Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2543: Xiaoqing's Domineering【Three Thousand Palms】

The top of the giant tower.

The Immortal Venerable looked at Ling Tian floating above the sky, his brows frowned.

"not dead!?"

Although the palm of his hand was far from the tyrannical he had in the period of victory, it was definitely not the existence of the top immortal king and could resist it.

What's more, this human race looks like nothing but the realm of the fairy king!

This made Zhou Huaxian Venerable feel ashamed.

"Haha, the supernatural powers of the Immortal Venerable are indeed tyrannical!"

In the sky, the fairy king dragon wing instigator behind Ling Tian.

At this moment, there was blood on the dragon's wings, and the dragon scales all over his body cracked, which was terrible.

Although he had just used three magical powers to resist the palm of this immortal venerable one after another, he was still injured.

And this is still in the case of Zhou Huaxianzun's battle strength without one!

One can imagine how terrifying this Immortal Venerable would be when he had a complete victory!

That kind of existence is definitely not something Ling Tian can contend with.

But fortunately, this palm only caused great damage to Ling Tian's physical body.

He can still fight!

"Haha, Immortal Venerable Zhou Hua, now you want to kill me, but it's still a long way away!"

"Can I still fight!?"

Ling Tian sneered, the blood of the beast dragon surged, and the cracked dragon scales began to regenerate.

Inside the body, the eternal Burning Heaven Jue was opened, and a steady stream of immortal essence surged from the sea of ​​qi to the limbs and corpses of Ling Tian.

On the Qihai Daoji, the phantom sitting cross-legged also opened his eyes and slowly stood up from the Daoji.

Behind Ling Tian, ​​the ancient will of the God of War to kill the sky manifested in the sky.

Under the blessing of this level of will, Ling Tian's aura skyrocketed again.

The meteor sword in his hand was clenched tightly, surrounded by a hundred thousand sword shadows, and an ancient cyan large cauldron also slowly rose from the top of Ling Tian's head.

That was the Qingxu Ding impressively.

Today, this tripod is a top-level Tongtian Lingbao!

In short, at this moment, facing the Celestial Clan Immortal Venerable in front of him, Ling Tian had already sacrificed almost all his hole cards!

"Hehehe, such a will makes me a little familiar, it seems that he was a terrific human race tens of thousands of years ago, but who, I can't remember it for a moment!"

"But, forget it, since you are serious, then I will play with you!"

"Let you know why my Celestial Clan is called the number one race in the fairy world!"

"In front of my Celestial Clan, if you wait and struggle again, it's just an ant!"

Xian Hua Xianzun sneered, but in his heart, he was surprised.

Because each of the trump cards that Ling Tian sacrificed was extraordinary.

Especially the will of the Immortal Venerable, he was very familiar with it, but he couldn't remember it anyway.

It seems that this human race is different this time.

But even so, no one can stop him from unblocking the imperial weapon.

No one can do it!

Zhou Huaxianzun flew directly from above the altar.

The yellow-golden hair was fluttering in the wind, and after a moment of divine light shrouded, the Immortal Venerable was put on a golden armor, carrying a holy sword in his hand, and pointed directly at Ling Tian.

"Come on, let me see, how long can you hold on!"


When the voice fell, the Immortal Venerable didn't hesitate, and the holy spear in his hand was suddenly cut down towards Ling Tian. ,

There is no magical aura, just the power of magical soldiers.

But wherever he went, the sky was torn apart and the aftermath of the waves caused the buildings in Emperor Dragon City to begin to crumble.

Xianzun's shot was simply ruining the world.


Ling Tian gave a cold snort, naturally there was no underestimation. Above the Meteorite Sword, the stars manifested, and the Thunder Dragon surrounded him, uttering a terrifying roar.

Ling Tian danced his sword, and greeted him daringly.

This Zhouhua Immortal Venerable was the first strong man he encountered in the Three Kingdoms after possessing the power of the top immortal king.

It's definitely worth his fight!

He also wanted to see how big the gap was between himself and Xianzun!


The holy sword and the meteor sword oppose each other.

In this instant, Ling Tian felt a terrifying force, rushing into his arm crazily along the Meteorite Sword.

Even Xiao Lei inside the sword body was roaring in pain.

Immortal Venerable is too strong, he now has only the power to parry!

With pain in both arms, the Meteorite Sword almost let go, and Ling Tian's body was shaken back by a thousand feet.

"Huh!? Your physical body really has some ways!"

However, Immortal Venerable Zhou Hua was surprised when he saw Ling Tian's body without breaking under a knife.

At this moment, he had to admit that Ling Tian's physical body was extremely tyrannical.

"However, the blood of the flat dragon is nothing but the blood of the flat dragon. Even the real ancient flat dragon is a dead end!"

"See how many shots you can take from me!"

Zhou Huaxianzun sneered, and the holy spear was cut down one after another.

He didn't want to give Ling Tian any chance to breathe.

Bang bang bang!

One after another, the holy light smashed the sky into a riddle of holes!

Although Xianzun's combat power no longer exists, his body skills are extremely fast, almost teleporting, and his thoughts follow him like a shadow.

Under the giant tower, the ancestors of the Bai family, who were fighting with the middle-level Celestial Clan, looked at Ling Tian who was constantly suppressed by the Immortal Venerable in the sky, and his heart became more gloomy.

The strength of the Immortal Venerable should have been unexpected by Ling Tian.

Now, Ling Tian didn't even have the power to fight back. The defeat was just a matter of time.


After dozens of shots, Ling Tian spewed out a mouthful of blood.

At this moment, the Dragon Wing of the Immortal King behind him had been completely cut down by Xian Zun with a holy sword.

None of the dragon scales all over his body was intact.

The arms are **** and bloody, the arm without the protection of the armbands is no longer flesh and blood, only the white bones are left!

However, even so, Ling Tian's one-arm protected by the unicorn armband still held the Meteorite Sword firmly.

"Hehe, don't you admit defeat!?"

Zhou Hua frowned. This human race had endured more than a dozen holy spear beheads for his life, and even the real human immortal had lost.

But this person's will is so tough!

"Haha, admit defeat!?"

"In my Lingtian world, I didn't give up on these two words!"

"Come again!"

Ling Tian raised the **** meteorite sword and pointed directly at Zhou Hua!

"Hehe, if that's the case, then I don't have the right to play with you anymore!"

"Let you see, the magical powers of my heavenly clan!"

Xian Hua Xianzun sneered, arms raised flat, the heavenly light wings behind him suddenly bloomed, and the heavenly divine light enveloped his body. Finally, this tyrannical and sacred energy was all poured into the holy sword in his hand.

"Godsend, the Holy Light Kills Extremely Slash!"

It seemed that it was a supernatural power. At this time, Zhou Hua's body was shrouded in divine light, like a big sun, floating above the Emperor Dragon City, and following his roar, the knife finally fell.

The shining light of the sword seemed to be able to tear everything apart and kill Xiang Lingtian.

With this knife, the world has changed.

It seems that there is no sound in the entire space.

The silence is terrible!

Even the air seemed to be still.

"I come!"

Qing Xuding yelled angrily, and the phantom of the cauldron rose to a huge height.


However, with a blast, the cauldron was slashed.

Qing Xu was in pain, and shouted: "Ling Tian be careful, this knife is enough to kill you!"

Even now Qing Xuding can't block this sword!

"Hehe, it's useless!"

‘With this cut, you will definitely die! "

Zhou Hua sneered, and immediately put away the holy sword, turned and walked towards the altar, preparing to continue to unseal the imperial weapon.

It seems that in his eyes, Ling Tian in the next moment will turn into an icy corpse.


There was a blast, followed by a loud bang as the blade light was cut down.

The impact storm swept the entire Emperor Dragon City.

Inside and outside the city, all the immortal kings who were fighting and fleeing looked at the sky above the sky with horror.

It's like a star burst.

The terrifying aftermath shocked thousands of miles around.

The defensive barriers above the Emperor Dragon City were all shattered by the shock at this moment.

If you do it again, the entire Emperor Dragon City will be buried with this person.


However, the storm hadn't stopped yet, and a soft cough sounded from within.

Ok! ?

Above the altar, Zhou Hua, who was about to continue casting spells, suddenly turned around, his face full of surprise.

Could it be that this person is still alive! ?

This is absolutely impossible!

Angrily, Zhou Hua waved his big hand and fanned the violent Xianyuan above the sky, only to find that there was an extra figure in front of Ling Tian, ​​I don't know when!

This figure is surrounded by heavy blue and black scale armor, which seems to be like a dragon, but it is more hideous and terrifying than the dragon.

However, the aura in his body gradually diffused, and it was definitely the aura that could only be possessed by the blood of a sacred animal.

After a while, the Immortal Venerable Zhou Hua, who had looked closely several times, suddenly took a breath, stepped back several steps, pointed at the black figure, and his voice was trembling.

"No, it's impossible, Jizo mount, listen carefully!?"

He couldn't help but be surprised.

Divine Beast Di Yin is the strongest divine beast under the **** of the underworld, and it is the mount of the underworld emperor in the legend.

After the death of the Great Emperor of the Underworld, he became a yellow spring.

And that mount has become the strongest existence that guards the hell.

Even Emperor Wu of the underworld, in front of it, could not withstand a single blow.

However, in the turmoil ten thousand years ago, **** suffered a great calamity. This truth listening and that Huangquan guarding the holy beast, Hell Yanyan, should have died!

There is no difference in the world. After the fall, even the reincarnation of Huangquan will not be able to enter!

But what is this guy in front of me! ?

"Hehe, it seems you know my details."

"However, this is inevitable, your path has come to an end."

"Go to hell!"

Xiao Qing, who was protecting Ling Tian behind her, hugged her shoulders and sneered. If Ling Tian hadn't insisted on holding on to the last moment, he would have come out for a fight long ago.

This Immortal Venerable is much stronger than the nine-headed dragon anaconda before.

"Die me!"

Xiaoqing roared, a black wing suddenly bloomed behind her, and she grabbed the Immortal Venerable.

Now, Xiaoqing has a combat power comparable to that of the Immortal Venerable, and although his current physical body has not fully awakened to Divine Bloodline, it is still far tougher than Ling Tian’s Fenglong. Therefore, he has no scruples when he makes a move. ,

His speed is extremely fast, even now Zhou Hua can't dodge, so he can only hard-connect!


Xian Hua Xianzun held the holy sword and slashed, but the blade's light shook on Xiaoqing's fist front, but it didn't shake anything.


However, Xiaoqing's punch engulfed Immortal Venerable, and a mouthful of golden blood spurted out of his mouth.

Zhou Hua was finally injured.

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