Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2538: Go to the giant tower

"What do you want to do!?"

Jenny was so embarrassed that she grew up so big, except for the first day of Emperor Dragon City, Weis, no opposite **** has ever violated her like this!

Except for Weiss, no one else is worthy!

"Haha, what are you doing!? I'm Ronnie is a pervert, Princess Jenny is so attractive, what else can I do!?"

Ling Tian sneered, put Taoyuan in the storage ring, and then put his hand into Princess Jenny's clothes.

"Ronnie! You're going to die! Let go of me!"

Princess Jenny screamed in surprise, but she was like a mortal, in Ling Tian's arms, it was the fish on the chopping board, let Ling Tian put her hands on her.

"Hehe, your heavenly race treats foreign races like pigs and dogs, and never thought, do you have this day too!?"

"In my opinion, there is no difference between you and those concubines!"

"Today, I will let you taste this humiliation!"

Ling Tian gave a sneer before pressing on it.

After half an hour.

Ling Tian's door was then pushed open.

The Celestial Guards guarding the outside looked at each other.

Because, during this half an hour, there was no sound in the room. If it weren't for Princess Jenny's order, they really couldn't help but rush in.

But thinking about it, Ronnie wouldn't do anything to the princess.


However, the princesses who the guards looked at were frowning again, because I don't know why, the princess's face was full of flushing colors, how this face looked like the concubines in his house! ?

But just for an instant, Princess Jenny shrouded the divine light and covered it with a veil, and no one could see her face anymore.

And Ronnie followed closely behind, and walked out with a tight black robe.

In that way, it clearly looked like a client who had just rejoiced from the brothel!

However, the princess was in front, and although they were puzzled, they did not dare to ask more.

After Ling Tian, ​​it was the dragon girl with a dull look.

Ling Tian embraced the dragon girl's waist and spoke to Jenny, "Princess, how do you feel!?"

"Ronnie, you better not regret it!"

Jenny sneered, and in her heart, she almost committed suicide in shame.

She hadn't rested for half an hour just now. This Ronnie didn't know what secret method was used. It was fierce and a cow.

Although there were hundreds of millions of thoughts in her heart wishing to kill this Ronig, at this time, her body was still blocked by the sword shadow. As long as she moved the years, she would die in an instant.

She has been controlled.

"Hehe, I never regretted it."

Ling Tian sneered, it was an honor for Jenny to be able to sleep by herself.

"Well, princess, since our matter has not been resolved, then go to your palace and continue talking."

After all, Ling Tian embraced the Dragon Girl and walked towards the gorgeous car of Jenny.

"Ronnie, bold, what are you going to do, you can get in the princess's car too!?"

Some of the guards were furious, but the next moment, they were thrown off by Ling Tian's palm, and they didn't know their life or death.


All the slaves were dumbfounded, Lord Ronnie not only got on the car, but also seriously injured the guard! ?

This, has this changed! ?

However, what made them even more incomprehensible was that Princess Jenny was not annoyed, and stopped the guards who were about to rush up, "Don't stop him, let's go back to the palace!"

Immediately, Princess Jenny and Ling Tian got in the car.

"Go! Isn't it possible, do you want me to say it a second time!"

Inside the car, Jenny roared again, scaring the guards all over, and quickly picked up the car and drove out of the house, heading straight to the giant tower.

It's over, the princess must have been stunned by this Ronnie!

If it is known by the Weiss Heavenly General, how can it be done! ?

Watching Ronnie and Princess Jenny leave, the servants in the house looked at each other and couldn't believe that everything in front of them was real.

Driving in the same car with the princess, even the first day Jiaowei, has never had the honor.

"My lord is really amazing..."

After a long time, the snake demon sighed, but in his eyes, he became more and more addicted to Ronnie.

Giant tower.

Ling Tian was driving in the car, looking at the airtight defense around the huge tower, his heart was also awe-inspiring.

If it weren't for the princess to come to the door in person, it would be really difficult to handle.

However, now because it was the princess's car, all the way was unimpeded, directly under the giant tower.

Entering the giant tower is the palace where the upper strata of the Celestial Clan live.

Ling Tian took Dragon Girl and Na Jenny out of the car and immediately attracted the attention of all the surrounding middle-level heavenly races.

In his eyes, there was an incredible look.

It's almost a ghost.

The white-haired Royal Dragon Messenger! ?

Drive with the princess! ?

what's the situation! ?

"Princess Jenny, who is he!?"

At this moment, a very charming voice suddenly sounded behind them. Ling Tian and Dragon Girl turned around to look, only to find that it was a heavenly race with light golden hair and bright dazzling wings blooming behind them. The pale gold battle armor came up with a spear.

However, this person's gaze has been on Ling Tian, ​​full of incomprehension and jealousy.

After seeing this Celestial Clan, Princess Jenny had a glimmer of struggle in her eyes.

Ling Tian sneered in his heart. This is the number one arrogant of the Emperor Dragon City. His talent is not under Jenny and ranks among the middle-level heavenly clan. Because of his blood, he could not enter the giant tower.

However, it is no secret that Princess Jenny loves Weiss in this Emperor Dragon City.

Now, he saw Princess Jenny following a Royal Dragon Envoy, who was still driving down from the same car, how could he not be angry in his heart! ?

"It's nothing, who he is has nothing to do with you!"

However, her body had been defiled by Ling Tian, ​​and the sword shadow in her body was blocked, and Jenny had a hard time saying.

"Why!? A little dragon envoy, can it be as good as my Weis!? Princess, what's the matter with you!?"

Weis was unwilling. If he could marry the princess as his wife, then he might enter the upper strata of the heavenly clan and practice in the giant tower.

However, if the princess changes her heart, all of this will be for nothing!

"Shut up! It's not your turn to question my matter!"

The princess turned around and left.

"and many more!"

However, Ling Tian behind him stopped her.

"What are you doing!?"

Princess Jenny really stopped and looked at Ling Tian.

Ling Tian pointed behind Navis, "These are human races!? What's going on!?"

At this moment, behind Navis, there were two human races **** by ropes. The two human races were covered in blood, breathless, and seriously injured. At this time, they were **** by rope spirit treasures, like two pigs and dogs.

"Are you asking me!?"’

Navis raised his eyebrows, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he couldn't wait to shoot directly to pinch the Royal Dragon Messenger to death.

"Haha, otherwise!? I will ask you again, what happened to these two races!"

Ling Tian never showed the slightest fear.

Those who were **** behind Navis were the ancestors of the Bai family and the head of the Five Houses!

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