Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2471: See the holy original stone again! ?

The size varies, but without exception, these ores are all white, obviously from a vein.

"Two, this is the ore I brought from my home. It is absolutely high-quality. It is extremely rare in this Donghua area. I think it will be enough to satisfy both of you."

Bai Mengyi said proudly.

These ores are the reason why he came to Wushan here.

Even this kind of stone, she can't see through it 100%, the success rate is only about 50%, this is the limit.

"Huh!? I have never seen this stone before."

Cui Zhou frowned, and he could see the extraordinary nature of this ore.

"Yes, it looks good, then use it to compare."

Ling Tian naturally didn't care, he looked at Cui Zhou, "How to compare, what to bet on!?"

When Cui Zhou heard this, he sneered, "Why, do you really want to win?"

"Naturally, if I don't want to win, then I don't have to come."

Ling Tian shrugged.

"That's good, but I don't look down on ordinary things!" Cui Zhou thought for a while, "In this way, we don't bet on baby, whoever loses will call the other grandpa!"

"how is it!?"

Cui Zhou's voice fell, and there was a burst of exclamation around him.

Call grandpa! ?

This is really insulting.

They understood at this time that Cui Zhou clearly wanted to humiliate Ling Tian.

Treasures or something, if they are gone, it will be a pain, but the grandfather called out, so you can't stay in Dajin anymore.

I have to say that this Cui Zhou is cruel enough.

"You guys are so unreasonable!"

Ye Xichan frowned and wanted to come forward, but was stopped by Leng Linfeng, "I believe that Uncle Ling Tian is sure that he will definitely win."

"Okay, no problem, it's settled."

"But, what if you don't regret it then?" Ling Tian raised his eyebrows.

"You think too much, to deal with you, my Cui Zhou, how could I lose!"

Cui Zhou shook his head.

lose! ?

He never thought about that scene.

"Don't worry, two people. Since this stone bet is taking place in my Tianshifang, I can act as the judge and host. If someone remorse, then my Tianshifang will make a move. It is fair and just, please rest assured. "

Bai Mengyi said at this time.

"Hehe, it's so good."

Ling Tian nodded when he heard this.

"Okay, Miss Bai, this person blasphemed you three days ago, don't worry, today, I, Cui Zhou, will vent your anger!"

Cui Zhou also had no objection.

Moreover, it was Cui Zhou's plan to be able to show his stone enlightenment before Bai Mengyi's eyes.

"Well, in that case, the two will start. The rules are simple, that is, each choose nine stones, three stones as a group, compare the values, and win three games."

Bai Mengyi smiled.


Cui Zhou responded nonchalantly, and then walked into the rocks.

However, when Cui Zhou lay down in front of the stones, sticking out his tongue and licking it bit by bit, he still made everyone frown at it.

This...is Cui Zhou's stone-scene technique! ?

"Damn, this is too heavy!"

Leng Linfeng cursed in a low voice.

He has seen so many appraisers, and he has never seen one appraising stones in this way.

Even Bai Mengyi frowned slightly.

This Cui Zhou's way of looking at stones is really unsightly.

However, Na Ling Tian had not rushed to choose a stone, but walked towards Bai Mengyi.

"Stay back, what do you want to do!"

Behind Bai Mengyi, a group of Tianjiao nobles surrounded him.

I am very afraid that Ling Tian has any unruly intentions.


Bai Mengyi didn't see any panic, and looked at Ling Tian faintly.

"Nothing, I just want to ask, where did Miss Bai get these stones?"

Ling Tian asked with a smile.

This time I came to Tianshifang and Cui Zhou to bet on stones.

Because, from these pure white minerals, Ling Tian actually felt a familiar smell.

This taste is very similar to the big golden stone he found in the Lost Sea Ruins before.

Although the breath on these stones is far less strong than that of the golden boulders, there is definitely a certain connection!

"Hehe, this is our trade secret, no comment!"

Bai Mengyi frowned, and a vigilance rose in her heart.

These stones are indeed no trivial matter.

I don't know, this guy saw what he asked before asking.

"However, has the son seen this kind of stone failed!?"

While breathing, Bai Mengyi began to play Ling Tian's words again.

"Haha, I have seen it."

However, never thought that Ling Tian actually admitted it.

This was beyond Bai Mengyi's expectations.

This guy, his words are really incomprehensible!

However, Bai Mengyi's face suddenly became serious.

"Have you seen it!? Where?"

Ling Tian shook his head, "Confidential, no comment!"


Bai Mengyi was frustrated, this guy turned out to be deliberately mad at herself! ?

She has never seen anyone treat her this way.

"Hehe, but what I can tell Miss Bai is that the kind of stone I saw is not white, but golden!"

Ling Tian said with a faint smile.

"What!? Golden!?"

"No, this is absolutely impossible!"

Bai Mengyi almost didn't hesitate at all, so she denied it.

Golden, how is this possible! ?

If the stone of this breath turns into gold, then it is the legendary holy original stone!

In the past thousand years, although the frequency of the appearance of the holy original stone has been much higher than before, it has only passed three times in the Great Jin Dynasty.

They are all in the Dajin imperial court.

Ordinary people can't be seen at all.

"If you don't believe me, there is no way!"

Ling Tian shrugged.

He suddenly felt that teasing Bai Mengyi was quite interesting.

"Huh, it really is a prodigal son! Jian Shi is not good at appraising, and wants to molest the daughter of the Bai family. She is still alive, and will let you call someone else's grandfather to see how you end up!"

In the crowd, Xiao Daogu couldn't help muttering in her heart as she looked at Ling Tian's mean appearance.

They are all stinky men, and they all look the same when they see beautiful women.

Chen Yinfeng sighed.

"The origin of Young Master Qin must be extraordinary, and as expected, only beauties like the daughter of the Bai family can really get his eyes."

"Where is the stone, can I see it? If you are willing to transfer it, I am willing to buy it at a high price." Bai Mengyi looked straight at Ling Tian.

"High price, how much is high price!?"

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows.

Is it possible that this woman also knows the holy original stone, or why is she so nervous.

"Hehe, don't doubt this, you should know the foundation of my Tianshifang. The high-level I am talking about is naturally beyond your imagination."

Bai Mengyi is very confident.

Her Bai family is the entire Great Jin Dynasty, and with the power of the Immortal Dynasty, even the holy original stone can be afforded.

"Oh, if you exchange it with Miss Bai, it is feasible!?"

Ling Tian hugged his shoulders.

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