Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2527: Enter the Yin Ruins

This opportunity is unique among the descendants of Baifu Tianjiao.

"Hey, what to look at, I'm very curious!? This girl can be protected by you!"

Bai Mengyi smiled.

"Me!? Need it, your Bai family ancestor is also here!"

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows, and apart from anything else, the Bai family's ancestor's combat power was unfathomable, and he was not sure to defeat it now.

"Cut, follow them with more hands and feet, or follow you, be more comfortable!"

Bai Mengyi smiled.

"Haha, all right."

Ling Tian nodded and didn't say much.

Soon, the Lord of the Great Jin Kingdom appeared in the Xuanmen Hall.

"We pay homage to the lord!"

The ancestors of the Bai family and a group of strong immortals bowed and worshiped.

"You are all the ministers of the pillar country of my great promotion, no need to be polite!"

The master of the Jin Dynasty raised his hands empty and let everyone get up.

"Today, I will start the formation and send you to the Burial Longyin Ruins, but I want to remind everyone that the buried Longyin Ruins is really not a good place. Even the top Immortal Kings may not be able to protect themselves, so , You have to be careful!"

The eyes of the Great Jin Kingdom fell, and finally fell on the two princes and princesses, "This time let you and the predecessors of the immortal kings enter the Long Yin Ruins of Burial, but also to train you. This time, if you Who can get the imperial weapon, who is the future leader of my great promotion!"

But after the voice of the Great Jin Kingdom Lord fell, the prince and princess, as well as many Bai Family Patriarchs, changed their expressions.

Never thought that the Lord of the Jin Dynasty would actually have a reserve! ?

The two princes were also frantic in their hearts, and then became even more enthusiastic.

They waited for so many years just to become the master of the Dajin.

Now, the father let go, how can they be unhappy in their hearts.

But in this way, the two princes paid more attention to this trip to the funeral of the Dragon Yin Ruins.

Imperial weapons, they are bound to win.

"Well, ancestors, this trip is all up to you for protection."

Finally, the Lord of the Jin Dynasty looked at the ancestor of the Bai family.

"The lord of the country can rest assured that I will definitely live up to our mission and return with the imperial weapon!"

The ancestor of the Bai family bowed.


The Lord of the Jin Dynasty nodded, and then suddenly got up, raised his hands flat, in the hall, depicting an ancient formation totem,

"It's an ancient teleportation formation!"

Ling Tian took a deep breath.

It turns out that the entrance to the funeral of Longyin Ruins has always been in the Dajin Palace.

In this way, even if other immortal dynasties want to encroach on this burial dragon yin ruins, it is impossible.

After all, there is a great Jin leader, even if the great Wei comes to grab it, it will never succeed.

After a while, the big formation opened, soaring golden light, shining in the entire Pingyang City.

At this moment, all the warriors in Pingyang City can see this soaring light, and in their eyes, there is only envy.

In Furongfang, Ye Xichan and others couldn't help but clasp their hands when looking at the light.

This time, their father and master will enter the Long Yin Ruins, one of the four forbidden places. They only hope that their relatives can return safely.

That's it!

"Everyone, follow me into the battle!"

The voice of the ancestor of the Bai family was low and low, and he was the first to enter the formation totem.

Afterwards, the great masters of the Bai family and the princes and princesses.

In the end, it was Ling Tian and other eight great immortal sect masters, as well as two princes.


After the last person entered the formation, a horrible tearing force enveloped everyone, and in an instant, everyone lost consciousness.


Rao was also in a daze for a long time with Ling Tian's now terrifying power of divine thoughts before he woke up.

At this moment, he took a sigh of relief, and secretly said in his heart that this formation was really strong enough, so it seemed that this buried Longyin Ruins really deserved the name of the forbidden place.

Either it is extremely far away from Pingyang City, or it is that the formation enchantment of this burying dragon yin ruins is extremely strong.

As for the two guesses, Ling Tian preferred the latter.

Because Ling Tian raised his head and frowned.

In this space at this time, the secrets of heaven are in disorder, and even the fairy yuan in the air is restless.

The sky was gray, no sun and moon, no stars.

Even, he could smell a cold and corrupt aura.

Here, it is indeed like a dead place!


And immediately after Ling Tian, ​​the figures of the ancestors of the Bai family and others were all manifested in this space, and they did not spread out.

After a long while, everyone regained consciousness. Among them, Bai Mengyi was the slowest.

"Here, is Long Yin Ruins!?"

Everyone looked at some of them, their faces were surprised and solemn.

"It is indeed dead. According to legend, this was once the place where an ancient dragon tribe fell, but how tyrannical the ancient dragon tribe is. Who can make them fall?"

"Kunwu Sect Master Li Changchun frowned.

"Amitabha Buddha, there is a lot of grievances here, I am afraid that the dragon clan is unwilling!"

"Everyone, be careful during this trip!"

The host of the Hanging Temple also said.

"It was the human race who destroyed them."

This is, the ancestor of the Bai family suddenly said.

"The one who can kill the ancient dragon clan must not be an ordinary strong person."

"However, there is a secret involved in this. You had better not think too much about it, as long as you understand that the purpose of our trip is to find the imperial weapon that falls here!"

"After getting the imperial weapon, we will leave immediately!"

The ancestor of the Bai family suddenly said solemnly.

"Hehe, ancestor, what exactly is the imperial weapon we are looking for this time!? There must be some clues for reference!?"

Ji Yuanlang of Ji Dao Sect smiled.

"It's a legendary imperial weapon, it's a weapon of an emperor that is older than the Yuxu Martial Emperor of the Human Race. I don't know what the imperial weapon is called, but I know that it is a sword!

The ancestor of the Bai family said solemnly: "So, if you encounter a knife, you should pay attention to it!"

"Although I have been here once, I am not familiar with it. I will search separately to save time."

"You must never act alone, one person will undoubtedly die!"

After all, the ancestors of the Bai family took the lead and brought back the head of the five houses, and the two rushed into the dim world before them.

"Hehe, old monk, you and I should still be a group, and have a look after each other!"

"Amitabha, please!"

Kunwu Sovereign and Xuankong Temple presided over, also left one after another.

"Ling Tian, ​​you can do it yourself, this burial of Longyin Ruins is not a good place, don't die here!"

Nan Wang sneered, and then escorted the eldest prince away with the strong man in Demon Refining Valley.

The powerhouses of Jidaozong and Yumozong followed the Northern King to **** the second prince away.

In the end, only Ling Tian was left, but in addition to Ye Gucheng Leng Xuanye, Yan Lao and Yun Fei, there were also Bai Mengyi and the third princess.

Bai Mengyi is fine, Ling Tian agreed.

But the three princesses...

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows, "Princess, do you want to follow us!?"

"Naturally, no matter how I look at it, I feel that your team is safer."

"Why, don't want to take me!?"

The third princess shrugged.

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