Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2496: Wushuangzong first

"Well, but you don't have to worry too much. You are only thirteen years old. If you want to overcome the immortal king's calamity, it is best to be after fifteen."

Ling Tian looked at Leng Linfeng again, "Linfeng, you have the ferocious aura of your father in your bloodline. The Dark Flower Sutra I gave you, how is your cultivation, is there a problem!?"

"Fortunately, the Anhua Sutra given by the master is simply tailor-made for the disciple."

Leng Linfeng said proudly.

"That's good."

Ling Tian looked at Zuo Xianzhi again, "This time I can find the Hundred Grass Scriptures, which is the biggest gain for my teacher. This exercise is perfect for you. How is your cultivation!?"

"Very well, Yaoyao also gave them a lot of fairy grass, and the speed of their cultivation base makes them feel a little uncomfortable."

"Haha, it's okay. If you don't enter the territory quickly, I'm sorry for the rank of this technique."

Ling Tian smiled and let the three disciples continue to practice, while he stood up and stood on Xiaoqing's head, looking at the scenery of the misty mountain.

In an hour, you will be able to reach Wushuang Xianzong.

These days, Ling Tian sorted out the treasures he had obtained from the tomb of the gods.

Including Ye Xichan's Donghua Immortal Sutra, Leng Linfeng's Dark Night Jing, and Zuo Xianzhi's Baicao Jing, are all obtained from the tomb of the gods.

These exercises are originally ancient scriptures from the ancient times, they are top-level exercises, and any one of them is enough to open up a mountain gate.

Therefore, the exercises required by the three apprentices were settled.

Although there are hundreds of treasures unearthed in the tomb of the gods, compared to these ancient scriptures, the others are worthless.

Of course, all treasures must be overshadowed by the power of the source.

Ling Tian raised his hand, and in the palm of his palm, a golden mark was spinning like a jewel of the sun, blooming with the light of the source.

The origin of Jin Chenxing, this is a gift Ling Tian is going to give to Ye Gucheng.

Now, seeing Wushuang Xianzong right in front of him, the two realms separated for hundreds of years, and now they can meet each other, Ling Tian couldn't help feeling sigh.

Ye Gucheng, now, shouldn't know that he has already arrived.


However, at this moment, the Origin in Ling Tian's hands was put away, frowning suddenly.

His spiritual thoughts enveloped thousands of miles, but he sensed a surge of evil spirits.

Among them, there are also a lot of powerful fairy king aura and violent heaven and earth fairy origin, surging from one direction.

"Xi Chan, is the direction of Wushuang Xianzong right!?’

Ling Tian said suddenly.

"Yeah, right in front, you can see our mountain gate after tens of thousands of miles, what's the matter, Master!"

Ye Xichan asked in surprise.

"Hehe, it's nothing, it seems that Zixiaozong's movements are quite fast!"

Ling Tian shook his head, but the smile on his face was particularly cold.

At this time, Wushuang Xianzong must have something wrong!

"let's go!"

Ling Tian's feet shook, Xiaoqing Yangtian roared and shot away.

Wushuang Xianzong.

Within the Wushuang Immortal Sect at this time, thousands of warriors were suspended outside the mountain gate.

The leader, Ye Gucheng is wearing a golden armor, holding a dragon head spear in his hand, and his eyes are firm.

Behind him, Luo Zijun in a uniform was riding on the back of the black pegasus, also holding a spear, looking forward with awe-inspiring eyes.

At this time, before Wushuang Xianzong, tens of thousands of warriors wearing purple armor were suspended in the air. Both the aura and the number of people were much stronger than Wushuang Xianzong.

"Haha, Sect Master Ye, what are you doing!? My Violet is here today, but I just want to reason with you!"’

"You are in this position!?"

"It seems that it's not the way of hospitality!"

These people are the warriors of Zixiaozong.

And the leader in a purple and gold armor, outlines a hot and charming figure.

A purple fairy king light wing surged from behind, and it was a young descendant fairy king.

Moreover, she is still a woman!

However, at this moment, the violet face was wearing a mask, and no one could see this person's face. The tone was as cold as the violet-gold visor.

"Haha, make sense!!? Did you bring tens of thousands of warriors to the door to make sense!?"

"Moreover, Zixiao Sect is not a guest of my Wushuang Immortal Sect!? Miss Violet, please come back!"

Ye Gucheng said coldly.

"Haha, come back!?"

"You destroyed Withered Wood Cliff three days ago. Have you ever thought about returning it!?"

"Could it be that you don't know the relationship between that Withered Wood Cliff and my Purple Cloud Sect!?"

"You dare to destroy, don't you dare to face my Zixiaozong!?"

The Violet suddenly snorted, and a big yue in his hand pointed directly at Ye Gucheng below.

"Haha, in the past six months, Withered Muya provoked my sect several times and intercepted dozens of disciples in my sect. I killed Withered Muya, it is justified!"

"Since Miss Zi wants to get justice to Withered Wood Cliff, then there is no need to talk nonsense, let's fight!"

Ye Gucheng didn't want to talk nonsense, all over his body, the golden divine light surged and rose into the sky.

"Haha, overwhelmingly!"

Although Ye Gucheng's aura soared at this time, and his combat power was already sufficient to contend with the eighth-order immortal king, there was no surprise on the violet face.

She sneered, and the fairy king Guangyi and Xianzun's will behind her were also sacrificed at the same time, and their aura was rising.

At any time, two phantoms of the Immortal Venerable that pass through the sky and the earth appear in front of the Wushuang Immortal Zong Mountain Gate.

The two auras collided and confronted each other in the void, just as the aura clashes, it is like a tsunami meeting.

The warriors of Wushuang Xianzong and Zixiaozong saw this scene, they were all shocked.

The disciple of the Wushuang Immortal Sect was astonished that the well-known Violet deserves to be the name of the first heavenly arrogant of the Zixiaozong. Although the current cultivation base is still the first-order immortal king, the combat power is the peak of the eighth-order immortal king!

Such a younger generation is really terrifying.

But the Zixiaozong side was surprised that the Wushuang Immortal Sect Sect Master, who had never been seen by them before, had such a tyrannical strength.

No wonder you dare to destroy Withered Wood Cliff.

"I know that you Ye Gucheng have a good combat power, but the coercion of my Zixiao Sect is not to be humiliated. Starting today, I will not allow anyone to humiliate my Zixiao Sect!

"bring it on!"

The Violet sneered, holding on to Dayue before killing.

Ye Gucheng greeted him with a spear.

The fighting power of the two is between the two, and when they confront each other, it will change the color of the world and the sound will be a thousand miles!

"It's my father and the Zilulan of the Zixiao Sect!"

In the distance, Ye Xichan and others were also on Xiaoqing's back, seeing the two figures fighting in front of the Wushuang Xianzong gate from a distance.

Immediately exclaimed.

"The Violet has the power of origin, can my father do it!?"

Ling Tian held his hand and frowned slightly.

"Don't worry, Ye Gucheng will not be defeated, I know him."

Once in the sky, Ye Gucheng was majestic and majestic, now how can he be defeated by this younger generation of women! ?

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