Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2523: Wait to retreat

"Sect Master Song Han, until now, you and I can only show them what is the real Eight Immortal Sect!"

The person who speaks is naturally the sovereign of the Zixiao Sect, Zi Chenggan.

At this time, Zi Chengqian had stood up with all the fairy kings behind him, and hundreds of them had condensed into a general trend. Above his head, he manifested a giant purple gold beast that was three thousand feet tall!

That was the general trend of the Zixiao Sect, and now it is still terrifyingly tyrannical!

And Song Han thought for a while, although he knew that the purpose of Zi Cheng's work was also to draw on him Cold Wind Immortal Sect.

After all, now Lengye Mountain Villa has already slapped his nose on his face, and if he doesn't make a move, Cold Wind Immortal Sect will lose his face.

Moreover, if Lengye Mountain Villa and Wushuang Xianzong can be suppressed in one fell swoop, then Cold Wind Xianzong will inevitably rise.

Although it was a bit risky, Song Han was extremely confident in the strength of the sect. It was absolutely nothing to defeat Xiaoxiao Lengye Mountain Villa. This was also the fundamental reason why he dared to make a splash.

"The disciple of the Cold Wind Immortal Sect, follow the old man, suppress the Lengye Villa in the area, and promote my reputation of the Cold Wind Immortal Sect."

"Destroyed in World War I."

Song Han drank low, and between the steps, he approached Leng Xuanye and left.

Leng Xuanye raised his head, his face solemn, and there was a sense of jealousy in his eyes. The combat power of the Cold Wind Immortal Sect was originally stronger than that of the Purple Cloud Sect.

In addition to that Sect Master Song Han, there is also an elder whose battle strength has entered the Ninth-Order Immortal King. Even Leng Xuanye himself has to rely on the blessing of the original power to contend.

"Lao Yan, it's up to you!"

Leng Xuanye looked at the old man beside him.

The old man nodded, "I do my best!"

"Wu Shuang Immortal Sect Ye Gucheng, till now, you Immortal Ling Tian, ​​don't you still make a move!?"

"Could it be that it's counseling?"

At this time, the trend of Zixiaozong also came before Wushuang Xianzong. Zi Cheng sneered and looked at Ling Tian, ​​who was standing behind the people of Wushuang Xianzong, with his eyes closed and rested.

"Hmph, wait, it's not worthy of Ling Tian's shot now!"

Although the current Wushuang Xianzong does not have the strong blessings of the top immortal king.

But Ye Gucheng has never been afraid! ?

The cold light flashes in the depths of his eyes, his clothes are hunting, and the tyrannical source of coercion bursts out of his body, sweeping the Promise.

"The Immortal King Wushuang Xianzong obeyed, today's battle, I wait for Xu to enter and not to retreat!"

"I am waiting to rise in Donghua for more than ten years. I have the opportunity to enter the promotion ceremony today. Maybe we will lose this time. But in this battle, I want to tell the world that the strength of Wushuang Immortal Sect is definitely not weaker than the so-called eight top sects. ."

"You wait for me to move forward, and you will step on your feet, and make me the unparalleled prestige of Xianzong!"

The low roar was almost roaring, and it blasted loudly, instantly causing the Wushuang Xianzong warrior behind him to completely boil.

"Today's battle, only advancing but not retreating, made me the prestige of unparalleled immortal sect!"

"Today's battle, only advancing but not retreating, made me the prestige of unparalleled immortal zong!"

"Today's battle, only advancing but not retreating, made me the prestige of unparalleled immortal sect!"

The roar rang endlessly, spreading across the entire mountain in an instant.

In this roar, the sky above Wushuang Xianzong had already reached its limit, and it skyrocketed again in an instant, reaching two thousand feet, which was only five hundred feet less than the two thousand five hundred feet of Lengye Villa.


The tyrannical pressure swept out, causing all the martial artists' complexions to change slightly, and endless fear grew in their eyes.

"Original breath!"

"It turned out to be two original auras!"

Song Han and Zi Cheng Gan's hearts sank slightly, and they never thought that the sect masters of these two sects actually had hole cards!

But their complexion was still calm and did not reveal the slightest strangeness. No matter how strong it is, it can't compare to their sect heritage!


The roar came out, and the Zixiaozong and the Cold Wind Immortalzong martial artists burst into shouts, and the word "War" was exited, and the general trend was violent.

Although this general trend is invisible to the naked eye, it is extremely clear in the sense of the martial artist's spirit. At this moment, on the square, self-esteem actually stood up, and each rushed towards the opponent.

Ye Gucheng, Leng Xuanye, Yan Lao, the three of them stepped forward, facing Zi Chengqian and Song Hanyao, with the four sects above their heads, they fought together in an instant.


Silently, the recovering space was completely shattered in this general collision.

Old Yan was okay, he just stepped back three steps with a muffled snort, with blood on the corners of his mouth.

However, Ye Gucheng and Leng Xuanye spewed out a mouthful of blood, and under the general pressure, they almost knelt on the ground.

The immortal kings behind them turned pale, each of them exploded for more than a hundred feet, and even some of the immortal kings were going into a coma.

No way, now, Zixiao Sect and Cold Wind Immortal Sect have joined forces.

Even if they have hidden powers like Yan Lao, alone, they are still much worse.

The other sect warriors shook their heads.

It seems that even this Wushuang Xianzong and Lengye Villa together can't compete with the Eight Great Immortals.

However, that Ling Tian never made a move.

Everything is still unknown!

Song Han's complexion changed slightly, and then he became completely gloomy. The strength of this Lengye Villa was far beyond his imagination. Regrettably for the first time, his Cold Wind Immortal Sect failed to crush Lengye Villa in one fell swoop!

"Come again!"

However, Song Han was not reconciled.

Once again urged the Zongmen general trend, the momentum came fiercely.

That Zi Chenggan also roared, wanting to take advantage of the momentum, wanting to defeat Wushuang Xianzong in a battle, at this moment frustrated, the martial artist's mind is shaken, that Wushuang Xianzong and Lengye Mountain Villa are on the general trend, and I feel weakened a bit.


But at this moment, among the Wushuang Immortal Sect crowd, Ling Tian, ​​who had never released his breath, suddenly let out a cold snort.

Ling Tian suddenly raised his head, his eyes flickered, and he stepped forward one step harder. The endless terrifying pressure burst out, blessed in the golden armor above his head, and shouted.

"Two great immortals, dare to stop me!? Give me back!"

As the voice fell, the Golden Armored Battle Commander almost skyrocketed visible to the naked eye, and within a few moments, it skyrocketed to as much as three thousand feet.

And Ye Gucheng Leng Xuanye and the others were also under this aura, their expressions were frenzied, followed by a step forward, and simultaneously growled in their mouths.



With one step down, Wushuang Immortal Sect blatantly rushed out, and took the initiative to rush towards Zixiao Sect and Cold Wind Immortal Sect!


Regrettably again, even with Ye Gucheng and Leng Xuanye, the faces of the two martial artists were all pale. But the Cold Wind Immortal Sect and Zixiao Sect were even more unbearable. At this moment, I never thought that under Ling Tian's blessing, this unparalleled Immortal Sect could explode in such a terrifying general situation.

Unprepared, the general situation was suppressed. Except for Zi Chenggan and Song Han, all the immortal kings were directly forced back half a step back.

The general situation was regrettable, and after half a step back, he fell into a disadvantage.

Ling Tian had no expression on his face, and now he stepped forward again.


Wushuang Xianzong and Lengye Mountain Villa were neatly aligned, and their steps fell and made a loud noise, as if they were stepping on everyone's chest, making the cold wind Xianzong and Zixiaozong martial artists pale, and they retreated again.

And at this time, above Wushuang Xianzong, that general trend has skyrocketed to four thousand feet!

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