Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2494: God List

"Yes, it's the first time I've seen him, a guy like you who has never concealed his thoughts."

She was very helpless, but, although Ling Tian's words sometimes sounded unreasonable, they were all truthful.

This is much better than those who are honest and hypocritical.

"Oh, the power of the origin!"

Bai Mengyi suddenly exclaimed and looked into the depths of the mine.

"Hehe, here, I have got it!":

However, Ling Tian raised his hand, and in the palm of his hand, a golden mark was floating and spinning.

This thing, he had seen something similar, was the mark once presented to Luo Yan.

However, this way, the original source aura is stronger than the previous blood evil source, much more tyrannical.

It is worthy of being the only source of power, strong enough.

Moreover, what Ling Tian didn't expect was that the original power guarded by this cold and dark guardian turned out to be so bright.

"However, how does this origin and that origin guardian aura are completely opposite!?"

Ling Tian frowned.

"Trueness is normal. The power of the source is the purest energy in the world. When they are formed, they will generate a kind of energy that repels the body and transform into guardians."

"Furthermore, this source is good. Judging from this mark, it should be the source of the Golden Morning Star on the **** source list!"

"This origin is the only one. It ranks among the thirty-six immortal sources, Ling Tian, ​​you have made a profit this time!"

Bai Mengyi admired again and again.

"God's source list, this thing, there is a list!?"

However, what Ling Tian cared about was the list.

"Well, maybe you haven't come into contact with Chu Kingdom. In our Dajin Palace, there is an ancient scroll with only four words on it, heaven and earth **** source!"

"We all call it God's Source List, and on it, all are the marks of various origin powers."

"There are thousands of origin imprints on it, but many of them are common origins, and they are not unique."

"In addition to the fifteen basic sources such as the original sword intent, the power of the source is the most powerful, a total of 72 types."

"Within the seventy-two species, there are thirty-six sources of immortality, eighteen sources of extreme immortality, nine sources of gods and seven original sources."

Bai Mengyi was full of longing, said.

"Oh!? So there is such a kind of ancient scroll!? Then if I have a chance, I really want to see it."’

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows, becoming more and more curious about this legendary gods list.

However, Ling Tian was suddenly puzzled, "No, you just said that the power of the origin is the most powerful, there are 72 kinds, but there are 36 kinds of immortal sources, 18 realms of extremely immortal sources, and nine gods. There are only seventy kinds of source and seven original sources, and two are still missing!"

"Could it be that God's Source List, remember it wrong!?"

"Uh...I did not remember it wrong." Bai Mengyi hesitated for a moment, and said: "It is true that there are seventy-two kinds of authenticity, but the top two imprints have been erased. I can't see them. No one knows. What is the original power of those two disappearances."'

"Hehe, no, it should be that the ancient scrolls you collected in Dajin are flawed." Ling Ran laughed blankly.

"No, not only our Dajin, the other three immortal dynasties, and even the races of the seven immortal states all have this ancient scroll, but, without exception, there are only seventy imprints. The top two are both It was erased."

However, Bai Mengyi shook her head.


At this time, the smile on Ling Tian's face also suddenly disappeared.

He felt an unusual smell.

The ancient scrolls that have been circulating between heaven and earth like God's Source Board are all broken scrolls and flaws.

This is too strange.

Can do this step, I am afraid that it is definitely the tyrannical existence before the eternal age.

But why did he erase those two original imprints!

It seems that if you have the opportunity, you still have to see the ancient scroll in person.

"Hehe, okay, don't be curious, it's useless to know it. Existence that can rank above the seven primitive origins is definitely the ultimate martial arts, and we will never have access to it in our lifetime."

Bai Mengyi smiled, but her eyes suddenly fell on Ling Tian's eyebrows.

"Hey, I just found out that there is a mark on your forehead, why is it not the mark of the origin of the sword, what is this!?"

The bright light in Bai Mengyi's eyes bloomed, but she found nothing.

The mark on Ling Tian's eyebrows looked like two lines, one piece of sky and one piece of land, and it was hazy, even if she used the essence of the spirit, she still couldn't see it clearly, it was too light.

"Oh!? This ah, I was bored and drew it at will!"

Ling Tian touched his forehead, but the back of his spine suddenly chilled, "Well, Miss Bai, you have seen the complete God List, and you can see my mark!?"

"Haha, you guy, really can't speak, you haven't seen the gods list, but you have painted your own marks. How can you be on the gods list!?"

"I really haven't seen it."

Bai Mengyi smiled.


Ling Tian took a deep breath and didn't ask any more.

But my heart is faintly shaking. ,

This mark was manifested on his forehead when he was in the last battle between the Nantang Realm and the Demon.

When the heavens were enforcing the world, Master Tang Sect seemed to say that this mark of him is heaven and earth in the eyebrows.

The mark of heaven and earth, this mark, is absolutely extraordinary.

Is it possible...

Ling Tian thought that the two marks had been erased from the **** source list, and his heart became more and more excited.

I don't know why, he was suddenly very sure that this mark of him was the two marks that disappeared from the gods list!

However, until now, this imprint of heaven and earth has never brought him any abnormal increase in combat power.

Yes, there is no.

Right, it's pretty!

"By the way, the guardian of the source is dead, look here, if there is a holy original stone!"

Ling Tian looked around and broke the topic.

But the next moment, the 100,000 sword shadows that Ling Tian had released were suddenly recovered. Ling Tian flashed to the core of the mine, and cut down with the meteor sword in his hand. A piece of gold-colored ore the largest watermelon size was killed by Ling Tian. Dug it out.

"This, is it the holy original stone!?"

Behind him, Bai Mengyi gave a surprise, and quickly flew up, staring at the golden stone in Ling Tian's hand intently.

"Well, the breath is exactly the same, and my meteorite sword can't make any traces on it, it should be a holy original stone!

"Unexpectedly, our luck was so good."

Ling Tian handed the holy original stone to Bai Mengyi.

The Shanshan knife in Bai Mengyi's hand fell, and the ore trembled, but it also failed to leave a trace.

"Hehe, even the Shanshan Knife can't touch it, it's definitely a holy original stone!"

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