Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2540: Zhan Xianzun [four more]

However, after entering the Tibetan Emperor's Hall, Ling Tian's heart was stunned.

Because, inside this palace, it is extremely simple. Although it occupies a huge area and is full of square meters, you can see at a glance, the blood-colored long knife suspended in the center of the hall, above the altar below!

Emperor weapon!

The moment when he saw the long knife, Ling Tian's pupils shrank suddenly.

Unlike the imperial weapon ice-ling world sea stick that I have seen before, this imperial weapon long knife is much stronger in terms of breath!

Suspended there, like a sleeping ancient emperor!

In the Lost Sea before, that ice-ling world sea stick should be in a sealed state, and the soul of it was also entered by the divine beast of the emperor family. Therefore, in terms of breath, it is far inferior to the emperor weapon in front of me .

This blood-colored long knife is suspended on a huge altar. The entire hall is in the shape of a funnel. The altar is in the center of the hall. Around it, there are dense arrays of runes, and blood runs along the runes and blended into the altar. In the middle, on the altar, there is mysterious energy, which is connected to the imperial artifact. The heavens should rely on this energy to unseal this ancient imperial artifact.

Ling Tian raised his eyes and looked around the hall, his heart was even more frightened.

Because here are densely packed with dragon bones!

All the flesh and blood have been sucked up by the altar and used to unlock the imperial weapon!

Looking at the white bones in the temple, there have been countless ancient dragons who have died here for so many years!

All these are sins made by the heavenly clan.

Ling Tian took a deep breath, his eyes condensed, and he looked around the altar.

At this time, the twelve heavenly clan figures, sitting cross-legged around the altar, each closed their eyes and seals, each of which was immersed in the altar, looking like they were supplying energy for the altar.

And just below the imperial weapon, a cluster of light like the stars of the sun, suspended there.

With Ling Tian's eyesight now, he couldn't penetrate the light, and he could see exactly what it looked like inside.

However, the terrifying and tyrannical coercion had already told Ling Tian that this was the so-called Celestial Immortal Venerable!

From the perspective of breath, this Immortal Venerable's combat power is indeed higher than that of the Great Jin Kingdom Lord. I am afraid that the entire Human Race can be compared to this Celestial Clan powerhouse, that is, Immortal King Qin Mingyue.

Xianzun's combat power is as horrible!

By now, the fists in Ling Tian's sleeves began to clenched, he was indeed, not sure, took the imperial weapon from here, and even retreated.

Everything, you can only give it a try!

"Jenny, why did you come to the Tibetan Emperor Hall without my permission!?"

Suddenly, a voice rang in the light group.

Extremely majestic.

Jenny bowed, but didn't know how to start.

Could it be that father didn't notice that Ling Tian next to him was abnormal! ?

At this moment, Ling Tian was also muttering in her heart beside Jenny. It would be okay if the Immortal Venerable didn't speak, but as soon as she spoke, Ling Tian felt the hidden erysipelas aura in this strong aura!

Erysipelas, Ling Tian is the most sensitive.

But I didn't expect that the erysipelas in this Immortal Venerable's body was so powerful that it could be saturated with coercion.

In other words, the erysipelas has spread to the limbs of Xianzun, omnipresent.

Now, it has affected Xianzun's spirit and combat power!

This is undoubtedly excellent news for Ling Tian.

Therefore, Ling Tian looked at that Princess Jenny sneered, and slightly urged the sword shadow in her body.

Princess Jenny's eyes were full of killing intent, she glanced at Ling Tian, ​​but helplessly, she stepped forward and said: "Father, my daughter is here this time, she wants to dedicate her father, a treasure!"

This was given to her by Ling Tian on the road.

Ling Tian had already thought that if his identity was revealed, he would fight directly.

But if Xianzun did not find out, then continue to act according to the plan.

Jenny was controlled and could only obey Ling Tianyan.

Otherwise, even Xianzun would not be able to save her.

"Oh!!? What treasure!? Didn't you see, I and the twelve elders, there are still important things!?"

"Moreover, who is he!? The white-haired Celestial Clan, how dare to enter the Tibetan Emperor Hall!?"

Suddenly, Ling Tian felt a mighty force, pressing on his shoulders, under the pain, and even caused Ling Tian to plop directly and knelt to the ground.

However, Ling Tian gritted his teeth, but he was secretly happy.

Because, at this moment, the so-called Immortal Venerable in the light group is only suppressed by the power comparable to the Immortal Venerable, without the power of divine consciousness!

Perhaps, because of this, the Immortal Venerable didn't realize that he was a human race.

In other words, the divine consciousness that Xianzun can call now is not as good as Lingtian's body!

As for the elders of the Twelve Celestial Clan, they were even more immobile, as if they were sculptures.

Obviously, these people are already in the formation.

"Xianzun, I said Ronnie the Dragon Envoy, this time, I found a treasure from outside the city, and I want to dedicate it to Xianzun!"

Ling Tian Qiqiao bleeds, but still gritted his teeth.

"Hahahaha, you little Royal Dragon Messenger, you are a little bit courageous to speak in front of me!"

"But, if the treasure you said is not in my eyes, you will die today!"

That Xianzun smiled.

"Guaranteed that Xianzun is satisfied!"

Ling Tian arched his hand, and immediately after his palm, a blue round cauldron appeared in Ling Tian's hand.

"Xianzun, look, what kind of spirit treasure is this!? The small eyes are clumsy, I can't see it, but I still feel that this is something extraordinary!"

However, before Ling Tian finished speaking, a cry of exclamation sounded in the light group.

"Is this... it's a six-line divine cauldron!?"

The voice of Clan Immortal Venerable changed that day.

Even Jenny frowned. She had never seen her father so gloomy.

What is the Liuyao Shending! ?

However, Jenny can't be puzzled, a huge force is to take the cauldron in Ling Tian's hand.

Immediately, there was a wild laugh in the light group.

"Hahahaha, God really helped me Zhou Hua!"

"It really is a six-line divine cauldron! The thing of Emperor Qingxiao's concubine! When I unblock this emperor tool, and then take control of this divine tool, one day, I will become the supreme heavenly clan like Haotian!"

It seems that the Immortal Venerable has lost his reason, and the sound of wild laughter resounded through the entire hall.

However, Ling Tian suddenly sneered.

"Haha, Haotian!? Even you, Xianzun, dare to try to compete with Emperor Wu!!?"

Suddenly, within Ling Tian's body, the blood of Beaulieu suddenly boiled, the Beaulieu turned on, and Ling Tian slowly stood up under the force of that mighty force.

The fairy king's dragon wings bloomed, and the meteor sword in Ling Tian's hand was raised and pointed directly at the light ball above the altar.

"Senior Liu Yao, you can blow it up!"


Ling Tian's voice fell, and an explosion sounded through the entire hall.

A violent and hot flame burst into flames from the light group, following the frightened voice of the Immortal Venerable.

"Damn it, it's the sacred fire!"

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