Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2472: Phantom sting bee in the stone! ?

"You fool me!?"

Bai Mengyi's pretty face suddenly became cold, and the Immortal King's aura surged all over her body. It seemed that she was about to make a move.

How could it be possible to trade her for it! ?

"Do you think that Bai Mengyi will not kill people!?"

"I can't even count the prodigal son who died in my hands."

"Don't don't don't, I'm just joking, Miss Bai, don't be serious!" Ling Tian hurriedly backed away. He didn't want to work with this woman at this time. He suddenly patted his forehead, "Oh, I almost forgot. , I'm betting on rocks."

Below, Ye Xichan and Leng Linfeng both covered their faces.

This Uncle Ling Tian didn't want to adjust a bit. He was betting on rocks, he went to talk and laugh with Bai Mengyi.

Can it be more reliable! ?

The others also shook their heads.

They have never seen such an inattentive appraiser, if they can bet any treasure, it would be a hell.

Na Cui Zhou looked at Ling Tian and Bai Mengyi talking, his heart was even more furious, he quickly picked nine stones out.

"I'm done choosing, you better hurry up, if you can't, give up now and call Grandpa!"

Cui Zhou shouted angrily.

"Oh!? It's beyond my expectation that the stone can be licked so fast. Why, is this stone easy to lick?"

Ling Tian smiled.

"You better not want to die!"

Cui Zhou narrowed his eyes.

Although his stone appraisal seems unsightly, he is still very confident.

"Fine, since it's too late, then I'll pick one at random!"

Ling Tian casually rolled up three stones with his big sleeves and placed them under his feet.

"The election is over!?"

Bai Mengyi frowned and looked at Ling Tian.

"Just three yuan!?"

Ling Tian shrugged, "Yes, only three yuan, in fact, one is enough, but after all, two wins in three games, that's all."

"Okay, I want to see if you are pretending to be a fool!"

Bai Mengyi sneered, "I will come to Jie Shi personally, you will be divided into groups."

"Who will come first!?"

"Miss Bai, let me come first! There is nothing in that kid's stone, so don't make it so hot to Miss Bai's eyes." Cui Zhou said quickly.

He didn't want that Bai Mengyi's gaze kept on Ling Tian.

Moreover, he is very confident in his own stone enlightenment technique. Among the three stones, there is bound to be something out of one.


Bai Mengyi walked over and drew a dagger from her waist.

"and many more!"

However, at this time Ling Tian suddenly spoke again.

Bai Mengyi was unhappy, "What do you want to say!?"

However, Ling Tian waved his hand and asked Zuo Xianzhi to present a Chinese national artifact.

Then throw it on the ground.

"Stone gambling is a matter between us, but you can't let Miss Bai spend your money in vain."

"This national weapon is considered to be the three stones I bought."

Ling Tian said lightly.


Bai Mengyi was puzzled.

Although the rough stones he brought are precious, three pieces are still far from selling for the price of a middle-grade national product.

Is this guy showing off his wealth? ?

However, everyone looked at that Cui Zhou again.

At this time, Ling Tian had bought these three ore with the National Instruments, what would he do! ?

"You guy is crazy, buy three stones with Chinese tools!?"

Cui Zhou was furious.

Although he was a high disciple of Zixiaozong, it was too extravagant to buy stones with middle-grade national implements.

"Hehe, don't play if you can't afford it."

Ling Tian hugged his shoulders, his face didn't show the slightest pain.


Cui Zhou rides the tiger with difficulty. If he doesn't keep up, he will lose the face of Zixiaozong before today's gambling on the stone.

"Okay, you are cruel enough, wait a while and see how I humiliate you!"

Helpless, Cui Zhou took out a middle-grade national artifact from the ring and gave it to Bai Mengyi.

"I bought it too!"

Starting with the two pieces of Chinese artifacts, Bai Mengyi was naturally also happy to see them. After receiving the Chinese artifacts, she waved the sharp blade in her hand and began to lay the stone.

Although this white rough stone is extremely tough, under the knife of Bai Mengyi, it is like tofu, and it is peeled off a little bit.

However, the successive cool stones are empty.

Before Tianshifang, a group of warriors began to wonder.

Cui Zhou's face also changed slightly.

how can that be! ?

His tongue clearly told him that there was something in these stones, and there was nothing there now.

It's too evil.

However, when Bai Mengyi was unraveling the third stone, a dazzling red light poured out of it.

"Finally something is out!"

"Cui Zhou is still great!"

Everyone exclaimed, Cui Zhou also secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, a 30% success rate!

"Yes, fist-sized condensed crystals of blood, it is a magical material, and can be used to refine national implements."

Bai Mengyi played with the scarlet spar in her hand.

To be honest, although it is a magical note, it is not extremely expensive.

This is the most troublesome part of this kind of ore. It is easy to lose.

In short, the value of this sea of ​​blood crystals is far from being compared with Zhongpin Guoqi.

"It's enough to win him!"

Cui Zhou sneered.

"It's up to you, which one to choose!?"

Bai Mengyi came to Ling Tian.

Ling Tian smiled, "Look at Miss Bai's mood, whichever one will do."


Bai Mengyi frowned, "Are you so confident!?"

"Try it..."

Ling Tian still had a smile on his face.


Bai Mengyi reached out and picked up the smallest stone.

This stone is only the size of a melon.


In Bai Mengyi's pair of star eyes, the bright light flickered.

However, with the power of her bright light, it is still impossible to determine whether there is anything in it.

With a cold snort, Bai Mengyi dropped the knife in her hand, and directly split the stone in half.


But at this moment, a buzzing sound suddenly sounded.

Everyone exclaimed, they saw a fiery red light, rising to the sky, they were about to flee!

"Living thing!?"

Bai Mengyi was shocked in her heart, but the next moment she stretched out her bare hand, in the sky, a giant net made of Lingbao from the sky fell, and the thing was directly imprisoned.

"Miss Bai, be lighter, don't break my baby!"

Ling Tian frowned.

"Hehe, I can afford it if it breaks!"

Bai Mengyi sneered and took back the Tongtian Lingbao, but when she saw that there was a fire-red odd bee gnawing at her Lingbao in the Tongtian Lingbao, she couldn't help but exclaimed.

"This is...Phantom Stinger Bee!!?"

Ling Tian looked at the flaming red worm the size of a thumb, and couldn't help but nodded secretly.

However, this time I came to Tianshifang, really came to the right.

Magic sting bee.

Unexpectedly, in Dajin, I could still see the magic sting bee.

This means that since Ling Tian discovered the Phantom Sting Bee in the Lower Realm, hundreds of years after the two realms, he has seen the second kind of Phantom Sting Bee!

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