Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2503: Nalan Duo Duo Yi Hai Sheng Lian

This seems too unbelievable.

"Junior Ling Tian!"

"Junior Bai Mengyi!"

"Meet Sect Master Yun Fei!"

At this time, Ling Tian and Bai Mengyi led everyone through the three thousand disciples of the Cloud Lanzong and landed in the Yunxi Valley.

Sect Master Yun Fei, standing in front of Yunxiang Hall of Yunlanzong.

Seeing that Ling Tian and others arrived, he also smiled.

"Hehe, today Ling Tian Xianjun and Miss Bai can come to my Yunlan Sect, it really makes my sect alive."

"Everyone, please, a banquet has been prepared in the hall to catch the wind for you."

Yun Fei is a beautiful woman who looks only in her thirties.

However, everyone knows that the powerhouse with the top Immortal King's combat power has already lived for a thousand years.

It is definitely a monster level.

"It's disturbing."

Ling Tian and others entered the hall.

The wind banquet ends early.

Ling Tian and others were also greeted by Yun Fei into the back mountain of the Zongmen.

Ling Tian came here, one is to send Nine Turns White Dew Grass, and the other is to see if he can help.

"Oh!? It turns out that Senior's little daughter is sick!?"

Ling Tian followed Yun Fei with a look of surprise on his face.

He thought that Sect Master Yun Fei had only one daughter.

But never thought, but two!

Now, it is Nalan Rongrong's younger sister, Nalan Duoduo, who needs the Nine Rank White Dew Grass.

"Well, Duo Duo didn't know what he ate half a year ago. After returning to the sect, he became faint day by day. In the end, he was unconscious, his cultivation level stagnated, and even his Shou Yuan collapsed a little bit. "

"If this continues, the little girl will only have a dead end."

"For half a year, my Yunlanzong experts have searched the world and searched for ways to crack them, but there was almost no gain, and I also learned from the ancient classics of the great Jin imperial family that Nine-turn Bailucao can heal sleepiness So I can only try it."

Yun Fei sighed.

"Well, the lord is relieved, for a while, I will look at the situation of Duo Duo."

Ling Tian nodded and stroked the little white fox in his arms.

At this time, the little white fox had misty eyes, but after taking the Nine Turns God Pill refined by Ling Tian, ​​he has now awakened, and in some time, Su Jiu'er will be able to transform again.

"It's so good, I hope Immortal Ling Tian can have a way!"

Yun Fei nodded.

Although Ling Tian seemed to be a junior, she also knew that Ling Tian's alchemy attainments were so powerful that he could even refine the third-rank top **** pill with her bare hands.

Moreover, Ling Tian is a warrior of Chu Kingdom, so maybe there is a way.

On the back mountain of Yunlanzong, there is a small green lake. In front of the lake, there is a huge banyan tree. There are delicate and elegant cabins under the banyan tree.

In the wooden house, there is Nalanduodu.

"Yunruo, how is Duo Duo!?"

When everyone approached, Yun Fei whispered.

The door of the wooden house opened, and an elegant woman came out from it.

This person is the great disciple of the Yunlanzong, and Violet is called the two outstanding Yunruo of Donghua.

This woman, now in the realm of the first-order fairy king, is Yun Fei's family.

"Ancestor, Duo Duo... is still in a coma, I just used my longevity and skill to stabilize Duo Duo's illness."

Yun Ruo shook his head with a sad look.

But it makes women look a different kind of beauty.

"Tsk tusk, it is said that Yun Ruo is beautiful, and he is the best in Donghua. When I see it today, I really feel sorry for me, how about Ling Tian!?"

Bai Mengyi spoke behind Ling Tian.

"How is it, you are so weird!"

Ling Tian replied.

"Cut, don't you like beauties? I heard that on the first day you arrived in Wushan, you rewarded Chen Yinfeng with a medium-grade national artifact, a great deal!"

Bai Mengyi snorted.

"Man in the world, who doesn't like beauties, but I Ling Tian didn't meet someone who loves someone, just like you. I have no feeling for you."

Ling Tian spread his hands.


Bai Mengyi glanced sideways at Ling Tian, ​​suddenly very angry.

Before she knew it, she seemed to be very familiar with Ling Tian, ​​and she was able to start a lot of jokes.

"Well, Yun Ruo has worked hard for you. If it weren't for Duo Duo to heal, your cultivation base might have broken through the second-order fairy king."

Yun Fei shook her head.

"It's okay, this is what I should do."

Yun Ruo shook his head, and suddenly looked at Ling Tian behind Yun Fei, "This young man, is Immortal Ling Tian!? Yun Ruo has never welcomed the fairy, and hopes that he will not blame him."

"Haha, it’s okay, it’s okay!"’

Ling Tian waved his hand.

"Young Master Ling Tian, ​​please."

Yun Fei brought Ling Tian into the wooden house, while the others waited outside.

As soon as Ling Tian entered the wooden house, he realized that there was a woody fragrance in the room.

This scent is extraordinary, and Tao Yaoyao is even more surprised in Taoyuan.

She said that the material used to construct the wooden house is an extremely rare ancient wood, which itself is a precious medicinal material.

This Yun Lanzong's handwriting is not small.

Ling Tian looked into the room again, the little girl lying on the bed.

This little girl looked about the same size as Ye Xichan, she was so cute and lovely.

It's just that she who is here, she is like a gossamer, and she is in a deep coma, in a very bad state.

Ling Tian frowned, he knew that a disease that could make Yun Fei and other alchemy masters helpless was absolutely extraordinary.


Ling Tian complained to Yun Fei, and put his hand on Nalan Duoduo's wrist through the gauze.

A hundred thousand sword shadows poured into Nalan Duoduo's body in an instant, and began to wander away from his limbs.

However, as Jian Ying wandered around Nalan Duoduo's body, Ling Tian's brows gradually frowned.

It wasn't because Jian Ying had discovered a strange poison.

Rather, his hundred thousand sword shadows were in Nalanduodu's body, and nothing was found!

This is strange.

There is no problem with Nalan Duoduo's body.

Then why is it unconscious, and why is the talent collapsed! ?

This made Ling Tian very puzzled.

Ling Tian manifested the picture seen by One Hundred Thousand Sword Shadows in Taoyuan, Tao Yaoyao Liuyao and others were also looking at it.

"Ling Tian, ​​look at this little girl's sea of ​​Yi."

Suddenly, Tao Yaoyao said.


When Tao Yaoyao reminded him, Ling Tian also thought of Yi Hai, and immediately Jian Ying cautiously poured into Nalanduo's Yi Hai, and at this moment, Ling Tian's pupils shrank.

Because, he found a pure white lotus budding waiting in the blossoming calm sea of ​​mind!

Italian sea lotus! ?

This was the first time Ling Tian had seen it.

And after that lotus flower, a figure sitting cross-legged, seemed to have fallen into a coma.

In other words, this lotus is not a lot of the will of the immortal.

But something else.

"Haha, I know what's going on!"

Tao Yaoyao suddenly smiled.

And the Liu Yao also smiled and said: "Yes, this is not a disease at all, but a chance!"

And Ling Tianzai also suddenly discovered that there was this faint mark on the lotus.

Immediately, he also suddenly realized, "The power of the source!?"

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