Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2502: Arrived at Yunlanzong

This huge trace of handprints was exactly what was left by the aftermath of the palm of the hand that smashed the surrounding mountains and rivers to pieces.

These marks, like shame, were deeply imprinted in the hearts of every Zixiao Sect's disciple at this time.

For no reason, the aura of the Zixiao Sect fell in an instant.

Xianzong's divine light no longer exists.

If you can't be above the sect promotion three months later, defeat Ling Tian and slaughter Wushuang Xianzong.

This Zixiao Sect was abolished in the territory of Donghua Immortal Mountain.


Seeing Zi Cheng in the air shook his body and almost fell, Violet hurried forward.

"No need to!"

Zi Cheng Qian was nothing but anxious, and he recovered in a flash.

This came down from the sky.

Just now, Ling Tian was right, he couldn't take the lives of hundreds of thousands of Zixiao Sect martial artists and fight Ling Tian.

Otherwise, these people will all die within the Zixiao Sect.

"All the elders of the mountain gate, come to Zixiaozong to discuss matters!"

"Within three months, Zixiaozong disciple, only allowed to enter but not to leave!"

Zi Chenggan's voice resounded throughout the Donghua Immortal Mountain.

At this time, all the warriors in Zixiao City under Donghua Immortal Mountain reacted, and for a while, there was a big uproar.

This legendary guy has really come.

Moreover, Zi Cheng did not leave it behind! ?

"The person Fangcai said that he wants to challenge Zixiaozong above the sect promotion three months later, is it serious!?"

"How could it not be, he has already left his palm print on Zixiaozong, and within a month, the humiliation of Zixiaozong will spread throughout the entire Dajin!"

"I can imagine, some of the sect promotion after three months have been watched!"

"Yes, Zixiao Sect and Wushuang Immortal Sect will definitely be immortal by then!"

In Zixiao City, a group of warriors talked a lot, and even many warriors left the Zixiaozong directly and went straight to Pingyang, the capital of Dajin.

Because this trip to Pingyang is a long way.

Without top-level means of driving, one must set off now.

And the City Master Zixiao who fell from the sky also frowned, looking at the direction Ling Tian was going away, seeming to be meditating.

"Come here, report everything that happened today to the imperial court of Dajin, without delay!"

The voice of Zixiao City fell, and there was a big Jin cavalry, soaring into the sky.

And just as everyone thought, Ling Tian descended to Zixiaozong, and the matter of a palm and Zi Chenggan's tie, spread towards Dajin territory over time.

For a while, Zixiaozong almost became the laughing stock of the entire Dajin.

Ling Tian was on the seventh day after returning to Wushuang Xianzong.

Ye Gucheng recovered from his injuries and held a grand welcoming ceremony for Ling Tian.

Ling Tian, ​​officially became the worship elder of Wushuang Xianzong.

For Ling Tian, ​​no one doubted his combat power.

After all, being able to fight with Zi Cheng undefeated, the entire territory of Donghua Immortal Mountain, including hermits, is afraid that it will not exceed the number of five fingers.

After the ceremony, Ye Gucheng took the elite of the sect and went first to Pingyang, the capital of Dajin.

However, what made Ye Gucheng a little disappointed was that a hidden world powerhouse agreed upon, but failed to come to the Wushuang Xianzong round.

In this way, the top combat power of Wushuang Wizard is still only Ling Tian.

However, Ling Tian had already anticipated this situation.

With Ye Gucheng's net worth, he couldn't help the terrifying and hidden powerhouses at all.

However, there is no worry about this Ling Tian.

Anyway, he hadn't thought about it, asking others for help, himself, it was enough.

After Ye Gucheng left, Ling Tian took Ye Xichan and other three disciples to leave Wushuang Xianzong.

But the direction is different from Ye Gucheng.

They went straight to another overlord-level sect in Donghua Xianshan, Yunlan Sect!

Seven days ago, Ling Tian had already sent news to Bai Mengyi.

Now, Bai Mengyi is bringing her things, and he is about to reach Yun Lanzong, and he wants to play with him.

The previous promise to Nalan Rongrong was concluded.

Yun Lanzong.

A sect with only three thousand disciples is located in Yunxi Valley on the other side of Donghuaxian Mountain.

Unlike Zixiaozong, although Yunlanzong has one of the top powerhouses of thirteen immortal kings, it has never dominated the Donghua sect.

This is also related to the inheritance of Yunlanzong.

This sect is keen on alchemy.

Sovereign Yun Fei was also one of the three immortal kings among the thirteen immortal kings in Dajin.

Said that Da Jin Dan Dao is an incomparable master.

The three thousand disciples of the Yunlan Sect also walked in the great immortal kingdoms, and they were admired by people for their alchemy techniques and hanging pots to help the world.

On this day, a giant beast descended on Yunxi Valley.

And the Yunxi Valley, which was shrouded in the clouds, was also on that day, the gate opened, the clouds dispersed and the fog disappeared, three thousand disciples, suspended above the canyon, to welcome the behemoth to come.

Many sect warriors around Yunxi Valley couldn't help being surprised when they saw this.

Because, with the dignity and superb temperament of Yunxi Valley, it is rare to see them greet outsiders in such a grand way.

However, when they saw the ferocious behemoth that came down, they suddenly realized it.

Ling Tian of Wushuang Xianzong came.

That mysterious existence that seems to be able to rival Zi Chengqian.

In this legend, there is no weaker than the existence of the thirteen immortal kings, indeed, it is worthy of the Yunlanzong to be so grandly welcomed.

Of course, only the disciples of Lan Lanzong knew that their phantom Ling Tian was not just because of Ling Tian's powerful combat power.

But because Ling Tian came here to send the Nine Turns White Dew Grass!

Ling Tian's four fell from Xiaoqing's back, and Bai Mengyi brought a group of Bai family disciples to greet him.

"Hehe, Ling Tian, ​​you are very arrogant, now, your name has been passed to Pingyang!"

When Bai Mengyi came up, she didn't forget to make fun of Ling Tian.

"Hehe, isn't it? Then I'm really terrified. After going to Dajin, I won't be bullied by others!?"

Ling Tian smiled.

"Haha, come here, who dares to bully you? It's not bad if you don't come to humiliate others!"

Bai Mengyi gave Ling Tian a sideways look, stretched out her bare hand, and handed him a brocade box.

"No, Nine Rank White Dew Grass, I found it for you, or I asked my father to ask it from the Patriarch."

"Thank you!" Ling Tian took the Nine Turns Bailucao, and then flew to Yunxi Valley alongside him.

"Three thousand disciples of Yunlan Sect, welcome to Immortal Ling Tian!"

At the moment when Ling Tian and others set foot on the gate of Yunlanzong, the disciple of Yunlanzong bowed to Ling Tian under the guidance of Nalan Rongrong.

In fact, they originally wanted to call the Immortal King Ling Tian, ​​but they learned from Nalan Rongrong that now Ling Tian is still in the pinnacle realm of the Immortal King, not even the Immortal King.

However, in this way, Yun Lanzong was even more surprised.

What, this guy who can almost be comparable to the thirteen fairy kings is actually just a fairy king! ?

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