Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2529: Ling Tian is also a Celestial Clan! ?

Heavenly powerhouse! ?

Ling Tian, ​​Ye Gucheng and others frowned upon hearing this.

Because, up to now, they have only heard of the name of the Celestial Clan, the strongest race in the immortal world, but they have never seen a real Celestial Martial Artist, what exactly they look like.

Now, the guy above the black dragon is the Celestial Clan! ?

How does it look like Ling Tian! ?

Bai Mengyi and others all looked at Ling Tian.

Like this Celestial Clan, Ling Tian also has silver hair, and on his eyebrows, there seems to be a mark of this difference and the power of origin.

If Ling Tian also put on these outfits, absolutely no one would be able to tell.

Ling Tian took a deep breath, "Be careful, everyone, this Celestial Clan is very strong!"

Although the strong heaven clan above the black dragon did not release any aura, it made Ling Tian feel a kind of creepy.

Among other things, the surrounding bone dragons all have combat power comparable to the top fairy kings of the human race, not to mention the black dragons at the feet of the Celestial Race and the Celestial Race.

It must be stronger.

"Huh!? Who are you, why are you not in the Emperor Dragon City, but you get mixed up with these human races!?"

But at this time, the heavenly clan powerhouse above the black dragon suddenly said.

With a mask on the face of the Celestial Clan, only a pair of eyes that are as bright as stars can be seen, but at this time, there are doubts and surprises in this gaze.

"Emperor Dragon City!?"

Ling Tian frowned and didn't know what the Celestial Clan was talking about.

"Ling Tian, ​​he may think that you are also a heavenly warrior!"

The third princess said: "I also suddenly felt that you don't look like a human race!?"

"Hehe, how is it possible!?"

Ling Tian shook his head, pointed his sword at the strong heaven clan above the black dragon, "Get down and talk!"

"Oh!? It seems that you are a fake Celestial Clan, that's all, if that's the case, then you have only a dead end!"

Above the black dragon, the strong man of the clan that day shook his head, even if he stretched out his hand, he took out a bone flute and played a weird tone.

In an instant, the group of mutant bone dragons on the ground seemed to be crazy, rushing toward Ling Tian and others again.


Both Yan Lao and Yun Fei are frightened, these bone dragons are really too tricky.

"Sect Master Yun Fei, Yan Lao, you protect yourself, just leave these things to me!"

However, Ling Tian among the crowd sneered and rose directly into the sky.

The 100,000 sword shadows around, condensed into a sword formation, swallowing all the bone dragons.

Within a moment, a series of broken arms and limbs fell from the sword formation.

Although they failed to smash these bone dragons into bone meal, they could no longer condense into bone dragons.

"Don't move where you are, protect yourself!"

Yun Fei's breath dissipated, and she took out a bottle of elixir and gave it to Ye Gucheng and the others.

Yan Lao also uses magical powers to protect everyone in it.

At this time, Ling Tian had already floated above the sky, facing the powerful clan that day.

"Heaven Clan, why does it appear in the Funeral Dragon Yin Ruins!?"

Ling Tian said coldly while holding the Meteorite Sword.

He never expected that in this forbidden land, there would be the existence of the Celestial Clan.

Moreover, unlike those dragons who had come back from the dead, the Heavenly Clan powerhouse in front of him was a living existence.

"Hehe, inferior races like you are also worthy to question me!?"

"The dying person, even you, some means can kill my dragon slave!"

The strong clan sneered that day, put away the bone flute in his hand, and held his shoulders again, "Aheinu, what are you waiting for!? Eat him!"

"Otherwise, it depends on how I punish you!"

That day the strong clan shook his feet and yelled at the black dragon.


The black dragon was in pain, and roared.

"He has the breath of my dragon clan!"

Heilong vomited.

"So what, it's just a cultivation technique for the human race, a disgusting thing that is half human and half dragon, kill him!"

"Don't ink with me!"

The heavenly powerhouse said coldly.

"Yes, master!"

The only consciousness left in the black dragon's eyes disappeared, and looking at Ling Tian on the opposite side, only killing intent was left!


"Dragon City Breaker, die!"

With a roar of dragon clan anger, the black dragon directly attacked and killed Ling Tian.

Compared with those bone dragons, this black dragon looked more like a living dragon. Although it could not be transformed, its coercion was more powerful. Even among the top immortal kings, it was one of the few existences.

"Huh, the beast who surrendered to the Celestial Clan is not worthy to fight with me!"

"Aman, it's your turn!"

"Look at this guy, is it worth your shot!"

Ling Tian gave a cold snort, and suddenly a green bull appeared when he sat down.

"Tsk tusk, just barely make it!"

"I'll take this black bug!"

Aman appeared, his figure soared to the size of the black dragon, and amidst his roar, he picked up the black dragon.

The two big monster beasts were fighting each other on the sky, and for a time, they couldn't tell the victory or defeat.

Since being stimulated by Xiaoqing last time, Aman has worked a little harder, and his combat power has also caught up to the realm of the top immortal king. Although it is not as good as Xiaoqing, it is enough to deal with this black dragon.

Moreover, Aman's cultivation was extremely leisurely, and he hardly saw any resources consumed by him.

In short, Aman is above the rank of bloodline, definitely not worse than Xiaoqing, and even stronger.

The black dragon was taken, Ling Tian stepped on the void, the fairy king's dragon wings bloomed behind him, and the power of the beast dragon surged towards the strong clan that day.

"You are the first Celestial Clan I have seen. Now, let me see what is different about your Celestial Clan!"

"Can you take me a punch!"

With a long roar, Ling Tian lifted up the big hand full of Panlong's scales, and directly blasted out with a fist of the Sun Yaoshen.

Under the dim sky, the light of the big sun suddenly flickered, extremely dazzling.

The punch is so great that it is full of feet, and it dashes away, as if it is about to smash the sky out of a hole.

Ling Tian unreservedly punched out, the power can be imagined.

"Huh, it's just a trivial human supernatural power, and dare to be presumptuous in front of my superiors!?"

The white-haired and black-clothed heavenly clan powerhouse sneered, put down the hands he was holding, and between them, a sacred light was directly thrown out.

In the midair, the light condensed into a huge palm, like a god's hand, the general trend, in an instant, it condensed.


Regrettably, the two magical powers turned into a huge black hole in the sky.

However, Ling Tian's Solar Fist was directly shattered, and the whole person was swallowed by that palm!

Ling Tian was invincible!

Below, Ye Gucheng Leng Xuanye and others were shocked when they saw this.

Before, Ling Tian was promoted to the sect, what an invincible posture! ?

Nowadays, Panlong is turned on, and I don't know how much more tyrannical than it was at that time, but now it is swallowed by the power of the heavenly clan! ?

Is the combat power of this Celestial Clan so terrifying! ?


The palm prints landed, Ling Tian walked out of the smoke and dust.

The power of this palm blasted him directly from the sky, and finally offset the magical power.

However, what made the azure blue pupils of the strong heavenly clan shrunk is that although this human clan was blasted to the ground by a palm of his own, it looked like it had never been hurt.

This kind of flesh...

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