?"


The son was speechless.


But at this time, Ling Tian applauded again and again.

"Not bad, good acting!"

"Forget it, here, it's better to go to Huafang to listen to the little tune, nephew and niece, let's go!"

Ling Tian called out and was about to leave.

"and many more!"

However, the woman stopped Ling Tian.

"Anyway, it is my fault at Tianshifang today. We can compensate the son for his loss until he is satisfied!"

Ling Tian stopped, but there was something in his heart.

"Oh!? You are sincere!"

"Inevitably, as long as I can save my reputation in Tianshifang, I can promise you Bai Mengyi, after all, what do you want!?"

In the woman's tone, there was all pride.

She is the daughter of the ancient Bai family.

"Hehe, to be honest, I have nothing to want."

"To expose you today is just to give my nephew a sigh of relief, otherwise, he will die here!"

"You should be thankful that he is not dead!"

Ling Tian shook his head, and turned around to leave.

"You can't go!"

"This is a middle-grade national implement, and it should be able to compensate you for your losses."

Bai Mengyi took out a long sword.

Ling Tian sneered and looked at the eyes under the veil, "Really?"

"Then take off your veil and let us all see what you look like!?"

"After all, you Tianshifang deceived everyone!"

Ling Tian's voice fell, and the fairy king aura on the woman's body suddenly rose, and the terrifying pressure enveloped Ling Tian.

Killing intent.

A strong killing intent swept through, trying to engulf Ling Tian.


"Where is the dog stuff, don't give it to the face!"

And the group of handsome girls behind the woman were also furious.


However, what the group of handsome girls had never thought of was that the coercion covering Ling Tian instantly dissipated.

This Bai Mengyi actually agreed.


Ling Tian was also puzzled.

But at this time, the woman had already taken off her veil.


Ling Tianyue has countless beauty, and can't help taking a breath at this time.


It's really beautiful!

Perhaps because of the immortal king realm, or perhaps because of the original power in the body, Ling Tian always felt that this woman had this unusual temperament.

Perhaps, among the beauties he had seen, only Di Jiuge, Zi Jin and others could compare with them.

Both of them have their origins.

Moreover, the most charming thing about this woman is those eyes.

It seems to be able to see through everything.

"Now, are you satisfied!?"

A blush flashed across Bai Mengyi's face, but she still looked at Ling Tian's eyes.

Ling Tian also felt a divine light into his body, as if he wanted to see him through.

With a cold snort in his heart, one hundred thousand sword shadow guards wiped out the divine light.

"Okay, Miss Bai is open and honest, I admire it!"

"As for your Tianshifang matter, I will not pursue it anymore."


Ling Tian turned around and led everyone away.

"Do you know how to Jianshi!?"

However, did not wait to go out.

Ling Tian was stopped by a man wearing a purple and gold brocade.


Ling Tian frowned.

Why, I can't get out of this door today! ?

This man looks very handsome, and there is also a fairy king light wing behind him.

Surprisingly, he is also a young fairy king!

What, is it a coincidence today? I met so many Tianjiao nobles one after another! ?

"who are you!?"

Ling Tian frowned.

"I am Immortal King Zixiaozong, Cui Zhou!"

Its voice fell, and there was a burst of exclamation around it.

"The younger Cui Zhou, who is ranked in the top three of the Zixiao Sect, has also come to Wushan City!?"

"Could it be because of this Baicao Conference!?"

"It shouldn't be. As Cui Zhou, how can you care about this Hundred Grass Conference!?"

Everyone was obviously surprised at this person's identity.

"Do you know how to Jianshi?"

The man asked again.


Ling Tian said calmly.

"Then a gamble?"

Cui Zhou smiled.

"Why bet with you?"

"No, Miss Bai Mengyi, it's not something you and the like can blaspheme, I just want to tell you, don't be too arrogant, you are not worth mentioning." Cui Zhou sneered.

Well, it turned out to be because of Bai Mengyi.

Ling Tian took a deep breath, "No, there are no good stones in Tianshifang here to bet on, it's too bad!"

Ling Tian led people around Cui Zhou and left directly.

"Three days later, a batch of real top-quality rough stones will arrive at Tianshifang. I am here waiting for you!"

However, Cui Zhou did not stop Ling Tian, ​​but his voice came over.

Ling Tian was noncommittal, and the group of people disappeared into the sight of everyone.

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