Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2493: Behead

At this moment, Ling Tian's 100,000 swords and shadows were combined, bringing all the sword intents together.

Directly broke through the shackles of the god-level sword intent!

Now, it is also the first time for Ling Tian to show his brand new sword intent outside Taoyuan.

They said that above the god-level sword intent is the original sword intent.

The original sword intent is also a kind of the original source of the sword. Although it is the most basic and common existence of all the original powers, and it is not the only one, it possesses the most simple and pure endless sharp aura of the original sword intent.

The direction of the sword, as long as the master of the origin sword intent is strong enough, then the origin of the sword can burst out infinitely powerful coercion.

With the power of this source, many miracles can be created.

For example, tearing apart the original world of the original guardian in front of him.


Ling Tian held the Meteorite Sword in his hand, and the original level of sword intent burst out from the center of his eyebrows.

In an instant, the entire dark and cold source space was torn apart by this sword intent.

And the entire space, like a deflated ball, collapsed in a short while, and the pressure was lost.

A shimmering light also illuminates the world in front of him.

This, let it be in the huge belly of the mountain in the extreme depths.

And the breath of the original guardian has also become the state of an ordinary top-level fairy king.

At this time, she was still shrouded in a black mist.

However, without the blessing of the source space, the combat power of this source guardian is no longer so terrible.

"Hehe, now, what else can you rely on!?"

Ling Tian opened his eyes, and at the center of his eyebrows, the sword shadow suspended in the mark of heaven and earth, once again collapsed into a hundred thousand sword intent, shrouded in Ling Tian's surroundings.

"Damn, you, a human race in the realm of Immortal Sovereign, can actually comprehend the original sword intent!!"

"Furthermore, the mere Sword Intent of the Origin, how could it tear my origin world!?"

"Who on earth are you, I am on you, asking a familiar smell!?"

"I, have I ever seen you!?"

The Guardian of Origin looked very panicked.

"Haha, never!"

"From now on, there will be no chance. This is the last time you see me!"

"Come on, kill you, and surrender the power of the source!"

The Meteorite Sword in Ling Tian's hand was held high, and Wentian's sword was slashed in the air!


What a terrifying Ling Tian that had exploded with all the fighting power, the Wentian sword, under the blessing of the Meteorite Sword, evolved more than nine thousand feet of sword energy, and the entire mountain began to be cut apart.

Without further ado, he has already demonstrated the top truth, and he must quickly fight the broken consciousness, otherwise it will be very troublesome to lead to a big gap between the thirteen top immortal kings.

"Hmph, even if there is no original space, you can never kill me!"

"As for who you are, after I kill you, I will absorb your soul and know!"

The original guardian was surging with black mist, and the next moment, a huge black whip appeared in front of him, drawing towards Ling Tian's sword energy as if there were nether tentacles.


The two magical power attacks fought in midair.

However, Ling Tian was slightly surprised that his own Wentian sword was actually shattered.

This original guardian seemed to be an energy body, and there was no weapon in his hand, but the evolved supernatural powers were still so terrifying.

It's a bit of a way!

"Hehe, a mere junior, dare to covet my original power, I really don't know good or bad!"

"Now, you two, just stay here!"

The Origin Guardian sneered and raised his arms. In an instant, tens of thousands of black awns burst out from all around the mountain and turned into the appearance of that incomparably powerful ferocious miner, like a tsunami, rushing towards the sky. go with.

Each of the tens of thousands of manifested mine beasts has reached the sixth-order immortal king's combat power. With such a large accumulation, even the ninth-order immortal king is helpless!

However, what the guardian of the origin is facing is Ling Tian!


In the soft snort, the sword shadow of Ling Tian's body evolved into a big formation.

It almost enveloped Ling Tian's surroundings for dozens of miles!

The tens of thousands of mine beasts flooded into the big formation, without exception, they were all strangled into pure original aura.

After a dozen breaths, the mine was calm again.

But the Dragon Wing of the Immortal King behind Ling Tian shook, but in an instant, he arrived in front of the Guardian of Origin.

The speed is reaching the extreme!

"Hehe, it's useless, in front of absolute power, your energy body is just waste!"

"Can you stop me with a punch!"

Ling Tian sneered, the light of the magical power transformed from the Kantian Divine Fist, surrounded the front of Ling Tian's fist full of panlong scale armor, and lightning reached the face of the Guardian of Origin.


The original guardian was shocked, and instinctively folded his arms, trying to block.


However, with a bang, the arms that the Guardian of Origin had evolved directly shattered under the tremendous force.

How could Ling Tian's power blessed by the power of the Panlong be the body of the guardian's energy that could resist.


The Kantian Shenquan directly pierced the original guardian through his chest.

Juli shook suddenly, and the body of the original guardian exploded directly.

"Do not!"

"My original breath!"

The voice of the original guardian rolled away with the black air, and finally disappeared completely in this space.

"Essence Guardian, dead!?"

At this time, Bai Mengyi, who was already injured, couldn't believe everything in front of her.

This powerful Guardian of Origin was killed by Ling Tian with a single punch! ?

Starting from splitting the original world, Ling Tian seemed to have only used three tricks.

Could it be that the existence of the Ninth-Order Immortal King's combat power could not bless him for a long time in front of Ling Tian! ?


After a long time, all the surprises were transformed into two words, which was deeply moved in Bai Mengyi's heart.

"Hehe, are you okay!?"

At this time, Ling Tian had also descended from the sky above the sky and lifted Bai Mengyi up.

"It's okay, it's just that the power of the original source is injured, and it will be fine for a while."

Bai Mengyi stood up, rubbed her eyebrows, and suddenly smiled bitterly: "It's really a human being so popular. I was thinking of competing with you in kendo before. It seems that my class is the one who makes an axe and is overwhelmed!"

"I haven't understood the original sword intent of my immortal king realm, but you can already use it as you like."

"Hehe, yeah, sometimes I am depressed, why, I am so perverted."

"You said, how do you live the arrogance of those immortal kings realm!"

Ling Tian also shook his head and sighed, taking away the dragon breath all over his body.

Bai Mengyi: "..."

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