Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2544: Imperial Instruments

"Hehe, you hurt my brother, and I want you to return it all!"

But Xiao Qing didn't mean to let it go, cheating to catch up, clinging to a pair of fists and brute force, chasing Zhou Hua was a bombardment.

Zhou Hua's roar resounded across the sky, making the fairy kings of all races in the Emperor Dragon City below look dumbfounded.

They had never seen the Immortal Venerable who was beaten so violently.

It seems that it is even more miserable than the human race just now.

"Ha ha……"

In the sky, Ling Tian was faltering.

Now, he only has the will to support the flesh.

He lost this battle.

Unless the God of War's will to kill the sky is fully activated, and the sacrifice of Shouyuan also displays the pure sun finger, perhaps it will be able to fight Zhou Hua.

However, that was Ling Tian's final trump card. Without a last resort, Ling Tian would never let the God of War's will to kill the sky soar to the level of Zhun Emperor or even above.

In that way, it will definitely be noticed by the Celestial Clan.

Causes countless troubles.

Fortunately, before this trump card, Ling Tian and Xiaoqing.

Xiaoqing should be enough to deal with the Celestial Immortal Venerable who is not strong enough.


Zhou Hua was punched by Xiaoqing again, smashing into the sky.

At this time, Zhou Hua's golden armor was cracked, and the holy sword in his hand also flew out.

He was bloody, not much better than Ling Tian.

In thousands of years, Zhou Hua has never been so humiliated!

Today, this human race came with a deep listening, and wanted to cut off his path to imperial weapons.

How can he bear it! ?

"Damn it, hate it!"

The Xianzun who fell on the altar shouted, his blond hair was flying, and he was already furious!

"All of this is because you forced me!"

"Even if this ancient imperial weapon has not been completely unblocked, I don't care about it!"

"Today, you all must die!"

"It's not okay to listen to truth!"

Immortal Venerable Zhou Hua suddenly got a seal in his hand and took down the formation on the altar. After that, he stretched out his big hand to the imperial weapon suspended above his head and grabbed it in his hand!

The emperor is in hand!

This scene made Xiaoqing and Ling Tian in the distance frown!

It turns out that this imperial weapon can be used without completely unblocking it!


After holding the imperial weapon, Zhou Hua's azure blue eyes suddenly turned into a blood-red color similar to the imperial weapon.

From the imperial weapon, countless blood-colored tentacles stretched out and penetrated into Zhou Hua's arm, as if sucking his blood.

"No, he is tyrannically in charge of the imperial weapon, he should be able to exert some of the imperial weapon's might!"

In Taoyuan, Liu Yao frowned.

"Can Xiaoqing resist!?"

Ling Tian was shocked.

"If Xiaoqing regains some strength, it may be possible, but now, his bloodline has not fully awakened, and there is no possibility of resisting the imperial weapon!"

Liu Yao shook his head, making Ling Tian feel cold.

"Godsend, Holy Light Wuji Slash!"

"Listen to the truth, die for me!"

Zhou Hua's whole person seemed to be mad, and his golden hair turned blood red at this time. He lifted the imperial weapon and slashed down in anger. At this time, the entire Emperor Dragon City was torn into pieces. The two halves, countless immortal kings, died on the spot.

The sky suddenly became dark, and a light from the sky shone through the gaps in the space.

The space here has been torn apart by this imperial weapon!


Xiaoqing didn't have any fear, nor did he shy away.

His shoulders shook, and it was directly transformed into the size of a thousand feet.

This is his ontology!

Keep Ling Tian behind!


The imperial weapon was cut on Xiaoqing's back, covering the sky and sun, and the blue blood was like a spring flowing down the sky.

Ouch! !

Xiaoqing wailed in pain.

This knife actually injured him seriously,

If it wasn't a strong physical body, this imperial weapon would be enough to tear him in half.


After receiving the imperial weapon's cut, Xiao Qing once again transformed into a human form, but at this time Xiao Qing was already stale.

There is no power to fight again.

Emperor weapon, horrible!

"Ling, Ling Tian, ​​hurry up and run away!"

"Don't enter Taoyuan. If you can't escape his eyes, I can still block a shot. Go away!"

Xiao Qing's eyes were misty, but he still urged Ling Tian.

Now, he was seriously injured and could not protect Ling Tian.

The Immortal Venerable of this imperial weapon in his palm is too terrifying.

"No, you are my brother, I will never let you die!"

"We, try again!"

Ling Tian shook his head, blocking Xiao Qing in front of him.

Above the Qi Sea Dao foundation, the phantom shook his head, but still got up, Xianzun's will surged, and he was about to break through to the rank of Quasi-Emperor.

And Ling Tian also slowly raised his hand, a vortex formed on the sky, and Ling Tian's longevity strength began to condense.

He is ready to use the last hole cards, even if he reveals himself.

"Hehe, it's the brotherhood that makes me dare to move, but you all are going to die!"

"Under the imperial weapon, I, Zhou Hua, is invincible!"

Zhou Hua grinned, the imperial weapon in his hand was already raised again.

No one can stop him now!

Outside the Emperor Dragon City, the immortal kings of all races who had escaped stared at the cut imperial weapon, all sighed in despair.

Everything is in vain.

Their resistance is destined to be suppressed.

Celestial race, cannot be violated.

All struggles are all in vain.

Even if it were, the supernatural power that Human Race finally sacrificed was just as terrifying.

"Huh, Ling Tian is my brother, so you dare to move my brother with you, the little Celestial Clan Immortal Venerable!?"

However, at this moment, a voice that shook the world, accompanied by the sound of a trembling dragon chant, resounded throughout this world.

A group of immortal kings suddenly looked up, but they found that a sacred dragon race slowly descended from the cracks above the sky.

The sacred dragon race is full of thousands of feet, and the multicolored divine light shrouded all over the body is like a dragon veteran, and it's impossible!

"Five colors!!! This, is it impossible for the Tianlong clan!"

Suddenly, the Celestial Clan in Emperor Dragon City exclaimed.

Tianlong, that is even more terrifying than the five-color dragon!

In Longyu, it is also undisputed high-level!

And Ling Tian was shocked when he looked at the familiar breath of the Dragon Race.

"Long Xuan..."

The strongest dragon who came down was indeed his dead brother in the lower realm, the lord of the dragon, Long Xuan!

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