Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2531: The Secret of Emperor Dragon City

"You know, although the Celestial Clan is the strongest race in the immortal world, it is very small in number. Therefore, the Celestial Clan has always been extremely short-sighted. If the Celestial Clan knows that someone has killed their compatriots, then they will be chased endlessly. kill."

"So, including the Dragon and Feng Clan, they are not willing to provoke the Celestial Clan."

Yun Fei's face was still stern.

"Hehe, then they can't tolerate them arbitrarily bullying me!"

"Although my human race is crowded, it is not an ant. Although I am not as talented as the heavenly race, I also have dignity."

"If my brothers, relatives and friends are insulted by the Celestial Clan, I will hunt them down and die endlessly."

After Ling Tian's divine mind searched the soul of the strong clan that day, he suddenly coldly said.

Yun Fei and Yan Lao looked at each other and stopped talking.

Moreover, the respect for Ling Tian in his eyes is better than before.

Today Ling Tian really possesses the qualities of a human leader.

Human race should not be humiliated, only hope that Ling Tian can really do it in the future.

"Ling Tian, ​​what can the soul search find!?"

After seeing Ling Tian searching for souls, his face grew colder, Ye Gucheng asked.

"Can there be clues to the imperial weapon!?"

Bai Mengyi also asked.

"Hehe, I really found a great secret!"

Ling Tian sneered again and again, and looked at the distant sky, "You, you should have guessed, who killed this ancient dragon clan."

"Heaven Clan..."

Everyone looked at each other, and the answer was self-evident.

"Yes, it is the Celestial Clan, and the reason why the Celestial Clan killed this ancient dragon tribe is to use dragon blood to unlock the imperial weapon!"

Ling Tian sneered.

Looking at everyone, then said: "I already know the location of the emperor weapon, it is in the emperor dragon city!"

"There is the core of this space."

"Moreover, this is not the so-called burial dragon yin ruins, but the ancient emperor's palace found by the heavens!"

Ling Tian glanced at him, and everyone was speechless in astonishment.

Everything is because of this secret, which is really shocking.

The imperial weapon exists, the ancient dragon clan was annihilated by the heavenly clan, and the dragon blood unblocked the imperial weapon.

Moreover, this place turned out to be an ancient imperial palace! ?

Each one can be said to be a shocking secret!

Simply can't believe this is true.

"Then Lingtian, what should we do!"

"Yes, since this place was created by the Celestial Clan, there must be other Celestial Clan powerhouses in the Emperor Dragon City."

"Although we know the clues of the imperial weapon, it seems that we can't get it!"

Everyone looked at each other, and in the end, they all shook their heads.

Want to get the imperial weapon from the Celestial Clan, this is simply a fantasy, even if there is Ling Tian.

But although Ling Tian is now tyrannical, how can he compare with the Celestial Clan! ?

The Celestial Clan is the strongest existence in this immortal realm, not only has a powerful Wudi, but also immortal-level gods.

"Hehe, it's not as terrible as you think. When the Celestial Clan discovered this imperial palace, it was already ten thousand years ago. At that time, it was a Celestial Divine General. Reported to the Celestial Clan, and the aura here can conceal the secrets of heaven, so the Celestial Clan does not know the existence of the Celestial Clan in this imperial palace."

Ling Tian smiled.

"Oh? So that said, we still have a chance!?"

Bai Mengyi and the third princess looked at each other, and their faces were joyful.

"Yes, but it's still vague. As far as I know, there is a Celestial Venerable of the Immortal Venerable Level in the Emperor Dragon City."

Everyone's complexion changed again, and they all fell silent.

"Venerable Heavenly Clan, hehe, then we have absolutely no chance, and it is very likely that we will be killed before seeing the Emperor Dragon City."

The third princess sighed, "No matter, my father may not know the secret here, this imperial weapon is really not that easy to handle."

"No, Ling Tian, ​​there must be a way for you, otherwise, we just give up!?"

Bai Mengyi looked at Ling Tian.

Based on her understanding of Ling Tian, ​​she didn't think that Ling Tian would give up exploring the Emperor Dragon City and that mysterious imperial weapon.

"I won't give up naturally, but my plan is dangerous."

Ling Tian walked towards the black dragon.

"I want to mix into the Emperor Dragon City!"

Get in! ?

Everyone glanced at each other, how could they have a life after entering Longtan Tiger Den! ?

However, it seems that apart from this method, there is no other way to get that imperial weapon.

"But I can only go, you guys, you can't follow."

Ling Tian turned around again.

Everyone was silent.

This is inevitable.

Although they wanted to do something to help Ling Tian, ​​they also knew that they were too weak, and following Ling Tian would be a drag.

"Then let's go back to Dajin, anyway, I didn't even think about using any imperial weapon."

The third princess sighed finally.

Although this visit to the Longyin Ruins has not yielded any results so far, life is of the utmost importance.

"There is no need to leave. The territory in this space is huge, and the secrets of heaven are hidden. Even the heavenly clan can't cover all of them. Therefore, they need these Royal Dragon Envoys to patrol the territory."

"You just don't need to be discovered by them."

"From the soul of this messenger, I know a hidden place, which is far away from the Emperor Dragon City, and there are mutant bone dragons that have not been enslaved, and there are treasures dropped by the ancient dragons. You can go there. Hunt and kill the bone dragon while looking for some opportunities."

Ling Tian smiled.

"There is such a treasure!?"

Everyone was overjoyed.

It's nothing if you can't get the imperial weapon. If you go back empty-handed, you will be unwilling.

With their current abilities, be careful, hunting bone dragons, they can still do it.

"Yes, I will **** you over now, and then I will go to Emperor Dragon City."

Ling Tian had already arrived in front of the black dragon at this time.

"There are only two choices, either die or surrender to me."

The voice was deep, the black dragon was originally a slave to the heavenly clan, how dare to resist at this time.

"Mighty master, Aheino is willing to surrender!"

The black dragon bowed its head.

Ling Tian led the crowd to stand on the black dragon, roaring all the way straight to the sky in the distance.

Compared with Aman, this black dragon was originally a strong man in the Ruins of Burying Dragon Yin, and when he walked through it, he would not be suspected by the heavens.

He ran all the way, and after a full day, the black dragon landed.

In front of everyone, there is a canyon.

The canyon was so dark that it looked like half of the bottomless abyss, and a strong breath of death violently poured out from the canyon.

It seemed that this place was more like the earth shattered by magical powers, which came into being.

"Here, is this the treasure you said!?"

Bai Mengyi's face was tense.

"Well, that's right here, haha, but I didn't expect someone to arrive one step ahead of us."

Ling Tian's face changed slightly.

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