Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2526: Tao Yaoyao is in a coma

Zongmen's promotion came to an end, and the name of Ling Tian, ​​in Pingyang City, was even more like the sun, no one could match.

The younger generations of the fairy kings, overwhelm the strong ones recorded on the digital fairy kings.

At a young age, he was already standing with the top group of people from Dajin.

Not only that, but all kinds of legends about Ling Tian also arrived at Pingyang City.

Ascended warriors, from the chaotic battlefield, entered the seven immortal states, crossed the country of Chu, helped the princess of Chu as the lord of the country, and then brought a large army, victorious in all battles, and defeated the kingdom of Zhao.

After entering the Great Jin Dynasty, many legends have been created in Wushan City.

After that, he left a hand of peach blossom poems in the fireworks and willow alleys of Pingyang, Dajin, making the third princess of Dajin fascinated.

It can be said that every achievement of Ling Tian is enough to make a woman admire.

Today, Ling Tian has become the dream lover of many young women.

It's just that they say that Ling Tian has a wife, and that she has a very good relationship with Bai Mengyi. Bai Mengyi is also the proud daughter of the Bai family, and perhaps the third princess Bai Mengling can match her in Dajin.

This also caused countless women to sigh, Ling Tian, ​​and other geniuses of Tianzong, really weren't what ordinary women could match.


Ling Tian, ​​Ye Gucheng and others did not rush to leave Pingyang City after the sect was promoted.

Because, the time to go to the buried Longyin Ruins was set in a month's time, and the time was too urgent.

The Dajin imperial family was so anxious, in fact, it was also in Ling Tian's expectation.

After all, the Longyin Ruins are not trivial. Once it is revealed in the Zongmen Promotion Ceremony, it will inevitably arouse the coveting of the powerhouses of other immortal dynasties. Therefore, it is better to go to the Ruins of the Longyin to be buried sooner rather than later.

Within a month, there was no room for other immortal powerhouses to prepare.

Wushuang Xianzong and Lengye Mountain Villa, as the newly advanced top sects, each got two places to enter the Funeral Dragon Yin Ruins.

Needless to say, Wushuang Xianzong is naturally Ling Tian and Ye Gucheng, and Leng Xuanye and the hidden world powerhouse, Yan Lao, are the final candidates decided by Lengye Villa.

Although Old Yan declined several times, in the end, he was invited by Leng Xuanye.

After all, Yan Lao contributed a lot to the promotion of the sect. Moreover, entering Longyin Ruins is also very dangerous. The presence of such top immortal kings can also make their trip more secure.

One month is really not too long.

But Ling Tian shuttled through Wanbaofang almost every day, hunting for treasures.

Compared to going to that firm to live at the auction house, Ling Tian enjoys the fun of Taobao more.

Because he had a hundred thousand sword shadows in his body, it was too simple to pick up the leaks.

After a month, Ling Tian's cultivation base and supernatural powers hadn't entered much, but the treasures he had collected were quite a few.

Even in the middle, Senior Liu Yao was surprised.

It was a broken ancient mirror, something from the ancient times, when it arrived in Ling Tian's hands, it had been broken into pieces, and only half was left.

When Ling Tian was scanning this ancient mirror with his sword shadow, he noticed the surging spirit wave of the Tongtian Spiritual Artifact in it, and then he took it back.

However, after being seen by Liu Yao, she said, this thing is not a Tongtian Lingbao, but a Tongtian Supreme Treasure!

The top existence in the Tongtian Lingbao is second only to the artifact!

Although the soul of the artifact has disappeared and the mirror body is not complete, the material is still hard to find.

Even these scraps are invaluable.

In the end, the mirror body of the Heavenly Treasure was taken by Qing Xu.

He has now completely restored the pressure of the Tongtian Lingbao. Although it is considered the highest level within the Tongtian Lingbao, Qingxu is no longer the former town demon tower. Moreover, with the six-line tripod, he also wants to attack. Higher grade.

Absorbing the materials of this ancient mirror may be able to allow him to try to break through the realm of Tao Tongtian.

Of course, Ling Tian was also happy to see the result, after all, Liu Yaoding, he still can't use it now, the stronger Qing Xuding, the stronger his hole cards.

In addition, Ling Tian was still in the stall and found a simple stone monument.

There was no pattern on the stone stele. Ling Tian's sword shadow penetrated into it, but it was discovered that there was a piece of ancient jade slip hidden inside.

In the jade slip, what is recorded is a technique called Sun Yao Shen Quan, whose rank and power are far superior to Kan Tian Shen Quan.

Although it wasn't Ling Tianxin's secrets of body and swordsmanship, the Kantian Shenquan should indeed be eliminated.

It's just that, now the Prajna palm is enough, and the only thing that surpasses the sky is the top-level body technique and sword technique.

Needless to say, the body technique is too important, but Ling Tian has never encountered a top-level body technique that he can admire.

After all, with his current combat power, future opponents are all top immortal kings, even those who are comparable to the realm of immortal venerable, ordinary body skills are useless in front of such powerful men, Ling Tian wants His body style is the kind that is comparable to the displacement of the Immortal Venerable.

But no matter what, these kinds of physical skills are unattainable, Ling Tian searched the entire Wanbaofang, and there was nothing to gain.

As for the swordsmanship, it is even more so. The Tianji Sixiang swordsmanship is originally of very high rank, and the last heavy sword of light has a terrifying combat power.

But now, Ling Tian has practiced this heavy sword technique to a bottleneck.

If the power of swordsmanship wants to skyrocket, one must find a higher-rank swordsmanship.

Helplessly, Ling Tian only hopes to be able to withstand the burial of the Dragon Yin Ruins and encounter good body and sword skills. If he can't become the Azure Dragon Transformation, he must at least let his combat power do it again when he leaves Dajin. breakthrough.

Otherwise, after Da Wei, he will not be able to face more challenges.

After searching for Qin Mingyue, it was destined to be uneven.

However, just a few days before he went to Bury Longyin Ruins, Tao Yaoyao suddenly fell into a coma under the peach tree.

This frightened Ling Tian, ​​Liu Yao and others.

Tao Yaoyao has never had this situation.

Moreover, Ling Tian looked at him in a coma, but his breath was steady, as if there was no strange Tao Yaoyao, there was nothing he could do.

With a hundred thousand sword shadows, he couldn't see anything.

In the end, Ling Tian had no choice but to let Senior Liu Yao take care of Tao Yaoyao. He was looking for another way.

One month after Zongmen's promotion ceremony, countless great immortal kings of the Great Jin Dynasty gathered in the Great Jin Palace.

Today is the day to go to Funeral Longyin Ruins.

The ancestors of the Bai family led a group of Patriarchs of the Bai family and the immortal kings of the eight top sects, all standing in front of the Xuanmen Hall of the Dajin Palace.

Inside the hall is the Lord of Great Jin, the existence shrouded in endless divine light.

This time, with the exception of the Great Jin Kingdom Lord, as well as the two kings of the East and West Bai Family, almost all the powerhouses of the Great Jin Dynasty will go to Bury Longyin Ruins.

Ling Tian was not surprised by the two princes and third princesses of the Tianjiao carried by the Bai family, but what Ling Tian never expected was that Bai Mengyi, as the only Tianjiao in the White House, was also among the ranks. in.

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