Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2524: Who else is not convinced

The face of the Zixiao Sect was as sinking as water, and he did not expect this change. Even the Lords and Four Kings of the other top sects had never expected this. Wushuang Xianzong made a big effort, almost with one enemy and two, knocking down the two major sects, occupying an absolute advantage!

"Three battles will determine the universe, before I am unparalleled in Xianzong, you will wait to retreat!"

A sharp light flashed in Ling Tian's eyes, and the defeat of Zixiaozong and Cold Wind was already evident, and they needed to take advantage of the momentum to suppress them, otherwise it would be a hard fight when they turned around.


The third step is to step down.



Wushuang Xianzong and Lengyeshanzhuang warriors snarled frantically. Although they were traumatized by the general confrontation, their spiritual thoughts reached their peak.


The Zixiao Sect and the Cold Wind Immortal Sect, headed by the two sect masters, spouted blood from their mouths, and the prevailing situation instantly collapsed and fell to the ground.

Three steps forward, stepping down Zixiao Sect and Cold Wind Immortal Sect! The Wushuang Immortal Sect continued to soar suddenly, revealing the fierce and fierce Promise.

Today, even if you have to face the five top sects, Wushuang Xianzong, you will never go ahead!

The entire square fell into dead silence in an instant, and countless warriors' eyes fell on the Wushuang Xianzong and Lengye Villa, their pupils shrunk slightly, and they all showed shock.

Ling Tian's eyes were cold, and he swept across the room. "I have no double immortal sect to suppress Zixiaozong. If you want to occupy the position of the top immortal sect, you can come and challenge it. I have no fear. "

The sound was rolling endlessly and spread out loudly!

too frightening.

Now, under Ling Tian's blessing, Wushuang Immortal Sect's aura is indisputable.

For a time, all the warriors on the main peak of the mighty mountain were all shocked.

Only now did they know how terrifying Ling Tian was.

After Zi Chengqian and other Zixiaozong warriors retreated, Song Han also made all his hole cards one after another, prompting the morale of the sect warriors to rise, but every time the hole cards were easily resisted by Ling Tian, ​​there was no effect at all, making the hearts of the two sects lost. , The general trend of growth declined, and the overall strength was much weaker. At this moment, Ling Tian was shocked by the general trend, and finally unable to persist, the general trend above his head collapsed and was defeated in embarrassment.

Ye Gucheng, Leng Xuanye and the others had bleeding from the corners of their mouths, and they were all injured in the final decisive battle. But at this moment, Zixiao Sect and Cold Wind Immortal Sect retreated, and Wushuang Immortal Sect had already won.

At this time, the aura of the two sects had reached an unprecedented peak, suddenly soaring again, and it was enough to suppress the sects here!

On the square below, countless sect warriors swept their eyes, all revealing complex awe. Although this battle had not been taken by Ling Tian, ​​the two sects would definitely not win.

But the general trend has taken place, and today there is no one to stop.

Ling Tian's eyes flashed slightly, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he said lightly: "It seems that the winner today is still us."

After saying this, he turned around and stood in the void, "I will say the last time, I am unparalleled Xianzong, I want to be among the top sects, if you don't accept it, you can come, I will take it with Ling Tian!"

The sound rolled, still echoing above the mighty mountain.

Still arrogant as always.

This is Ling Tian.

And the Great Dao Sect and the Sect Master Yumo in the North Huaxian Mountain looked at each other and thought in their hearts.

Because now Ling Tian's combat power really makes them jealous.

If you take the Zongmen to make a move at this time, you will have won, but if you lose, you will lose face.

Although frightened in their hearts, the two of them finally sat in their seats.

"Damn it, it's all rubbish!"

Nan Wang yelled in his heart.

His son was cut off from martial arts by Ling Tian,

This hatred, in any case, he has to avenge it!

"Old Monster Wu Yao, what are you waiting for!? Behead this person, and I will give you 10,000 elite fairy king blood!"

Nan Wang gave the voice to the old monster in Demon Refining Valley.

"haha okay!"

"Since the Southern King is so generous, then I will be able to rise above the sky!"

The Valley Master of Demon Refining Valley sneered and got up immediately.

"Wu Shuang Immortal Sect wants to become a top sect, I refining Demon Valley, I won't agree!"

As soon as it fell, there was a loud noise on the square.

Never thought that at this last step, someone would dare to challenge Ling Tian!

"Haha, Nanhua Demon Refining Valley, very good. If you don't stand up at this time, I Ling Tian will also take you down!"

"Come on, let me see, you running dogs of the Southern Palace, what can you do!"

Ling Tian looked at it with cold eyes, making the entire space cold.

"Haha, overwhelmingly!"

"I, Wu Yao, is enough!"

The old monster smiled coldly, his eyes suddenly crossed Senran, his thoughts moved, and the top of his head tumbling, the Xian Yuan in front of him turned into a palm of his hand and slammed down on Ling Tian. With the power of the top immortal king, he made every effort. In this big promotion, few people could be the opponent of this old monster.

The palm of his hand turned into a ferocious beast's claw in the air.

It was Wu Yao's stunt.

In the face of Ling Tian, ​​the Valley Master of Demon Refining Valley, even when he shot, he did his best!

At this moment, the surrounding warriors all took a deep breath. This time it was not a regret, but a fight between the warriors!

At this moment, Ling Tian was beyond everyone's expectation. Under the bombardment of this old Wu Yao monster, he did not step back and took a step forward. The momentum behind his back rose, and a large hand blasted out!

Attack against attack!

Old strange Wu Yao was slightly surprised, and then sneered in his heart. In his opinion, Ling Tian's behavior was nothing but asking for trouble.

"The old man is going to make you a complete blow!" This person groaned secretly, his murderous intent rose, making the general situation outside the body more cold and cold, and the chill penetrated into the hearts of the people.


The general situation is regrettable, the void trembles.

Ling Tian's complexion remained unchanged, his dark eyes were still warm and restrained, calm and self-confident, and his feet did not retreat. Not only did he not diminish the general situation in his body, he became more and more powerful in the fluctuations.

Taking the immortal monarch's cultivation as the foundation, blocked the general suppression of the top immortal king, and has never lost the situation. Such a result was beyond the expectation of all the warriors here. His eyes swept, and his eyes were full of jealousy.

Wu Yao's complexion instantly became extremely ugly, his eyes gloomy and murderous.

"This person can actually block my supernatural powers, and has not been injured, how is this possible!"

Although I don't believe it in my heart, the facts are before me.

"Wu Yao, Demon Refining Valley, is this your method? But it's nothing more than that."

"Right now, you should pick up my Ling Tian's blow."

At this moment, Ling Tian's black hair turned over his flying clothes, hunting and hunting, his imposing imposing manner, quite the imposing manner of letting me run wild for nine days.

"Princess, the palm of God!"

"Today in this city of Pingyang, under my palm, who else is not convinced!"

Ling Tian shouted one after another, and a huge palm of his hand was condensed out of thin air on the square.

On the palm of the hand, the fairy fire filled.

Suppression is boundless, and it is full of scale!

Under the palm of the Prajna **** descending from the sky, the expression of Old Monster Wu Yao finally changed.

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