Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2539: Palace of Tibetan Emperor

Ling Tian never thought that these two powerhouses were actually caught by the Celestial Clan!

"you wanna die!"

What status is Weis in the Emperor Dragon City! ?

Except for the upper echelons of the heavenly clan, no one dared to question him.

Nowadays, there is such a mere Royal Dragon Messenger, why! ?

"Weiss, what happened to these two ancestors!?"

However, Princess Jenny followed Ling Tian to ask.

Now, Princess Jenny has nothing to do, everything must be obeyed by Ling Tian.


Weiss is furious!

Now, he has completely understood that Princess Jenny doesn't like him anymore.

"answer me!"

Jenny said angrily.


Weiss took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and said: "These two people are intruders from the outside. They are very powerful. I took the middle-level Celestial Clan to abandon a lot of work, and this is relying on the power of the formation. Capture them and prepare to send them to the Elder Hall in the tower for review."

"No need to try, these two peoples look pretty good, let me be a domestic slave!"

Ling Tian spoke again.

"Domestic slaves!? There are not many human races with the top immortal king's combat power in this Emperor Dragon City. Are you worthy to be your domestic slaves!?"

Weiss said coldly.

"Baby Jenny, look at this guy, what a terrible speech!"

However, what made Navis furious was that Ling Tian actually looked at Princess Jenny!

Also called Baby Jenny!

It's so annoying!

Weiss gripped the golden spear tightly, almost bursting.

"Listen to him, take these two human races to him as domestic slaves!"

After Jenny said, she entered the giant tower.

"Haha, Xiao Bailian, you can practice again, Jenny tastes good, but you have no chance!"

Ling Tian stepped forward, patted Navis on the shoulder, and asked the Dragon Girl to pull on the Patriarch of the Bai Family and the Patriarch of the Five Houses, and they entered the giant tower together.


It wasn't until Jenny's figure disappeared into the huge tower that Weis screamed.

However, it didn't help. In the Emperor Dragon City, Immortal Venerable couldn't come out. This Jenny was the highest leader.

Inside the huge tower, those guards also wanted to stop Ling Tian, ​​but with the princess in front, these heavenly races could only retreat.

"My father is out now!?"

The princess asked suddenly.

Ling Tian's pupils shrank, but the guards on both sides shook their heads, "No, I heard the elders' hall say that it is the final moment of unsealing the imperial artifacts. The twelve elders, at this time, have all gone to the Tibetan Emperor's Palace. Up."


Jenny sighed in her heart, Immortal Venerable couldn't get out, no one could break the sword shadow blockade on her body, then, she would be controlled by Ronnie all the time.

Until the princess's bedroom.

Jenny turned around and looked at Ling Tian's eyes, "Hehe, now that you have entered the giant tower, you should be able to tell me who you are!?"

"Don't say you are Ronnie, I borrow him ten thousand courage, she doesn't dare to be so disrespectful to me."

"What's more, he has no reason to save these two human races. I guessed right. You are also a human race, right?"

"Hahaha, the princess is really smart!" Ling Tian suddenly laughed, raising his hand, and restraining no one around him, although I don't know if this prohibition is useful to the immortal.

"Since you have seen it, then I will not hide it from you."

Ling Tian stepped back from his black robe and put on his Tsing Yi. His azure blue eyes also turned to brown.

"Human Lingtian!"

Ling Tian checked the injuries of the Patriarch of the Xiabai Family and the Patriarch of the Five Houses. Although they were serious, they had never hurt the roots. Now they are just sealed off by the secret method of the Celestial Clan.

Under the shadow of the sword, the blockade was directly destroyed, and the two of them also regained consciousness.

However, after seeing Ling Tian, ​​both of them were shocked.

"The two seniors don't worry, it's not the time to talk, you have entered the giant tower, the imperial weapon is above this giant tower."

Ling Tian pointed to the top of his head.

"Ling Tian, ​​we never thought that there should be such a powerful Celestial Clan here. Let's leave quickly. Our lives are of the utmost importance. That imperial weapon, don't worry!"

The ancestor of the Bai family was shocked.

"No, I have already come to this huge tower, so I will never leave easily. The two will heal their injuries here as soon as possible. After a while, there will be a fight to protect them!"

Ling Tian looked at Long Xi again, "You follow the two seniors, life and death, and we can't help you too much!"

"Ling Tian, ​​where are you going now?"

Long Xi frowned. Although Ling Tianqiang went to Jenny and made Long Xi quite disagreeable with Ling Tian, ​​now it is up to Ling Tian to save her people.

"Naturally went to the top of the tower to have a look!"

Ling Tian sneered, then looked at Princess Jenny, "Princess, let's go, take me up, there, without you, shouldn't I get in?"

"You really are not afraid of death."

Jenny sneered, "You human race is indeed different from the human race I saw in Emperor Dragon City, but there are my father and the twelve elders there, and my father is even the Celestial Celestial Venerable!"

"Do you know, what is Xianzun!?"

"That is a thought that can pinch your existence to death, so you are not afraid!?"

"Haha, princess, don't scare me either. Don't say I'm afraid of Immortal Venerable. If Immortal Venerable is really as powerful as you said, can I still enter this huge tower!?"

"If I didn't guess wrong, my father is probably too weak now, and he has no time to take care of him!?"

Ling Tianchang laughed.


Princess Jenny was speechless for a while, and secretly said in her heart, this **** human race is so meticulous.

There is no way, whether or not she succumbs to Ling Tian, ​​she has to go to the top of the tower.

As long as she met her father, then Ling Tian was so powerful, it shouldn't be a cause for concern.

"Then go, I'll take you up."

Having said that, Princess Jenny turned around and went straight to the top of the huge tower.

"Take care."

Ling Tian turned around and glanced at that Long Xi and the others, and followed that Jenny.

The top of the giant tower.

There is a palace named Tibetan Emperor.

Don't think about it, here is the hiding place of the ancient imperial artifacts.

Perhaps the Celestial Clan had never thought that someone could come to **** the imperial weapon, so the name of this palace did not shy away from it.

Before Ling Tian and Princess Jenny came to the main hall.

The surrounding guards have all been dismissed by the princess.

Along the way, unimpeded.

"That's it. Actually, you still have a chance to escape from Emperor Dragon City."

Jenny thought for a while and looked at Ling Tiandao.

"Haha, escape!? Will the princess let me go??"

Ling Tian asked back.

"Come on, turn on the prohibition, let's go in together, don't worry, how to say, you are also my concubine, I will not hurt you, but if you are not obedient, I promise you that you will die than life, how to choose, all Between your thoughts."

"Haha, concubine!?"

After hearing the word concubine, Jenny's face was full of shame and anger.

Indeed, she did not let the possibility of Ling Tian go.

Jenny turned around and took out a token, as if in the formation of the Tibetan Emperor Hall.

After three breaths, the temple door opened, and Ling Tian followed Jenny into it.

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