Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2537: I'll talk about it later

Thinking of this, Ling Tian sneered before leaving the room.

"Hehe, Ronnie didn't know the princess was coming, he never welcomed him far away, and hopes the princess will forgive him!"

Ling Tian bowed and saluted.

He also knew from Ronnie's memory that this Princess Jenny was the entire Emperor Dragon City, the second noble existence, second only to the Celestial Venerable.

Moreover, this woman's talent is so high that it surpasses the entire Celestial Clan. Today's cultivation base has reached the level of the second-order immortal king. With full combat power, it is enough to match the great ancestor of the Bai family.

"Bold, Princess Jenny is face to face, you little Dragon Envoy, don't you kneel down!?"

The guards on both sides of Princess Jenny shouted angrily.

"Haha, princess, you're looking for it, it's not Xingshi who is asking the crime!?"

Ling Tian sneered and stood with his hands behind him, facing Jenny without any fear and respect.

Princess Jenny frowned and suddenly realized that Ronnie in front of her was different from the usual Dragon Envoy. However, because there are indeed important things, Princess Jenny suppressed the anger in her heart, and under the divine light, said lightly: "Yes, I am looking for you, it is indeed important."

"But this is not a place to talk, you go with me!"

Ling Tian's pupils shrank, and now in this house, he is sure to deal with all situations, but if he leaves with this princess, then he will be involuntary!

Therefore, Ling Tian shook his head under everyone's surprised eyes, "No."

"No way!?"

"You dare to disobey Princess Jenny's order, and you won't be able to find death!"

On both sides, those heavenly clan guards could not bear it for a long time, roaring, they were about to come forward.

"Princess, you must have something to do with me, I promise, if you let me go with you, I will die and I won't do anything for you."

"It's up to you!"

Ling Tian was not afraid at all.


Sure enough, Princess Jenny had a cold face and raised her hand to stop the heavenly guards.

"what do you want?"

Ling Tian turned sideways and pointed behind him, "Come to my room and say."


After Ling Tian said that, it was not only a group of domestic slaves or guards, but also that Princess Jenny was blinded by herself.

This Ronnie actually wants her to talk in the room! ?

This is simply a joke, how can the most honorable Princess Jenny enter a room of the Royal Dragon Messenger, if it is passed out, then the reputation of Princess Jenny has been tarnished! ?

"Hehe, if you come to my room, we can continue to talk, otherwise, don't talk."

Ling Tian said coldly with his hands on his back.

"Princess, Ronnie must have a bad brain, and we will arrest him and tortured him severely!"

A group of guards can't bear it anymore.

"No need to."

However, what everyone did not expect was that Princess Jenny turned out to be okay.

She stepped forward and looked at Ling Tian, ​​"You'd better not play tricks with me, I can pinch you to death at any time!"

"Hehe, princess, please!"

Ling Tian stretched out his hand to let the princess enter the room.


Those guards frowned, and the extremely honorable Princess Jenny, how so abnormal today! ?

Princess Jennie walked to the door, "You are waiting here. Without my order, no one is allowed to approach the room!"


After that, Princess Jenny and Ling Tian entered the room together.

There is no breath.

A group of slaves looked at each other, and suddenly discovered that Lord Ronnie today is completely different from before!

Moreover, didn't the adult just now embrace a dragon girl, why now, even Princess Jenny has also entered.

This is too unbelievable.

In the room, Ling Tian leaned back on the bed and smiled while hugging his shoulders, "Princess Jenny, now you can talk about it, why are you looking for me!?"

"Hehe, Ronnie, you are the only one I have ever seen who dares to talk to me like this. Are you really afraid of death?"

Princess Jenny glanced at the room vigilantly, and after making sure that there was no formation mechanism, she looked at Ling Tian coldly.

"Haha, dying under the peony flower is also romantic. It is a good thing to die in the hands of Princess Jenny!"

Ling Tian laughed.

But his gaze looked unscrupulously on Jenny's plump and seductive body, and that gaze seemed to strip Jenny naked.

Jenny rushed to protect her body, shrouded her body, and said: "I won't talk nonsense with you, I am here, there is only one thing, you have high-grade national equipment in your hand!?"

If it weren't for the high-grade national equipment, how could Princess Jenny be so forbearing? Before, this Imperial Dragon Envoy would have died long ago.

"High-grade national equipment!?"

"What does the father-in-law do!?"

Ling Tian raised her eyebrows, never thinking that Jenny was here for this, and she was so mysterious.

It shouldn't be so.

"It's not your turn to care. Just tell me, whether you have it or not!"

In Jenny's azure blue eyes, it was icy cold.

Her patience is limited.

Now, she is using the secret method of the Celestial Clan to refine a divine weapon for her sweetheart, which was about to be completed, but she lacks the material and soul power of a high-grade imperial weapon.

Now, the unblocking of the imperial artifacts has reached the final juncture, and the high-grade national artifacts of the entire city have been sent to the giant tower, even if she is a princess, she can't get it.

She didn't care about the imperial weapon, after all, even if the thing was unblocked, it was used by his father and had nothing to do with her.

After learning that the dragon envoy Ronnie had bought a dragon girl with a high-grade national weapon in the Yu Nu Fang, Princess Jenny hurriedly found her.

It is naturally the best to be able to obtain high-grade national implements without being discovered by the top of the giant tower.

This is why Jenny is so cautious.

"Princess, you also know that high-grade national implements are no small thing. In this space, how precious are they. If, I say no!?"

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows.

"If not, here is your burial place!"

If Ronnie had no high-grade national equipment, there would be no need to live.

"So, in your hand, it is best to have a national weapon, you know."

Jenny said swiftly.

"Hehe, if that's the case, then I really have to take out the top-grade national artifacts in exchange for my own life."

Ling Tian chuckled, thought for a moment, raised his hand, and the meteorite sword appeared in his hand, "Princess, look at this sword, is it a high-grade national weapon!?"

After all, Ling Tian handed over the Meteorite Sword.


Princess Jenny took the Meteorite Sword, and her eyes lit up immediately.

Although the method of refining this sword is very strange, she discovered that among the materials of this sword, there is a material full of ancient atmosphere, which is definitely a treasure!

Moreover, this sword is sharp and sharp, far above the top grade national weapon. Looking at the entire Emperor Dragon City, I am afraid that there is no second such sword.

"Yes, far surpassing top-grade national products, hehe, I didn't think about it, you still have a baby in Ronnie's hands!"

Jenny was overjoyed. Then, the joy in her eyes was instantly replaced by Binghan's killing intent. She looked at Ling Tian, ​​"Now, you can leave your last words."'

"What does the princess mean!? Unload the mill and kill the donkey!?"

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows, never thinking that this princess changed her face really fast.

"So what's the matter, anyway, I only need a high-grade national implement, and now that this national implement is in hand, you have no value at all."

"Besides, you must die for being so disrespectful to me!"

Princess Jenny sneered. In her eyes, Ronnie was nothing more than a struggling ant.

"Well, since the princess is so cruel, then I can't help it, come on, let me see, how are you doing!?"

"Or, go to bed and try it!?"

Ling Tian lay on the bed with an obscene smile on his face.

"Damn, death is imminent, and I want to humiliate me. If you don't break your body into pieces, I, Jenny, will never give up!"

Princess Jenny was furious, raising her hand to kill Ling Tian.


However, at the moment she urged and lifted Xian Yuan, her whole body seemed to be swarmed by tens of thousands of ants, stinging and tingling, all Xian Yuan disappeared without a trace at this moment.

When she was relieved, Jenny slumped to the ground even more.

With no dazzling light all over, Jenny is like a mortal at this moment!

"what happened!"

Jenny's face was shocked, she looked at Ling Tian's eyes on the bed, and her heart felt cold.

At this moment, Ronnie looked like a tiger staring at its prey, and himself, like a lamb!

"Hehe, Princess Jenny, give you a chance, but you are not sure!"

Ling Tian sneered, stretched out his hand to take Jenny onto the bed and hugged it in his arms.

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