Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2504: Jixianyuan【Large

"Yes, this lotus is an ancient strange flower, a flawless lotus, and a famous ancient water lily. This lotus is originally transformed by the origin of the lotus. Under normal circumstances, even if the immortal ate it, he would have to sleep for three or five years. Let alone, this little girl! If it weren't for her luck, what she ate was only the seeds of water lilies, I am afraid she would have died a long time ago."

Liu Yao smiled.

"Then, there is a way to save!?"

Ling Tian frowned, Nalan Duoduo's talent was extremely good, and even ranked first among the younger generations Ling Tian had seen.

Now it is the power of the original body, if you fall asleep, it would be a pity.

"Naturally, there is a way to save it. The origin of this flawless lotus is too strong, and the little girl's cultivation is weak, so she can't bear it. Moreover, the water lily needs to grow, and it will naturally absorb her life."

"As long as someone helps her refine the power of the original source, add the life yuan, and stabilize the Yihai with the Nine Turns White Dew Grass, there will be no problem."

Tao Yaoyao said.


Six lines nodded.

The latter two are easy to handle, but how to help him refine the power of the source! ?

Ling Tian had never encountered this before.

"Simple, you can."

"The origin of this water lily is very strong, and it must be above the origin of the golden morning star and be among the top thirty-two of the gods of heaven and earth."'

"Only with the strength of the body higher than the origin of this flawless lotus can it be done."

Six Yao Road.


Ling Tian pondered for a moment, "Well, then I will try!"

Although he knew that what Liu Yao said was definitely not the origin of his sword.

But still use the sword shadow to reveal his figure and enter the blossoming sea of ​​mind.

Sitting cross-legged under the flawless lotus, Ling Tian stretched out his hand to point on the lotus.


Sure enough, at the moment he touched the lotus flower, on Ling Tian's eyebrows, the imprint of that day quietly lit up.

And almost visible to the naked eye, the rhizome of the golden lotus has grown a lot of roots, all of which enter the sea of ​​blossoming meaning.

The lotus takes root and connects with Nalanduoduo thoroughly.

And the mark of the flawless lotus also shined more and more.

It's done! ?

Ling Tian withdrew from Nalan Duoduo's sea of ​​mind. He didn't expect that he would be accomplished so quickly.

Moreover, Ling Tian could finally conclude that the imprint of heaven and earth on his forehead was a source of power.

But the imprint could not be found on the **** source list, the answer was ready to come out.

However, Ling Tian had already expected it in his heart, and he was not surprised.

The origin of heaven and earth seems to be very powerful, but now he can't really use it.

However, it was a blessing to be able to save this Nalan Duo Duo.

Taking back one hundred thousand sword shadows, Ling Tian got up.

"Ling Tian, ​​what!?"

Seeing Ling Tian getting up, Yun Fei asked immediately.

Just now, she had already seen the color of doubt on Ling Tian's face.

Although there is no hope, but I still don't want to give up.

"Hehe, I want to congratulate Sect Master Yun!"

However, what Yun Fei never expected was that a smile suddenly appeared on Ling Tian's face.

This makes Yun Fei puzzled.

"Ling Tian, ​​what do you mean!!? Congratulations, where do you come from!?"

Ling Tian smiled and said, "I have seen Duo Duo's condition just now. She is not suffering from any disease at all, but she has a great opportunity!"

Yun Fei listened to the clouds in the mist, but Ling Tian pointed his finger at the center of his eyebrows.

"Sect Master, you will know after three breaths."

Yun Fei heard the words and looked at Duo Duo's eyebrows. As expected, after three breaths, a faint lotus mark appeared there!

"Hey, this... is this the power of origin!?"

At this moment, Yun Fei finally changed her expression and took a deep breath.

How did she think that Duo Duo would get the power of the source unknowingly! ?

How old is she!

Moreover, this imprint.

"The flawless lotus! One of the eighteen immortal sources!"

After seeing the completely manifested mark, Yun Fei trembled even more uncontrollably.

As a top immortal king, she has naturally seen the gods list, and she also knows the power of this flawless lotus.

This source of power is not only the only one, but there are only eighteen ways in the entire fairy world!

At least, looking at the entire Dajin, it is unique!

How could she not shock her heart! "

"However, because Duo Duo's cultivation is too weak and her age is too young, after absorbing this source power, she can't refining, so she is unconscious, just now I have helped her refining the source power. In the sea of ​​Italy."

"However, the power of the origin is still growing, and it needs a lot of lifespan."

Ling Tian said again.

"It's okay, I will continue to look for Shouyuan Shendan and Genius Dibao!"

Yun Fei shook his head repeatedly.

As long as Duo Duo is fine, she can do everything.

"It doesn't have to be so troublesome, I have it here."

Ling Tian shook his head, the voice fell, and he directly took out a jade bowl.

In the jade bowl, there are hundreds of golden grains full of grains!

"This...is it possible that this is the legendary valley of longevity!?"

Seeing the grains in the Lingtian jade bowl, Yun Fei covered her mouth and exclaimed.

Although the Eternal Spirit Valley itself is not an extremely valuable magic medicine, it is too much.

One grain of longevity spirit valley can replenish two hundred years of life.

So many longevity spirit valleys are equivalent to endless life!

so horrible.

"Here is a hundred grains of longevity spirit valley, that is, 20,000 years of life, enough to absorb the power of that origin."

Ling Tian placed the jade bowl on Nalan Duoduo's bed and was about to go out.

Anyway, in Taoyuan, this longevity valley has been harvested for several crops, one hundred grains, it's really nothing.

Now it is regarded as a favor, and it is also very good.

At least, this Yun Lanzong will definitely stand behind him in the future.

Outside the room, everyone saw Ling Tian and Yun Fei walking out, and they all gathered around.

Yun Ruo frowned, but when she looked at Yun Fei with surprise on her face, her eyes were red, and she didn't know whether Duo Duo's situation was good or bad.

"Ling Tian, ​​how is Duo Duo!?"

Bai Mengyi asked.

"Hehe, there is nothing serious, no accident, you will be able to wake up in a month."

Ling Tian smiled.

"What!? You are such a god!?"

Bai Mengyi raised her eyebrows, but she didn't expect that Ling Tian really succeeded.

This guy, she couldn't see through.

"You know how to heal!"

"Since ancient times, the alchemy has not separated families. This is natural."

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows.

And everyone looked at Yun Fei again.

Yun Fei also nodded, crying with joy, and unexpectedly knelt down to Ling Tian in public.

"Thank you Ling Tianengong for your help, Duo Duo is my daughter, and now he has recovered, I have nothing to pay for!"

"I want to come, her deceased father, under Jiuquan, can also look down!"'

However, how could Ling Tian make Yun Fei kneel and worship, and immediately stretched out his hand to give a false support, "Senior Yun Fei, don't do this, I'm just a little effort."

He will still need the Yun Lan Sect in the future, so it's good to owe this favor.

"In the future, if my benefactor has any needs, I, Yun Fei and Yun Lanzong, must do our best to help!"

Yun Fei said earnestly.

"Haha, okay, with the words of Sect Master Yun Fei, that's enough!"

Ling Tian breathed out in his heart, "Well, the Sect Master only needs to refine the Nine Turns White Dew Grass and give Duo Duo together with the Longevity Spirit Valley, and Duo Duo will wake up in a month."

"But we don't have time to wait for Duo Duo to wake up."

"Yun Fei is going to Pingyang to prepare for the promotion of the sect!?" Yun Fei frowned.


"Then I will accompany En Gong to fight for Wushuang Xianzong." Yun Fei said anxiously.

"No, the senior is the Sect Master Yunlan, which is not in compliance with the rules. If time is not enough, the Sect Master will go to participate in the promotion ceremony of my Wushuang Immortal Sect."

"Sect Master, goodbye!"

After that, Ling Tian smiled sullenly, took Bai Mengyi and the three disciples, floating away, but after a few breaths, he moved up the clouds and disappeared into the Yunxi Valley.

"Mother, is Duo Duo really cured by Immortal Ling Tian!?"

Watching Ling Tian and the others leave in a hurry, Nalan Rongrong asked.

Then Yun Ruo also looked over, still holding the stone in his heart.

"Well, in the future, when you meet Ling Tian, ​​you have to salute and salute to the younger generation."

"He is destined to be a great man, and even the entire Great Jin cannot tolerate him!"

Yun Fei nodded heavily.

In my eyes, there is gratitude, respect, and jealousy.

This person is just a fairy king, if he becomes a fairy king in the future, how terrifying it would be! ?

Yun Ruo also trembled in his heart, and Ling Tian's confident and handsome face was constantly flashing in his mind.

He just said that as long as the ancestors can participate in the promotion ceremony of Wushuang Xianzong.

How confident this is! ?

Haven't you already been to Pingyang? ?

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