Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2497: Ye Gucheng fights to death

Sure enough, Ling Tian's voice fell, and before the Wushuang Sect, the two magical powers disappeared in the explosion.

However, the immortal king storm cleared, and neither Ye Gucheng nor Violet showed any signs of injury.

It's just that, each of them retreated.

Tie! ?

Not only Ye Xichan and others were surprised.

Even Violet herself was frowned in surprise.

Never thought that in this Wushuang Xianzong, someone could actually stop her!

You know, she is the number one arrogant of the Zixiao Sect, and throughout Donghua Immortal Mountain, there is also the number one disciple of the Cloud Lanzong who can rival her.

Even those old immortal kings, only the top immortal kings who sit in the two sects, can make her a little jealous.

But, why is Ye Gucheng so tyrannical! ?

"You surprised me a little bit!"

Violet said lightly.

"Hehe, this is just the beginning, you can't think of it, there are many more!"

Ye Gucheng hovered above the sky with a golden gun, and said with a sneer.

"Oh, isn't it!?"

"You do have proud capital, but in front of me, you can't!"

Violet shook his head. In this Donghua Immortal Mountain, apart from the two sect masters of Zixiaozong and Yunlanzong, no one can be her opponent.

She, no!

"Zixiao Dayue Slash!"

Violet raised the sword in his hand, boundless purple energy, gathered on her big yue, above the sky, as if torn apart by a big yue's shadow.

"This supernatural power!"

"Zixiao Dayue Slash is the top supernatural power of Zixiaozong. I don't know how many immortal kings died under this supernatural power!"

"It looks like Violet's combat power is also much stronger than before. The cultivation base should have already broken through to the second-order fairy king!"

In the sacred mountain around Wushuang Xianzong, there are many surrounding warriors here to watch the battle secretly.

After all, Wushuang Xianzong is a pivotal existence in this land boundary, and its survival is of far-reaching significance.

However, in the face of such a terrible Violet, no one felt that Wushuang Wizard could survive this catastrophe.

"Hehehe, Zixiao Dayue Zhan, I, Ye Gucheng, have long wanted to learn, but I never thought that it was before my Wushuang Xianzong!"

Ye Gucheng raised his head, under the golden armor, there was a confident smile on his face.

Zixiao Dayue Zhan is indeed tyrannical, but he is not without a way to deal with it.

Ye Gucheng seemed to be muttering to himself, he raised the spear in his hand and clasped his hands tightly.

"Ye Gucheng established Wushuang Xianzong, rely on, only this golden gun in his hand!"

"Wushuang Split Ji!"


In this instant, the golden gun in Ye Gucheng's hand also burst out in an instant with boundless golden brilliance, covering half of the sky, and fighting against the purple clouds above the sky.

The light of the golden gun, blooming under the big Yue, sharp aura, not weak at all!


A golden light accompanied by purple sparks burst out above the sky.

Two extremely terrifying magical powers regret.

Let the mountains within a thousand li all fall apart.

The warriors of the two sects evaded one after another, and looked at the sky, the fragments torn apart by magical powers.

What a terrifying magical power! ?

Yu Wei almost directly said that the Wushuang Xianzong's guarding formation had been destroyed.

Everyone looked intently at the core area of ​​the confrontation between the two.

I don’t know, this time, who can win the next round!


The storm of supernatural powers was still raging, but a golden figure suddenly retreated from the storm, and blood was scattered in the sky.

"It's Wushuang Sect Master!"

"No, Ye Gucheng is still defeated!"

Many warriors shook their heads after seeing this scene.

No matter how strong Ye Gucheng is, how can he survive the long-established Violet! ?


However, before everyone's sighs fell, another figure flew out in the storm. ,

Similarly, a mouthful of blood spurted out!

"It's Violet!"

‘What’s the matter, she was hurt too! ? "

"Both loses and loses, the Zixiao Great Yue Battle failed to get Violet to defeat Ye Gucheng!?"

The sorrowful color on everyone's faces turned into shock.

Can't believe this result.

The ever-unfavorable Zixiao Dayue Slash was unsuccessful! ?

"No, it's impossible, **** it!"

"Your marksmanship is so tyrannical!"

Violet's eyes were filled with surprise.

She actually won this round, but it was a terrible victory.

Zixiao Dayue slashed, but also failed to slay this Ye Gucheng.

She can't accept this result!

"Hehe, Violet, is there any stunt? If it's just this Zixiao Dayue Slash, it's nothing more than that!"

Ye Gucheng picked up his gun and stood up from the air.

At this moment, although his golden armor had been cracked and his whole body was covered with dripping wounds, the fighting spirit in his eyes did not fade.

"Be less mad!"

"It's just that I can take my Zixiao Dayue Slash! Have you ever seen the power of the source!?"’

However, violet sacred light suddenly surged across Violet's body, and a powerful aura suddenly burst out under the brilliance of will.

Before Wushuang Xianzong, all the warriors were all discolored.

At this moment, they suddenly discovered that the violet floating above the sky seemed to be a **** from ancient times.

There was a purple divine light in her eyes, and a purple mark appeared on the center of her eyebrows!

And under this mark, Violet, who has reached the bottleneck, has soared again!

"This, is this the original power in the legend!?"

"It's really scary. Under the blessing of the power of the origin and the will of the immortal, who can be the opponent of this violet!?"

"There are not many people who have the power of the origin in the entire territory of Donghua Xianshan. It has long been rumored that the violet got a mark, but it was true!"

"It's over, this time is completely out of play, unless Ye Gucheng also sacrifices the power of the source, otherwise, it is definitely not this Zilulan's opponent!"

Many warriors who were onlookers sighed again and again, although they hoped that Wushuang Xianzong could persist.

After all, this Donghua Immortal Mountain has been fished by Zixiao Sect for thousands of years, and they are also miserable.

However, the background of Zixiao Sect was still too strong, and the Wushuang Immortal Sect was only 13 years old from its establishment to the present.

"Ye Gucheng, give up, you are definitely not my opponent!"

"This supernatural power is my last shot!"

"Today, your Wushuang Xianzong will no longer exist!"

Above the sky, the purple fairy king's light wings flapped, and the violet blessed by the power of the source, the powerful way can't be added!

"Zixiao Dayue cut! I see you, what can I use to stop me!"

This time, Violet sacrificed the famous stunt, Zixiao Dayue Slash, but with this cut, the light of Dayue directly skyrocketed to nine thousand feet.

This is the ninth-order immortal king's combat power, the supernatural power that can be achieved.

Under the beheading, it seemed that Wushuang Xianzong was going to be cut in half!

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