Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2530: Killer

This kind of flesh...

"Hehe, the supernatural powers of the Celestial Clan are really good, but the strength is a little weaker, is there a stronger one!?"

Ling Tian shook his feet and ascended to heaven again.

"Huh, it's just a good ant with a good body, you can, and I have persisted a few times with supernatural powers!?"

"Xingchen Baiyun Fist!"


That day the clan powerhouse snorted coldly and raised his hands flat. Hundreds of star lights appeared behind him. The rays of light condensed into fist shadows, like a meteor shower, bombarding the sky indiscriminately.

Bang bang bang!

The dragon wings of the fairy king behind Ling Tian protected Ling Tian.

Resist the impact of the punches.

However, this magical power attack was too secret and terrifying. After a while, Ling Tian was once again submerged in the shadow of the fist.

In the distance, Bai Mengyi and others looked at everything in front of them, and their heart raised their throats.

Is this the magical power that belongs to the Celestial Clan! ?

Just bare hands, it's so terrible!


However, after the shooting star-like fist, a figure in the dust full of ruins came out again slowly.

The blue-black fairy king dragon wings spread out, revealing the shape of Ling Tian.

At this time, although Ling Tian's dragon wings looked riddled with holes, his aura had not been affected at all.

In other words, Ling Tian still forcibly resisted the supernatural powers of this heavenly clan powerhouse!

"This is impossible!"

At this moment, the azure blue pupils of the strong clan that day suddenly shrank, and his face finally changed!

Succeeded twice with his magical power impact, especially the second Xingchen Baiyu Fist. This fist was a superior technique among the Celestial Clan. Even in the Emperor Dragon City, only a few Celestial Clan could perform it. .

But now, he failed to kill this human race! ?

No, it's not that there was no bombing, but that there was no serious injury!

This tyrannical body reminded him of the ancient dragon clan!

"Who are you!?"

The clan seemed to have thought of something that day, and looked at Ling Tian and asked.

"Beat me, I will tell you!"

"But, now, it's my turn!"

"Princess, the palm of God!"

The dog at the corner of Ling Tian's mouth made a sneer, his big hand suddenly raised, Xianyuan, the fire of the little holy spirit, and the power of the Beaulieu condensed into a whirlpool.

In the whirlpool, a big hand suddenly protruded from the sky, pressing against the strong man of the clan that day.

The palm of the Prajna in the Panlong transformation state is so terrifying.

The palm of the hand is as big as the substance.

Even everyone can see the lines on the big palm.

The fire of the little holy spirit carried a sacred aura, dimming the divine light on the body of that race.

"How come this magical power seems to be owned by my Celestial Clan!?"

That day the clan powerhouse was shocked and couldn't think of why this human clan is so similar to the heaven clan, and even the magical powers are so similar!

However, the palm of the Prajna **** descended from the sky so fast that he had no choice but to resist it.

However, this human race just abruptly carried his Xingchen Baiyun Fist, with the pride of the heavenly warrior, naturally it would not use magical powers to resist!


Immediately, the Protoss snorted coldly, and there was a protective body of the Celestial Divine Light around his body, which turned into a barrier.


The palm of the Prajna **** descended on the head of the strong clan that day.

With a blast, the barrier was directly shattered by the palm of the gods in the sound of the clan's strong man that day, and the clan was shot down directly from the sky, and slammed to the ground.


The storm shook, the palm of the Prajna **** fell to the ground, and the storm that set off swept the surrounding five hundred miles!

Some ruins were all razed to the ground.

This palm is really terrifying. If it weren't for Ling Tian to lower his breath and isolate Lao Yan and others from supernatural powers, just the aftermath would be enough to smash Ye Gucheng and others on the spot.


When the smoke dissipated, everyone found that the strong clan that day was lying in the huge pit, his black armor and cloak had been shattered, and his temples were scattered and chaotic, far less chic and noble than before.

Heavenly clan powerhouse, unexpectedly defeated!

Everyone took a deep breath, Ling Tian's supernatural powers, even such a powerful Celestial clan powerhouse, could not resist it!

That day the strong clan also eased his mind, feeling ashamed and thinking of getting up.

However, he found that a big foot had already stepped firmly on his chest.

It's that human race!

He lost!

There are only two moves, this supernatural power is so powerful that even his Celestial Divine Light Protector is useless.

"Hehe, the heavenly clan powerhouse, but so!"

Ling Tian looked at the strong heaven clan at his feet and sneered.

"The Celestial Clan's coercion, no blasphemy!"

"You humble and inferior race, don't know the crime yet?"

The strong clan that day said angrily.

"Oh!? Why, because I am a human race, so I am guilty!?"

"In this immortal world, who on earth divides the upper and lower clan!?"

"What qualifications does your Celestial Clan have to mock me for being ants!"

Ling Tian added strength under his feet, causing blood to flow from the corners of the clan's mouth that day.

"Hmph, my Celestial Clan has been the strongest in the fairy world since ancient times, and the only high-class race!"

"You are only worthy to be enslaved by me!"

The clan of the day is still extremely proud.

"Stupid things!"

Ling Tian slapped it in the face and said angrily: "If the high level of the Celestial Clan is like you, and has such thoughts, then I tell you that in the future, my Human Race Ling Tian will inevitably bring the Human Race army to compete with the Celestial Clan. under!"

"Look at what qualifications the Celestial Clan has to enslave us!"

"But you have a scene, you can't see it anymore, die!"

The meteor sword in Ling Tian's hand was raised, and the head of the clan that day flew up.


At this time, above the sky, the black dragon also fell down.

Aman's hoofs stomped heavily on the black dragon, making the black dragon look like a big loach at this time.

"Hey, little bug, now I know the deity is amazing!"


Aman smiled.

"Take it, take it, you are the ancient supreme, don't be familiar with me, I am not a slave to the heavenly race!"

The black dragon shook his head again and again, seeing that the strong clan that day had been killed by Ling Tian, ​​his heart was even more frightened.

"Aman, it's still useful to keep him alive!"

Ling Tiandao.


Aman then retreated.

At this moment, Ye Gucheng and others also gathered around, looking at the corpse of the Celestial Clan that was beheaded by Ling Tian, ​​their expressions were solemn.

"Ling Tian, ​​you really killed a Celestial Clan!?"

After a while, then Yun Fei swallowed and said.

"Hehe, why, the heavens cannot be killed!?"

Ling Tian stepped forward and took off the mask on the face of the clan that day, and found that although the clan looked similar to the human race, there was still a clear difference.

The eyes of the Celestial race are colored, and the cheekbones are high, the bird's nest is deeply sunken, and the bones and body shape are taller than the human race.

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