Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2475: Apprentice

\"Hehe, grandson Cui Zhou, this grandpa, you don't have to call it, after all, I won't have a grandson like you!\"

\"But, you remember to me today, don't think that you are a disciple of the Zixiao Sect, and you are defiant.\"

\"Go down!\"

Ling Tian said coldly.

\"You! Good, Qin Tian, ​​today, I remember you!\"

\"\"I lost to you in the art of Jianshi, but this does not mean anything. If I am above the martial arts, I can kill you by extending a finger! \"

\"I hope that in the future, you will not regret what you did today!\"

After Cui Zhou finished speaking, he turned and left directly.

Even without turning his head, he went straight to the gate of Wushan and left the city.

This Wushan City, he has no face to stay any longer.

However, his heart was filled with killing intent.

This Qin Tian, ​​he will kill it!


Ling Tian sneered, like Cui Zhou's threats, Ling Tian's ears were about to become callous.

Taking the monster egg in Bai Mengyi's hand, Ling Tian still put it into Taoyuan.

In fact, when Bai Mengyi took out these rough stones, his sword shadow had already been quietly dispatched.

However, within a short time of wrangling with Bai Mengyi, Jianying scanned all the ore.

There are many treasures in these stones, and the ratio should be about one-fifth.

It's a very good rough.

Being curious about the origin of this rough stone is not Ling Tianwu's target.

Rather, it is possible to have the original stone land where two living creatures appear, and there is definitely an incredible secret hidden in it.

Very likely, earth-shattering!

The stone gambling ended, and the crowd began to gradually disperse.

Ling Tian was also preparing to leave, but saw that Bai Mengyi, did not leave, and smiled: "Miss Bai, is there something else!?"

\"Who did you learn from?\'

Bai Mengyi asked.


Ling Tian shrugged.

\"Impossible, I didn't see how you saw the stone, how can this kind of stone-seeing art be taught without a teacher, don't lie to me, where did you come from, who are you, come to me? Dajin, what do you want to do!?\"

Bai Mengyi asked questions one after another.

\"Hahaha, Miss Bai don’t need to worry, I’m here for Dajin, just to find an old friend, there is absolutely no extra attempt!\"

\"If you want to know more about me, then come to me personally, I'm at Yuelai Inn!\"

Ling Tian Yangtian smiled, and led the crowd away without restraint.

\"This guy, I really don't know how high the sky is!\"

Behind Bai Mengyi, those young people Cai Jun looked surprised. This Ling Tian was clearly molesting Bai Mengyi.

But are two treasures identified? This is crazy to him!

In the Bai family, the most indispensable is this kind of stone appraiser!

\"No, don't underestimate him. He has arrogant capital. Perhaps, we can still use him in this mission. Therefore, it is not a last resort. Don't offend this person.\"

Bai Mengyi sighed.

If it hadn't been for the background of Lingtian and the art of appraising stones, Bai Mengyi would have dealt with it a long time ago.

\"Miss, when shall we act!?\"

Asked a young man Junxiu.

\"Don’t worry, this time we came at an untimely time. We caught up with the Baicao Conference in Wushan City. Now the city is mixed with dragons and snakes and it is not safe. When the Baicao Conference is over, we will look for opportunities.\"

Bai Mengyi said.


Behind the talents, everyone nodded.

\"Oh, I still forgot, that Qin Tian's last stone has not been opened yet, if I want to come, it is also an incredible treasure!\"

Bai Mengyi suddenly patted her forehead.

But at this time, Ling Tian's figure had disappeared from sight.

Yuelai Inn!

Bai Mengyi muttered, her fist in her sleeve began to clenched tightly.

Yuelai Inn.

When Ling Tian and the others came back, it attracted the attention of the martial artists in the inn. Now, Ling Tian has become a celebrity in Wushan City.

Cui Zhou became the grandson of this person. This is simply a shame and shame that has never been seen since the establishment of the Zixiao Sect!

And this Qin Tian will surely become a thorn in the eyes and a thorn in the flesh of the Zixiao Sect and his minions.

Some people even recognized that Qin Tian's apprentice had killed the Withered Wood Cliff and the Immortal King of Tianhua Sect three days ago, under Wu Mountain.

Such blood feuds must be endless!

But, fortunately, Wushan City is still safe.

Ling Tian also ignored the gazes and gossips of others, and went straight upstairs.

However, that Leng Linfeng and Ye Xichan also followed.

\"You two, what do you want to do!?\"

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows.


However, that Leng Linfeng suddenly knelt heavily in front of Ling Tian.

\"Uncle, oh no, it’s the master, please be respected by the disciple!\"

When the voice fell, that Leng Linfeng didn't wait for Ling Tian to refuse, but banged his head three times at Ling Tian.


Ling Tian's head suddenly grew big, and at this moment of Leng Linfeng, his inspiration was awakened.

"Master is here, let your niece bye bye!"

Not only that, Ye Xichan who was next to him also knelt on the ground, about to kowtow.

"Don't don't!"

Ling Tian hurriedly stopped, "What are you doing!?"

He never thought of accepting apprentices.

"Master, we were wrong. At first, I thought you were just bragging, but now I find that you are really too good, so please promise us!"

Leng Linfeng pleaded.

"Hehe, I also want to be my uncle's apprentice. In this way, I will be the younger sister of Xianzhi!"

Ye Xichan also had a smile on her face.

"You guys, don't you have a master!?"

Ling Tian frowned.

"No, we have always been teaching exercises by mother and father!"

Leng Linfeng quickly said.

Ye Xichan's eyes rolled, "That's right, and my father said that the only person who can become our master is uncle!"

"Uncle, since this is what my father meant, you, as my father's brother, should agree to it!"

"Yes, yes, my father said too!" Leng Linfeng reacted and quickly agreed.


Ling Tian leaned forward and smiled.

These two live treasures are a bit interesting.

Ye Xichan is smart and straightforward.

The talents of the two children are naturally nothing to say, absolutely extremely high.

"Master... you are the only disciple in the immortal world, and I really want to have a younger brother and younger sister!"

Zuo Xianzhi was also timid.

"Hey, all right, since Xianzhi also intercedes with you, then I promise you!"

Ling Tian nodded, but after another thought, it seemed that he didn't have any extremely clever techniques in his hands to pass on to the two children.

With the talents of the two, the exercises to be cultivated must be top-notch, otherwise Ye Gucheng will have to complain about him.

However, the Sanqing avatar, the Eternal Burning Heaven and the Nine Transformations of the True Dragon, these techniques are too harsh.

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