Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2474: Ancient Monster Beast Egg

"If the white tiger's blood can be extracted from it, it will be of great value."

"However, the possibility is extremely small."

After thinking about it, Bai Mengyi said: "If it is worth it, if I decide it, it should be on par with that of Jin Yijian!"

"Master Qin Tian, ​​do you have any questions about my pricing!?

Ling Tian shook his head, \"Since Miss Bai has determined, then Ling Tian naturally has no objections.\"

\"Then, let's start the next round directly.\"

Bai Mengyi said.

\"Hehe, Miss Bai, this is not good, you haven't solved my stone, why is it the next round?\"

But how could Ling Tian do it.

\"Why, now that you have acknowledged the value of these two things, don't you still admit defeat?\"

Bai Mengyi frowned, Ling Tian had already won one round anyway, and he had lost this round, and it was nothing.

\"Hehe, let's follow the rules, even if Miss Bai thinks I will lose, I have to convince me to lose!\"

Ling Tian smiled.

\"You guy, really don't hit the south wall and don't look back!\"

\"Miss Bai! Since he wants to make a fool of himself, then fulfill him!\"

Two treasures of Cui Zhou have already been opened, so naturally he hopes Bai Mengyi Jie Shi.

\"OK then!\"

Bai Mengyi walked to Ling Tian. At this time, there were only two rocks left under her feet, one the size of a watermelon, while the other one was huge, half a person tall.

After thinking about it, Bai Mengyi chose the smaller-looking stone.

After all, this kind of stone must be solved relatively quickly.

Bai Mengyi lifted the sharp edge and started to do it.

\"Miss Bai, you have to be careful this time, don't hit me again with a single knife, it's a treasure inside.\"

Ling Tian hurriedly stopped Bai Mengyi.

\"Don't worry, if I broke you, I will pay you.\"

Bai Mengyi said in her mouth, but she took a lot of seriousness, didn't open and close, and began to peel off the rough stone a little bit.


However, as the rough stone was peeled off a little bit, Bai Mengyi's face became more serious, and the strength in his hand became more refined and cautious.

This scene frowned the old appraisers in Tianshifang.

Because they rarely see Bai Mengyi ever like this.

Because there are very few treasures that can make Bai Mengyi so nervous.


Inside this rough stone is an incredible treasure!

\"Huh!? Do you feel a breath of monster race?\"

\"Yes, and extremely powerful, is it possible that a noble demon with blood has come to Wushan City!?\"

At this moment, suddenly many people scanned the surroundings.

Because, at this time, the air was filled with an atmosphere of the monster race, which was too obvious, because that aura was extremely noble.

\"Don't guess, it's this thing!\"

However, at this time, Bai Mengyi who was smelting the stone suddenly stopped the sharp blade in her hand, and turned around with the thing in her hand.

\"This~Is it possible, it is an egg!?\"

\"The great demon aura radiates from this east, could it be that this is a cub of the demon clan!?\'

\"Such blood, and the monster egg sealed in the original stone must be something that only existed thousands of years ago, so the things inside are also alive, then this value~~\"

Almost everyone looked at the monster egg in Bai Mengyi's hand, and took a breath in an instant.

Who would have thought that among Qin Tian's stones, there was actually a monster's egg!

Moreover, after the ridiculous years, there is still such a strong blood aura.

So, it's really very likely that it's a living cub of the ancient monster beast!

And if so, the value of this monster egg is really incalculable.

At least, it is much more valuable than the broken bones of the **** beast blood that Cui Zhou opened just now.

After all, in this monster egg, there is probably a living monster!

Everyone looked at Na Cui Zhou.

At this time, the latter was completely dumbfounded.

How could he think, Ling Tian can still drive such a precious thing in the second round! ?

This is simply unreasonable.

\"Hehe, Miss Bai, now you can estimate.\"

Ling Tian smiled.

\"No, such things have always been priceless. Only auctions can determine their value.\'

\"But, Bai Mengyi wants this thing, so why don't you make a price!?\"

Bai Mengyi said.

The demon beast cub of ancient blood is much stronger than a mature demon beast mount.

Because these cubs can be cultivated from birth, then when they grow up, this monster beast is not only a mount, but also a combat partner, a monster pet.

Never betray.

Moreover, the combat power will be extremely powerful.

In the human race, this is almost the standard configuration of the top Tianjiao.


Ling Tian thought about it, whether it was a mount or a monster pet, he didn't lack it.

This monster egg is not necessary for him.

However, you can't just answer Bai Mengyi like this.

\"The price is not bad, if Miss Bai changes it by herself, I'm still willing.\"

Ling Tian smiled.

\"You really don't know how to die.\"

Bai Mengyi shook her head, ignoring Ling Tian.

She knew that Ling Tian had the power of origin and had an extraordinary background.

Moreover, only two stones were opened, and the treasures came out.

Said to be a coincidence, Bai Mengyi, who is an appraiser, is absolutely unbelievable.

Then, there is only one possibility, this Ling Tian's stone appraisal technique is very good.

\"In that case, Mr. Cui, even if the stone bet is over this time, you have lost both games. Is there a problem!?\"

Bai Mengyi looked at Cui Zhou who was still in a daze.

In his heart, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart for this high disciple of the Purple Cloud Sect.

Today's Cui Zhou is afraid that he will become the most miserable top sect Tianjiao in Dajin.


Cui Zhou's face was blue, and his heart was full of shame at this time.

He lost, and it was so ugly!

Lost in two rounds.

Moreover, Qin Tian only opened two stones!

Who is more accomplished in the art of stone appraisal?

At this point, it is self-evident.

\"Does Mr. Cui have any objections!?\'

Bai Mengyi urged.

\"I do not have!\"

Cui Zhou shook his head.

\"Then since there is no, please ask Mr. Cui to fulfill his promise!\"

Bai Mengyi said.

Under Tianshifang, the crowd also began to clamor.

Although Zixiaozong is the home of Wushan City, it is from all over the place to see the excitement now.

Moreover, the reputation of Zixiaozong is not good. At this time, there are many people who have fallen into trouble, waiting to see Cui Zhou make a fool of himself.

\"Haha, Zixiaozong Cui Zhou, you quickly recognize grandpa, don't regret it, otherwise, you will lose all the face of Zixiaozong!\"

Ye Xichan said with a smile.

Cui Zhou's face was extremely gloomy.

Now, he is in a dilemma!

Because, whether it was admitting failure, calling that grandfather Qin Tian, ​​or repenting, his Zixiaozong's face was lost today! \"

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